Naruto: Dream to Immortality

Chapter 145: Tied Mei, Confused Hachi

Title: Tied Mei, Confused Hachi

〚Story by ?????????  ║  Edited by ?????_???〛



Hachi looks at the tied up Mei when she just told him that Yami killed her father. He was a little surprised, but he could understand that Yami has already probably killed hundreds or maybe even thousands of ninja. 

He… isn't necessarily fond of Yami, but he cares about him. He is like a big brother who in his way tries to teach him life lessons.

But that still didn't stop him from sympathizing with Mei. At the oldest she should have been five years old at the time, when her father died, depending on the year he died.

His father also died, before he was even born, so he can understand, having no father growing up can be hard.

Mei noticed the pitying look Hachi had on his eyes. She frowned and said. "I don't need your sympathy little boy..."

Hachi's eye twitches a little when he was being called a little boy. But he still calmly answers. "Ohh... is that so... and how old are you... Little girl?"

Even while tied up and walking, Mei puffed her chest in pride and said. "Heh... I am nine years old."

"Well I am seven, so there isn't any big difference." Answered Hachi, as he calmed himself, not allowing Mei to get inside his head and get a rise out of him.




Then as they were walking slowly, night came and they set up camp. Kai, since he is a Jonin and part of the Inuzuka clan, he has certain privileges. He waves some hand signs and slams his palm on the ground. 


Smoke appears as a giant bat, as big as a horse carriage comes out of the smoke. The bat looked towards Kai and a smile appeared on the bat's face. Thought to the genins and Mei, the smile looked terrifying on the giant bat's face.

"Hey Kai how have you been?" Asks the bat in a strange, old raspy voice. 

Kai just shrugs. "I have been okay, thank you for asking."

The bat nods, that question had more layers to it than your average greeting. Since the bat is his bat summon, it knows about Kai's body condition. He doesn't have a lot of time left, plus he has been with Kai for many years now so they know each other pretty well.

Kai then gives the bat a message to give to the Konoha Camp Leader in the frontlines against the Hidden Mist Village, this Camp Leader is Orochimaru. 

They are notifying him that everything is okay and that they will be a little late. Plus the message was filled with dozens of secret messages that identified that it was him.




Then later as everyone was asleep, Hachi was the one on watch during that time. He was simply leaning on a tree. His eyes were closed since in the darkness they wouldn't be that useful. 

He concentrated on his sense of smell and hearing. He could smell different natural smells, no smells of humans around. His ear also slightly twitches now and then, listening to the small wires he had put around the camp perimeter. They would slightly shift if anything made contact with them. 

He was on full alert as he heard someone approach him. It wasn't anyone from outside the camp... it was from the inside. It was their prisoner Mei Terumi... She had a cold look in her face and simply said: 

"I think... No... I know... I really hate you Hachi..."

This coming out of nowhere from her surprised Hachi a little and he looked confused. 

"What is that supposed to mean…? I know that we are enemies so there is no need for you to tell me that you hate me. I know that you already do."

"Then how about this... I loathe you Hachi Senju!!" -Repeated Mei, she was still tied up and didn't dare try to escape since she knew that her life is only hanging by a string, but she truly got annoyed by how Hachi acted. 

"Why do you try to act so kind when you know what is going to happen to me...?!"

Hachi winced a little at this, he knows that she is probably going to get tortured for information. 

But what he didn't know was... that reality isn't that simple and nice. And Mei reminded him by saying with eyes full of despair. "I can't handle it anymore."

Then she took a deep breath and her eyes turned dull. She had forced her emotions to dull and not feel such despair. 

"I will be r*ped... that is what will happen to me. As soon as I am of age I will continuously be r*ped! I will continue bearing children until I die, for the Konoha clan that will be lucky to get me as their property... So stop acting like you are nice and all that...!"

When Hachi heard this... he felt as if his whole world started shaking, his pupils dilated, due to his young age he hadn't taken a possibility like this into account. His seven-year-old mind couldn't comprehend humanity's cruelty. 

He couldn't understand that even when humanity takes over the planet they have no one else to fight and no other species to dominate... they will start fighting amongst themselves. 

But Mei didn't let him even comprehend what she said as she dropped another bomb on him. 

"Judging by the actions so far, the Inuzuka Clan will get me. So who will have their way with me when I grow up.... will it be some unknown Inuzuka or maybe Yami Inuzuka himself will have his way with me. 

I heard that even when he was young he was always ruthless. Especially with the killing of the 3rd Raikage they call him Yami the Undying Ninja..."

Then she gets close to Hachi and while in shock he can't react as she whispers into his ear. "But behind closed doors, they call him a monster in human skin. Yami the Monster. The boogie man, that mothers scare their children to make them obey… but he exists and is quite real."

As she was about to continue saying more….


Suddenly something even more shocking happened as a hand came out of Hachi's stomach and grabbed Mei by the throat... Hachi immediately looked at the hand coming out of his stomach… The hand was completely covered in darkness and he instinctively went for an attack towards the hand. 

But... as soon as he was about to… the hand and the rest of something made out of the darkness came from Hachi's stomach and….


Hachi fell on the ground unconscious, there was no attack whatsoever, even his team was also unconscious as they didn't even wake up from the noise of Hachi's body hitting the ground.

The creature with a human form was completely covered in darkness and it just looked at Mei, who was terrified of the monster in front of her. She wanted to scream but couldn't, she wanted to say something but couldn't. Her throat was choked so hard, she could feel her neck was almost snapped like a twig.

But the person covered in darkness didn't seem to care while he simply said... 

"You shouldn't confuse little Hachi like this... He is so young... He isn't quite ready to handle the world yet... 

His mind is not mature enough to comprehend cruelty like this..."

Then she felt her vision go dark too, as she heard that being said by a surprisingly, young sounding voice.






*Author's Note*

Yes, the chapters before this when Yami's clone was there as Hachi got up from his 'nap' something happened… which Hachi doesn't remember...

P.S: The Power Stones reached 3000 when I was asleep. So that is why this was uploaded a little late.

ANNOUNCEMENT: For every 1000 Power Stones in this story, this will get +1 extra chapter that day.

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