Naruto: Dream to Immortality

Chapter 130: Date With Mikoto

Title: Date With Mikoto


A couple hours after the conversation between Minato and Yami…

-Mikoto POV-

My name is Mikoto Uchiha, the Uchiha Clan Head's daughter… well technically I am… but father always told me that the true leader would be whomever I marry. 

I look at my best friend in front of me. She is Kushina and she keeps telling me. "C'mon now, you have to smile, if you don't your face looks emotionless and might scare him away."

I think back on how I got roped into this. Obviously tomorrow almost all of the Jounin will be deployed to the borders. Konoha's geographical position is in the middle of all the other Great Ninja Villages. So during times of peace it is a blessing, since we have trade routes and merchants take their carriages along the Land of Fire. So it generally brings more money in. But in the times of war… it is a curse… every war we have fought we have always been so close to the collapse of our village and foreign invasion that it isn't even funny. 

Oh I let my mind wonder again… I really need to concentrate… this is my first real date… I am 21 years old and this is my first real date… damn that sounds so lame, I am definitely not telling anyone that.

Kushina is gushing over me like always about my hair and that… but I just look at myself in the mirror and see…

I have tied my hair in a ponytail and… my face seems passive like always. Kushina calls it emotionless and scary, but what does she know? She probably has ramen juices running through her brains.

"C'mon now Mikoto… you need to smile and me more enthusiastic about this. Your date is Yami Inuzuka, one of the best bachelors in Konoha." Says Kushina trying to get me excited. I just turned and looked at her.

"Didn't you also have a crush on Yami Inuzuka when you were younger." I asked Kushina with a nonchalant voice. 

Immediately she got nervous and started stuttering. "W -What… of course n -not."

She is a terrible liar… how someone like her even qualifies as a Jonin still amazes me. I guess her strength qualifies but her personality definitely doesn't…


After some more of Kushina's unnecessary comments and useless advice. I finally was able to get out of her company and I used Body Flicker to arrive at the meeting place. 

It was a restaurant on the outskirts of the always expanding Inuzuka Clan compound. Kushina reassured me that Yami said that this restaurant is under his control and no one would even see us here. That is good since I still have an arranged marriage with Fugaku, and me seeing another mad would be seen as scandalous.

Plus an Uchiha marrying outside the clan is rare and since I am the Clan Head's daughter, that becomes impossible. After all, no matter how much my father praises Yami Inuzuka on his political exploits. I know that he wouldn't approve of me marrying anyone but our clan's rising star, Fugaku Uchiha, he is also known to our enemies as Wicked Eye Fugaku an S Rank ninja and he is still in his early twenties.

I took a deep breath and opened the door to the lavishly looking restaurant. Inside I surprisingly saw no one… this restaurant is quite popular. As I walked deeper inside I saw lavish paintings and decorations. Then as soon as I entered the restaurant area two waitresses came towards me. 

""Hello lady Mikoto, we have been expecting you. Follow us, we will show you to your pre arranged table."" They weirdly spoke in synchronisation. Then they led me towards a balcony with the view of the Inuzuka clan compound. There was only one table for two on the balcony and one of the seats was already occupied by my date…. Yami Inuzuka. He was looking towards his clan compound and had a soft smile on his face. My interactions with him up till this moment had been minimal, I mostly only saw him in the Clan Head meetings when my father decided to take me too.

I walked towards the table and sat down opposite of him. When he heard the sound of the chair being pulled back, Yami looked towards me. He had his soft smile on his face as he said. "A pleasure to meet you Mikoto. I hope you find my company fun."

I also smiled back and tried to make my dark pupiless eyes seem happier. Then I responded in the most cordial way that I coul. "I am glad to be of your acquaintance Yami Inuzuka."

When Yami heard this I noticed that his smile widened a little as his eyes shined in amusement. "So you must have the same problem right."

I looked at him strangely and decided to ask. "What do you mean by that."

"Hahahah." He bursted out laughing when he heard my question. Then he wiped out a small tear from his eyes. "Well I used to have the same problem, the eyes… that they show no emotion. Me and you have the same eyes. Though I must admit,  I am a little jealous of your eye's form and beauty."

That is when I noticed that he really did have the same eye colour as me. And if he didn't have that strange light of happiness in his eyes, they would look emotionless and empty… just like mine.


After a couple of hours it does get dark, but I still decided to stay with him. Talking about life and different things. We truly had a lot in common and at the end of it we even developed a Genjutsu together that allows the user to have a certain 'friendly' look in their eyes… for the first time since I could remember I laughed… truly laughed with someone… I must say that…. if only he was born as an Uchiha.

And as the curtain of darkness covered the stars, we drank expensive wine together. Not as the Inuzuka clan head and the daughter of the Uchiha clan head… but as Yami and Mikoto… friends or maybe more…

Then, when it got quite late and I knew  that my father would be worried if I stayed any longer, as I was about to get up. I felt a hand softly hold into my own. I look at Yami and see a look of uncertainty appear on his eyes as he says. "Stay with me Mikoto."


A/N: Do I even need to say what Yami is thinking...

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