Naruto: Dream to Immortality

Chapter 70: Just a Bad Day

〚Story by: ????????? // Edited by: ?????_???〛




If I travel underground with an earth Jutsu, I will be too slow to escape... I need to back get on the surface and then somehow run away from the Raikage... 


I make fifty clones and they know what to do.

It seems like I need to make sure my plan goes 100% accurately in order for me to survive... 




I wait for about 10 minutes...

When I go outside of the hiding spot, I immediately sense the Raikage come for me I just look towards a mountain nearby. 

My Sharingan starts to change shape.

<MS: Teleportation>

As soon as I see that my surroundings have changed I sense the Raikage hastily following me. 

Even with the extreme pain that comes with using the Mangekyou Sharingan... as soon as he is an arm's length away from me... I just mentally smirk...

All according to plan...


Silver Chains with fuinjutsu in them come out of the ground. I point my palm towards the Raikage and make it into a fist.

<Chain Jail: Cocoon> 

(A/N: The Chain Fuinjutsu that he found in the ruins of Uzushiogakure, the chains came from his clones.)

Chains start to trap him. A couple of them are broken, but with so many chains, no matter how strong the Raikage is, unless he is at Madara-level, he will be restrained. 

First, his right foot gets entangled in one chain and then the other chains swarm up both his legs like serpents. He's imprisoned now.

My clones are still channeling chakra through them, and yet it remains quite hard to hold him for long. Plus he saw my Sharingan already, so I've got to kill him...

The only Jutsu in my arsenal with even the slightest chance to injure the Raikage is my 'Wind Style Chakra Scapels', but that would mean that I would have to beat melee distance to the Raikage to even be able to connect with the Jutsu... And that would be a very bad decision that I am not dumb enough to take...

Besides, that would only deal some moderate cuts to the Raikage. It would take a lot more of those to cause him to bleed out... 

But I have a better idea...

I then perform two hand sings...

<Earth Style: Dark Swamp>

Quickly, the earth starts to suck in the cocoon of chains in the muddy, watery quicksand.

Well then, let's see how long it will take for him to suffocate underground...

As soon as I do that... I sense a dozen of chakra signatures enter my sensing range... 




One amongst the ninja I detect even has a strong signature, and I would guess that he might be an S-rank. All of the others are no slouches either with everyone being at least jonin level... 

My levels of chakra for the first time in a long time have started to feel extremely low... And that's taking into account the meager amount of chakra left in my seal... 

But I know that I can still take them on... I look at the ground under which the Raikage is suffocating to death...

I can sense that Monster thrashing against the chains that can hold down tailed beasts... and it seems like he is hitting their weak points. 

What a damn monster!! 50 of my clones using a tailed-beast-restriction type of sealing and he can still manage to move around... 

He can actually do a lot more than move, as I have a suspicion that he might break out of them before he suffocates...

Well damn... I guess I better take care of the jonin and S-rank before that happens or at least take care of the sensor... Otherwise, I will endlessly be pursued until I run out of stamina or I collapse from the lack of sleep... 

So killing the sensor is the safer choice...

Just as I am about to go towards them...


The earth behind me explodes...

I immediately turn around and see a familiar figure.



I see him coming towards me using my Sharingan, which then morphs into a shuriken shape... He has his ultimate technique pointed towards me... 

<Hell Stab: One Finger Spear>

I can see he is aiming for my head... He wants to finish me off, this bastard!

<MS: Teleportation>

I immediately appear below his outstretched arm. I look at his elbow and calculate something with the help of my Sharingan...


I slam a Rasengan into his elbow in an uppercut move.

His arm changes its trajectory... and just as it's about to hit his lighting scar in his chest... 

Suddenly, his hand stops midway and changes direction...

He's... Incredibly strong... WTF how did Naruto made this work?! F*cking plot armor...!

<Hell Stab: One Finger Spear>

And it comes back to hit my head...


As a last resort, I have to meet his technique head-on...

Launching a punch with my right hand... All the energy, chakra, stamina and whatever-the-f*ck-else left in every cell in my body, supercharging it into an attack 10x times stronger than one Tsunade-level punch...


The Raikage gets knocked back with immense speed and is sent flying, crashing into a tree... 

This might seem like I won the exchange but... 

I then look down...

At my right arm... Or rather... The shallow stump that is in its former place now... 



My arm was completely obliterated by the power bout... 




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