Naruto: Dream to Immortality

Chapter 95: Seals

"I see that the situation in this place isn't that simple… Can you tell me the situation of what is going on here."

The giant leech has a moment of silence and then it says.

"You are asking too many questions boy."

I just look at him… and I get a certain idea… with a smile and say…

"I just want to help you."

Then with a little anger on its deep voice the giant leech says.

"I can sense your chakra kid. Although it is good for your age… we have been living since the time of the sage of the six paths… you are too weak and inexperienced to help me. I have answered all of your questions now... let me return to my slumber human."

Then the giant leech turns around and it is about to go back down to the Blood Swamp… 

These old creatures think that just because of their age they have some kind of superiority against younger beings. Their pride won't allow other people to help them… well then… I guess only showing my POWER can change his mind… well I could probably coax him into it if I stay here for a week… but… that is just a waste of time… and I don't like wasting time and what is the use of power if you don't use it.

Then my face immediately goes cold and emotionless.

I start releasing dark chakra all around me forming a tornado of darkness with me in the middle of it. 

The leech senses this and turns around to look towards me...

Then with a nonchalant voice… I say to him.

"Anyone who uses their age to display some type of nonexistent power… is truly pathetic… if you are as old as you say and... this is all of the miniscule strength that you have. Then you should be ashamed to tell other people your age. All this shows is that  in the thousands of years of your life… you never really achieved anything significant."

As soon as it hears this the leech doesn't say anything but… it starts producing crazy amounts of negative emotions… Then…


On my shoulder blade appears a third mechanical arm… which I use to fuel my dark chakra reserve with the help of the zero tails sealed inside it.


I appear at the top of the leech and I punch down…


Then all of the leech parts are dispersed. As I am falling down I just extend some chakra strings from my back and go to a tree and stick to it sideways.

The punch definitely wasn't strong enough to blast him to smithereens like that… plus I can still sense his dark emotions… so that means that he is still alive… so this old guy truly had some tricks up his sleeve.

Then I sense malicious intent behind me…



I immediately dodge and appear behind my attacker. It was a miniature version of the leech. I just look at it… with my sharingan actively recording everything that just happened…. 

I just kick the leech and... its body pops like a balloon with blood flying everywhere…

Then all of the body parts and blood of the Giant Leech flows together like a tornado and… the leech is now fully formed back to his full size…

He is kind of weak but his regeneration ability… is quite good…

Then as soon as the giant leech was fully formed it was ready about to spit something at me.

I  immediately clasps my hands together, then five small yellow orbs with skinny tails emerge from between my clasped hands and move above my head before forming a circle of five. 

Then I raise my  clasped hands above my head, and I slam them downward, sending the orbs into the ground. 

<Five Iron Pillar>

As a bright light is generated in the sky above the leech, five tall and thick pillars, which are connected to each other by chains, pin the giant to the ground.


The leech is pinned to the ground and then it starts to disassemble it's body… I make another handsign.

<Six Rods Prison of Light Seal>

I summon six thin, wide beams of light that slam into the leeches midsection, holding him in place. Then it stopped moving at all as if paralysed. The leech becomes unable to move any part of their body including the parts that were not struck by the beams…

Dealing with a regenerative opponent is easy… you either obliterate them completely… which I won't do yet since I don't want to kill this leech… the other method is sealing… which I am quite proficient at… I am sure that I am the best seal master currently alive… even better than Kushina or any Uzumaki… I already know all of the Uzumaki seals and have even started creating my own usually to combine with Dark chakra… oh yeah… 

I look at the giant leech… 

I should try that new sealing technique… since the leech has such a strong regeneration even if anything goes wrong it probably won't die…

Then I point both of my hands towards the Giant leech…

<Nine Sunlight Traps Seal> 

I create eight black holes that emit dark chakra in the personal space surrounding the leach, with a ninth black hole manifesting in the center 

of the leeches body…


Woah… I can feel as if gravity is holding the leech in place… this is pretty good…

Anyway… then I get close to the leech and say to it with a cold voice.

"Ready to talk now."







(We see that the MC has progressed quite a bit. Now he has more fighting experience and his Fuinjutsu… he has started getting creative with it.)

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