Naruto: Dream to Immortality

Chapter 165: In just two more years…

Title: In just two more years…

As Guy was looking at the other Jonin, he had a serious expression on his face. Even though it doesn't exactly suit him… he can be serious when the situation demands it. 

As the Jonin that he has knocked out started falling towards the ground head first, even though he knows that the Jonin will die, Guy didn't do anything to help him. After all, he is an enemy, Yami had taught him many things. One of them is… to never show mercy to an enemy or they could easily kill you.

As the guy was falling, the other Jonin, just let go of the Chunin that he is holding, letting it fall down. Since he was already in the ground he uses chakra on his legs to reinforce his legs and…


He jumps up and catches the Jonin that was knocked out by Guy and was about to hit the ground head first. But at this moment… Guy decides to attack.

Since if he uses the gates anymore, he would most likely suffer muscle strain that would lower his immediate combat potential.

Suddenly he started spinning around in one leg. Until heat started coming out of his leg. 

<Devil's Leg: Diable Jambe>

When the Jonin sees this, he is midair and can't dodge, plus he has his comrade in one of his arms. But suddenly..


He hears the sound of paper being burned. Immediately his eyes widen as he looks at his fellow Jonin who is unconscious.

'Paper Bomb.' Is the last thing he thinks as he is enveloped by the explosion.


As the dust is about to clear out someone jumps out of the explosion. It was the Jonin… except he had half of his face burned off. And he smelled like burned flesh. His eye had melted into his socket.

Surprisingly he didn't have any other outward injuries.

But it wasn't for long, as Guy used his flaming kick to hit the Jonin's throat. Before he could scream, his own windpipe had melted and he choked on his own blood unable to breathe anymore.

This whole confrontation happened in seconds, not giving the chunin, nor Asuma and Kurenai any time to react. But when they saw this the Kumo Chunin were shocked, so Kurenai was the first to act as a melodic singing voice appeared and…


All of the Chunin fell to the ground, unable to resist the Genjutsu. Kurenai too fell on her knees due to her Yin chakra being depleted too quickly. 

Asuma just goes to tie up the Chunin, and Guy falls on his back breathing heavily. "That was so close, I am glad I listened to Yami -sensei when he always told us of his fighting style when he was a Genin... though I didn't expect it to be so effective... and unyouthful."

Kurenai just grabbed her head in pain, as she had a headache. Her Yin chakra had truly gone low. 

'As expected of one of Yami's Genjutsu, they have such a heavy drawback and can only be used as a trump card.' Thinks Kurenai, as her hands are surrounded in a green coloured chakra, she immediately started nursing her headache, and even turned off some pain receptors, as they need to quickly get out of here or more Kumo Jonin could come here.

"Kill them. We can't stay here anymore." Says Kurenai to Asuma, who without hesitation nods and slices the throats of all of the sleeping chunin. And due to the pain, they wake up from the Genjutsu and die choking on their blood.

Asuma then goes towards Guy and says. "Can you run by yourself."

Guy shakes his head. "Yes but I would slow you down. My body has some heavy muscle tears and burns on my right leg, where I used Diable Jambe."

Asuma just nods at this and picks Guy up piggyback style. And immediately they started running.


After some time they were thankfully able to run away far enough and meet another patrol team. Telling them of the possibility of more Jonin being around the area where they fought.

-Yami POV-

Even though I am currently in Konoha, I am using some of my mosquitoes to spy on my little students. Hmmm… they did pretty good, it seems like my lessons to them weren't in vain. Guy will most likely get a Bingo Book entry of his own once his deeds are made public. Also it seems like opening the fifth gate even for a couple of seconds it's still too much for his small body.

Hmmm… now I should just pull some strings and have him promoted to Jonin. After all, even though temporary, his abilities surpasses a Jonin's, plus with him using my tricks, he will most likely win against the average Jonin even without even opening any Gates.

Even though I am thinking about my students… my mind still goes back to the only weakness I have left… my brain. If it gets destroyed it's all game over, no matter how fast of a regeneration I have.

My hands subconsciously twitched, and my mind went to the thought of stealing the Forbidden Immortality Jutsu, and then I will use only half of the technique to immortalise my mind, just like Orochimaru did. So my brain will no longer be my weakness even when it is destroyed.

But… if I acted recklessly now. I would lose everything I have accomplished in Konoha. Plus I most likely won't be able to get another Forbidden Technique, after getting the first. How did Orochimaru get the technique without being noticed. 

Damn… DAMN IT…

Why does someone smarter than me exist. He should just die… but no… I can't get impatient. I am so close to my goal… I can almost feel it. 

Omnipotent… Omnipresent… the two words that are used to describe god. I.. I want that, I want to see how THE GOD looks at humans. I am curious how it feels to know everything and be all powerful and be able to do anything.

Sage of the Six paths, Otsutsuki, Kaguya, Indara, Asura, Madara, Hashirama, Jashin, Naruto, Sasuke and even the Shinigami… ALL of them will be my stepping stones.

Just need to wait… just two more years…

I will get what I want from this village. Soon… so soon… canon will come… in two years… the nine tails will attack Konoha and that is when… MY PLANS FOR GODHOOD WILL TRULY BEGIN.

A/N: We can see that Guy uses part of Yami's fighting style from when he was younger.


P.P.S: For the people wanting longer chapters... just wait okay... I am writing longer chapters now... from chapter 189 on Patreòn. ?

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