Naruto: Dream to Immortality

Chapter 158: The Funeral

Title: The Funeral

〚Story by ?????????  ║  Edited by ?????_???〛




After a couple of hours, the Hokage is just sitting down in his chair. He just finished his current paperwork, he can let go a little and relax. But even though he is relaxing, his mind can't rest. Thinking of different things, people, and the situation in the war front. 

Even though Konoha was somewhat holding up. It isn't really in a good situation, it is literally at war with all of the other Great Hidden Villages. The situation was obviously horrible. Although Hiruzen is glad that Konoha has been blessed with a strong generation of ninja... From Yami, Minato, and Fugaku to even others who would normally be considered geniuses but have been overshadowed by these three. 

While he was contemplating this, a hawk flew in from the window and landed on his desk. The Anbu that were around the room didn't react, since they knew that this was a messenger hawk. 

When it landed he immediately extended his hand forward and the hawk, which was of normal size. It opened its beak and a small scroll came out of it.

Hiruzen caught the scroll and read through it. As he kept reading, his face morphed into a frown and when he finished it… He had wide eyes on his face. 

'How could this happen…!' -Thought Hiruzen, shocked at the Hidden Mist's actions… But then became sad and terrified when he heard of Hachi's death... 

With a heavy face, he looked at one side of the office where one of the Anbu's is camouflaged. So with a weary voice, he told the Anbu. "Send a message to Tsunade Senju, who is currently in the frontlines against Hidden Sand. Inform her that her son… Hachi Senju... is dead..."

The Anbu silently nodded, it made himself seen and vanished again in a body flicker.

'Sh*t… Tsunade will definitely leave Konoha now… Also, Jiraiya is mentally unstable after the current news… I wanted to give him some time to blow off some steam... But it seems like we don't have that luxury anymore...'


During this time, Tsunade is currently healing an injured person who had his leg crushed by the 3rd Kazekage, Rasa. If it was anyone else, they would immediately designate that the victim's ninja career is over and he will never be able to walk again. But Tsunade is not your every other medical ninja. She is one of the best…

So she easily fixed the problem with only a two-hour surgery.

After that, she goes outside of the medical tent and goes towards her own tent. As she arrives there, she sees a hawk flying circles above her tent. Her eyes immediately narrowed, in suspicion that some enemy ninja might have copied the Konoha Communications… 

But after a couple of seconds, she went towards the hawk. When it saw her, the hawk flew in front of her and opened its mouth. Spitting out a small scroll. Tsunade caught the scroll and sensed that it had the Hokage's fuinjutsu seal and chakra, so after confirming that she opened the scroll… She had a casual look as she did so, she even had a bored look in her eyes... But... when she opened it… 

With a glimpse, she saw what it was…

'Hachi Senju is dead, the funeral will be held in two days...'

Immediately her eyes became hollow.

"W-what...?" -Asked Tsunade in confusion, not referring to anyone specifically. She dropped on her knees and crouched down… as tears came out of her eyes...

"T-this can't be happening...!" -Said Tsunade in denial. She couldn't accept a reality where everyone she ever loved has died. She didn't even give Hachi her grandfather's necklace.

"Why… just why…!!" -Asked Tsunade to no one in particular. Was she asking the gods? No, she didn't believe in any things like that… No ninja really believed in gods… After all… what type of god would allow the world to be so cruel?


On the other side, Yami was just lying down on the grass, reading a book with his Sharingan activated. It was actually a book with the research materials of a certain ninja. Of course, the ninja doesn't know that Yami has these. So Yami is just memorizing this before he put it back... 

Suddenly he senses as a hawk approaches him, he just looks upwards and as the hawk is about to land close to Yami… He immediately puts the bird under a Genjutsu. It's just a precaution…

He takes the letter the hawk spits out.

'This form of communication really is gross. I know that we don't exactly want anyone to get out hands in the messages, but there are definitely easier ways...' -Thinks Yami as he opens his letter…

'Hmmm… it's about Hachi's death… They are holding an official funeral? Isn't that only for accomplished ninja? Wasn't Hachi just a mere genin? That really seems like a waste of time. Is it worth even showing up...? But if I don't show up, Tsunade will just come and bother me while saying stuff like 'Why didn't you come to your son's funeral...' It really is unavoidable isn't it... *Sigh* Tsunade will leave after this, it seems like. Man talk about Hiruzen being a p*ssy… Can't that guy just grow a pair and tell Tsunade that if she leaves she will be branded as a missing-nin and hunted down like a dog...?' -Thought Yami, as he just threw the letter away. It burned into ashes mi-air. 

'I mean I would get it if this was a democracy. After all, you have to please the people if you want to stay in power. But this is more medieval, and people act like animals. So to me… if someone acts like an animal… they will be treated like an animal... But really though, the Hokage has so much power, but Hiruzen never uses it to its full potential… That for sure, is something that I am not going to do...' -Criticises Yami, as he can't help but understand why people don't really follow the Hokage. 

'It's simply because he doesn't really rule… He doesn't dominate. He doesn't show his power. Then he wonders why the Uchiha will revolt in the future… well… Obviously, Hiruzen gave them an opportunity and courage to challenge him. Why didn't they revolt when Tobirama was Hokage, even though he banished the Uchiha to the outskirts, and made them be guards by creating the Uchiha Police Force? Well, it's simple… The Uchiha knew they would all be MASSACRED if they did that...'


-Two Days Later-

It was a sad day, as the entire village came to mourn someone who was supposed to be their hope… Hachi Senju... Everyone thought that he had a bright future ahead, but sadly he couldn't realize his true potential...

Yami had to stop himself from yawning, as he saw Tsunade, Shizune, Misune (Yami's mother), Tsume, and some other people he recognized. Thankfully, Jiraya was not here since he had already been sent to fight against the Sand Ninja.

Hachi's coffin was covered in white flowers all around it with a photo of a smiling Hachi doing a peace sign.

'Couldn't they find a better picture? That looks ridiculous...' -Thinks Yami as he looks at the picture of his son. Even though on the outside he seems sad and is barely holding himself from crying, on the inside Yami's mind was like a gossiping housewife, nitpicking at useless stuff. 

'Black really suits Tsunade… Should I take advantage of her sadness and go another round with her? This time I would be careful so another Hachi isn't born...' -Contemplates Yami as he 'sadly' looks towards Tsunade. 

'Woah, is that Ino's mom.?' -Thinks Yami, immediately planning how to manipulate her. But when he saw the ring in her finger, he sighed sadly... 'Damn, she is already married... Guess I won't f*ck her since it would require too much effort...'

'I am exceptionally horny today...' -Mused Yami, as he looks for any pretty girl nearby who seems like she would be easy prey to get. Tsume already has a baby bump now, and he doesn't want to hurt his child in any way, so he is looking to have a one night stand… At his son's funeral...






*Author's Note*

Damn… he really is scummy… having thoughts like this at his son's funeral… but maybe there is more to that… after all, Hachi was still his son. So he is trying to keep his mind off of things like that.

P.S: Don't expect Yami to act any better just because his son died.

ANNOUNCEMENT: For every 1000 Power Stones in this story, this will get +1 extra chapter plus the daily chapter.


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