Naruto: Dream to Immortality

Chapter 142: The Debrief: Yami’s Authority Challenged?

Title: The Debrief: Yami's Authority Challenged?

〚Story by ?????????  ║  Edited by ?????_???〛



"Good evening Konoha Jonin. Please, relax..." 

"We will talk about what happened and what comes next... But before addressing that... let us drink some tea..." -I said to them with a calm and serene voice, as if I already knew what would happen and how I would deal with it... 

THAT is what a true leader must be. He must be a good liar to his people. Some leaders even tend to lie to themselves as well… 

Not me though. Those who lie to themselves are only welcoming death… 

Anyway, I am simply asserting my dominance when doing something like pouring tea for myself. Because they know how confident I am that they won't rush the debrief... 

I feel even better than yesterday, as if I had woken up from the most refreshing and deep sleep… I can feel a monstrous chakra more dense than anything I had felt before… Right at the tip of every nerve in my body... 

All due to my discarding of my previous Jiongu Lightning Heart with a brand new one…

The 3rd Raikage's... 

I can feel that he truly wasn't your normal Kage... his chakra levels were monstrous. No wonder he tied with a tailed beast in a battle of endurance... No Raikage will ever be his equal…

After pouring myself some tea I go back to my seat and look at all of them in the eyes, one by one. They might be Jonin but my stare makes them a little nervous. After all, I did just take a point-blank Bijudama two hours ago and I am now comfortably drinking tea, without so much as a scratch on my face...

"I have the Raikage's body.... and have decided to sue for peace". -I told them about my decision.

"I would like to refute this, commander." -Said one of the Jonin, as he stood up to make his voice reach every corner of the tent. 

By his looks, I can easily tell he is an Uchiha, plus the Uchiha clan symbol in one of his sleeves is a clear giveaway... 

'Well then... time to make an example out of this little sh*t…'

I calmly looked at him.

"I am sorry, you must have misunderstood... I wasn't asking for your opinion... I was simply informing you of my decision." -I stated calmly, leaving no room for discussion.

The Uchiha seemed like he wanted to say something, but he saw the look on my eyes. He just sat down with an unsatisfied face, folding his arms to express his displeasure.

This is why no one likes the Uchiha...  They think that they are all some geniuses just because of their Sharingan, but they are simply some pampered little men who are too slow on the uptake...

I don't say anything and keep looking at the Uchiha. The others seem to get a little uncomfortable when they notice me staring at him intently...

"Uchiha, if you want to say something then say it. Don't be a little cat now. At least stand by your own words, do not simply return to your seat as if nothing came out of your mouth... Because something did come out... 

If you feel that you are in the right, then we can settle this in a swift duel…" -I stated as the Uchiha just sweated a little and reluctantly said: 

"N-No... everything is okay c-commander."

I just got up and walked around the table until I stood behind the Uchiha's seat. I then utter to him in a cold voice: 

"Listen now little man, dare to question me one more time, and I will have your head on a stake for insubordination… I'll even nail your head on it myself... 


I shouted the last part daring him to question my authority one more time. He just looked at me... at my cold back eyes... His bravado went away never to come back, and a look of fear appeared on his face. Not even a Sharingan could stare at my eyes if they belonged to a coward...

I could easily guess what he was thinking... He is most likely remembering what happened to Danzo and his clan... Almost drawn to extinction just because of one man's mistake... 

Trying to f*ck with me... 

He surely doesn't want to do the same...

"I SAID DO YOU UNDERSTAND ME??!! YOU LITTLE SH*T!!!" -I repeated the question loudly, as my eyes widened with a psychotic look appearing on my face… 

More than one Jonin recovered their posture in their seats... 

I don't want to be seen as a pushover like the 3rd Hokage, but fighting anymore would truly be useless to me. I already have a high reputation, I have the Raikage's body and the Hachibi's Chakra...

"Y-Yes Commander Yami...! This... will never happen again!" -Answered the Uchiha truthfully with his tail between his legs. 

Hmmm... I see... So even the Uchiha aren't dumb enough to cross me. Good... or I would be forced to eliminate their Clan... 

I would then have to keep Mikoto alive, and since I would have killed her Clan, she definitely wouldn't listen to me... So I would have my way with her until Sasuke was born... 


The reincarnation of one of Hagoromo's children of legend... Indra... He will prove an important tool for me in the future, I'm sure... 




-General POV-

While Yami was dominating the Jonin on his camp and showing the Uchiha who is the one in charge, something else was happening in Konohagakure.

In the Inuzuka training grounds, Shiro was just laying down, unlike his usual sinful, erratic, and chaotic behavior. He had one eye open as he looked at Hachi and his team training...

Even though Yami didn't say anything specifically, Shiro already knows who Hachi's father is... 

He couldn't help but judge these people in his mind: 'How do these dumb people not even understand the basic sh*t?  It's just a two plus two... I mean why would Yami even allow someone else in his house when he has those things right under...?'

Suddenly, Shiro scratched his ear as he saw Hachi doing some moves and training the Senju Taijutsu Style. 




-Shiro POV-

The style was modified a little by Yami to suit Hachi's more flexible joints. Hachi had a more thin-than-fat build... but even with all that I can't help but think if Hachi is adopted... 

I mean that kid is NOTHING like Yami. Yes, there are signs here and there but nothing that truly defines Yami... Like his Alpha and domineering attitude... If Yami walks in a room, everyone will HAVE to look at him, because his presence demands it.

Hachi is NOTHING like Yami, he can't even come close to Yami's greatness. NO ONE CAN COMPREHEND YAMI... no one can win against Yami...

Thinking about how his opponents try to outsmart him… 'You're not going to give him a chance to use his super strength? Not good. You've completely misunderstood Yami's power…' 

That's right, Yami isn't feared because he can use his super strength to punch mountains into dust... Yes, his strength is terrifying, but that alone would not have been enough to subdue those Konoha Clans and Land of Fire Nobles who would rather die than obey.

There was only one reason why those as powerful as the Uchiha, and even the Daimyo, do what Yami wants them to do, despite their motives:

Just because he's too powerful...

All of Yami's abilities are far beyond anyone else's... 'You're going to take precautions against his Jutsu and monstrous strength? Your plans aren't good enough.' 

'You're going to take precautions against everything else? Your plans STILL aren't good enough...'

Even if everyone that opposed him were to combine their minds, and take precautions against unfortunate events like the sky falling or the Earth splitting, it wouldn't matter. Yami's abilities would be far beyond any of their plans...

...Anyway, I wonder if I could somehow get me some sake... Yami has ordered everyone to NOT sell me any sake... 

Damn... I can even sense dozens of Yami's clones running around down by the sewers of the village… There's no escaping his eyes and ears...

Even while he is so far away, he still controls everything in Konoha... 

Well, guess I'll have to settle for that b*tch Chimei to come lick some yakisoba off my balls...






*Author's Note*

A little bit of a look into Shiro's head... he has been with Yami for a long time. So he can see the signs that Yami and Hachi have a connection. Also, his view of Yami is like that of a god, he sees Yami as this godly figure who can do no wrong move, and that Yami will never lose in anything.

P.S: Shiro has copies of the abilities of the zero tails, and his chakra amount is A rank and chakra regeneration is S rank because he can use negative emotions to regenerate chakra. His overall power would be around S but on the low side, nowhere near Raikage, Hiruzen, or even Sanin level. But yes, Shiro is strong, but currently not useful to Yami, since he can't keep up with Yami's fast growth in power.

P.P.S: Sorry for the late bonus chapter update, it was because I was asleep when the 2k power stones were reached.

ANNOUNCEMENT: For every 1000 Power Stones in this story, this will get +1 extra chapter that day.

Check Out My P.A.T.R.E.O.N

(23 chapters in adavance)


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