Naruto: Dream to Immortality

Chapter 56: You Have Been Played


As I go outside of the office I think back to the conversation... I feel .... NO I know I am not getting something that happened in that room... those answers.. those questions with the Nara... they were...


He played me... he got me...  

that ba*tard... ok I need to calm down first...

how would they think of me... obviously they wouldn't jump to the conclusion that I am a reincarnated person... they shouldn't have been able to see through my mask and seen my real personality... even if they did it doesn't matter they think it's just another Orochimaru... and that is not bad since he hasn't left Konoha yet that behaviour isn't considered 'bad' since it's only being used against the enemy.

Ok I get my mistake now... I wasn't able to understand the game the Nara was playing until it was to late... what I lack is wisdom that comes with experience.

That is true the most I manipulated in my last life was a teacher or a classmate.

People who I know their personalities are easier to manipulate and predict.

I was able to manipulate people because I knew so much about them from the anime.

Hokage and Danzo are dangerous because even if I might be able to manipulate them I am 50% sure they will notice my intentions after all they have experience in that...

Anyway now that the gig is up I need another 'personality' one which isn't that different from the last one... one where the Nara won't notice that what I am hiding is dangerous...

Hmmmm how about one where I don't blame anyone else except myself for the death of my teammates... but I need to make it seem natural...

I didn't notice that he was leading me on... I need to be more careful... after all I am more dangerous than Orochimaru...

I am not some sadistic guy who kills for sh*t and giggles... I am someone who is unpredictable to these people... after all I am acting based on my future knowledge...  


- 5 days later-

I am waiting for the others to arrive here. I have prepared a lot for this war... I even have like 1 year worth of food in a storage scroll... that is in case I am banished from Konoha and need to go in hiding, I will live for a year in a cave and train or something... though that is a very, very unlikely possibility.


- 5 Minutes later-

They have all arrived and we are waiting for the Nara to show up.

Then I sense the chakras of some ninja coming towards my direction. I sense 20 jounin, 26 chunin and 61 genin.

When Shikaramu arrives exactly on time we start the journey. Towards the Mist battlefield. The frontlines are in the land of Noodles or at the Beaches near it. The Mist ninja have an advantage because we are near a lot of water and most of them are either Kekkei Genkai users or have Water affinity.


- 3 Days later-

On the road we didn't meet any obstacles we only meet some Genin who had understood their position in the battlefield and they deserted we of course noticed them hiding and took care of them.

When we arrived at the camp a jounin came to greet us and ran some tests to see if we were the real ones and not some disguised enemy.

Then chunin and genin went to get familiar with the camp, while the Jounin which also included me went to meet with the leader in the meeting tent.

She then looks at me, smiles and says.

"So you are my second in command huh... you sure you are up for the challenge brat."

I just look at her and say amusingly.

"Why of course Tsunade...."

Then after some more chit chat between me and Tsunade we get to the main point and I start explaining the mission from the hokage and how we need to end this war quicker.

Then Tsunade started explaining that she would have  already ended it if they were in any other battlefield. The terrain gives them an unfair advantage.

Plus their camp is in an iceberg made by the Yuki clan of the Mist Village.

Our numbers are about the same as them... but we still have the absolute survival advantage with Tsunade here... and she has a high chance of single handedly with the help of Katsyu to kill a huge chunk of them them all in land... though it would take some time.

But those odds do a 180° turn if we are fighting on water... their advantage became able to keep Tsumade at bay and for her to not attack... but they also don't dare attack us on land recklessly or else they would be annihilated by Tsunade.

Then Tsunde says with a small smile.

"Well since you are here Yami or should I call you now Sky Slayer Yami or Yami of the Read Fang..."

I just say humorously.

"Well you could call my Honey or Darling if you want..."

The ninja look surprised at our humorous relationship... but they don't really make a big deal out of it after all it's just an 11 year old kid trying to be like an adult, like I was older... well Tsunde Senju doing something with her student is well... scandalous though that is highly improbable.

Anyway Tsunade just smiles and says...

"And you should call me mistress then..."

Ok this is just getting out of hand can't you see that there are people around us...  well it is entertaining and it is not my reputation who is going to get a big hit... so I just say with an embarrassed face.

"W -Well if you want that M -Mistress."

All of the people in the room are shocked... even Tsunade who is used to me acting like this didn't think I would really say it.... she rubs her eyes and says in a tired way.

*sigh* "You know kid you are really tiring and shameless..."

She then gets a serious face and says.

"Enogh joking around let's talk business... Now that we have two S rank ninja here we have a lot more options now... I have dicided that we will take the initiative and attack the Mist ninja first..."

She then takes out a map  and puts it in a big table, points at a point in the sea and explains.

"This is the location of the Mist camp in an iceberg made by the Yuki clan... but the location also changes because they move the iceberg... I will now listen to any ideas you have so we can make a plan that has the highest success."


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