Naruto: Dream to Immortality

Chapter 125: Orochimaru's Curiosity

Title: Orochimaru's Curiosity

-Orochimaru POV-

Yami… Yami... YAMI… that has been the thing in my mind during the last week. 


I look at the table and the human I was experimenting on… I accidentally squished it's heart too hard… he is dead...damn I really need to calm down. Anyway the thing the Yami said at the end brought chills to my body. I still can hear him say those words… ahhhh… he is so perfect… his way of thinking is so refined… I was only able to realise how Yami truly was by torturing some people he knew and getting what they remembered of him… I even read some memories from Yami's mother about when he was a kid… it was truly hard to get a Yamanaka to allow my mind access to Yami's mother's mind… even the Yamanaka who read her memories didn't notice it, but I did… as clear as day… Yami even as a toddler was abnormally smart… just like me… AHHHH YAMI… you are truly a magnificent specimen. Even though the Yamanaka cost me a lot... it was all worth it… it quenched my thirst for knowledge on Yami a bit… though trying to dodge his little mosquito spies is quite troublesome… some of them it's really hard to notice even for me. But it's nothing I can't overcome...


I have already got the first half of the Living Corpse Reincarnation… I am almost at the stage of fully immortalising my mind. I was only able to get this part because of my old (dead) friend Danzo. Even he wasn't able to get the second part, since it is in the Forbidden Scroll… the one in the Hokage's office is obviously a fake. But I do know the location of the real one… now if only I could steal it. I was going to ask Yami for his cooperation but he refused me so fast.

I am so close to the immortality that I have dreamed of for so long. Finally I will achieve immortality and then I can start working towards my dream of learning ALL of the Jutsu in the world. 

Anyway… Yami when he acted angry and cold when I said what I had observed from him. He was faking it but I didn't notice it at all until he just smiled a second later… with that he really told me that he can just fool me whenever he wants.

But who else should I investigate to be able to get a clearer picture of Yami…

While thinking this I decide to burn the body of the person I killed, since it might start to smell bad. 

Suddenly… I get an idea… a person who knows Yami since young and saw his personality develop even while he was younger. Who better to ask than my good old teammate…. Tsunade.


Finding Tsunade wasn't  that hard. Though it was a little surprising to see her… and her son. I heard that she had returned to the leaf months ago, but I didn't really care since I had research to do… but I found Tsunade and… her son (whatever his name) eating at an expensive sushi restaurant. 

While still in my Jounin uniform, I made sure that I had no blood on my clothes, because of the recent experiment. Plus I heard some rumours from my spy network that Tsunade is now afraid of blood… how silly that is… she used to splatter on the ground, from ninja families, from children, to elderly, to mothers and fathers. She would splatter their organs around with only one punch… and now she is afraid of blood…

Anyway, after I enter the restaurant and see Tsunade wearing her gray upper body kimono shirt with blue pants and a thin coat around her soldiers with the kanji for healer on the back of the coat.

I get close to their table, which is in a pretty secluded corner of the restaurant, with a view of Konoha. When he arrives at the table, he sees Tsunade who just looks at him and says. "Hey Orochi… long time no see."

I just smirk at her casual greeting. "Yes, long time no see Tsunade… now you even have a child. Who would have guessed… Tsunade would become a mother."

Tsunade just shrugs and says to her son. "C'mon now Hachi… introduce yourself to Orochimaru, he is an old teammate of mine… he is like... a weird uncle to you… I wouldn't recommend following him in a dark alley or eating the candy he gives to you."

I just look at Tsunade, with a strange look on my face. "Tsunade… I think you are not giving young Hachi any truthful information about me."

Tsunade seemed to think a little more, and again she turned to her son. "Oh yeah… actually it's not just the candy that he gives to you that you shouldn't eat… you really shouldn't consume anything Orochi gives to you."

I just shake my head at this… it is ridiculous… and the poor child seems confused what Tsunade even means by what she said.

My face becomes serious as I ask Tsunade. "Tsunade… lately there has been a certain… individual of interest to me."

Tsunade just has a confused look on her face. Then she looks at her child and says. "Go back to the house Hachi."

The kid nodded and started walking away as he said. "It was nice to meet you, uncle Orochi."

I just smile at him and wave back. The little kid has had a good influence on Tsunade. It got her out of a phase where even I was unsure she would get out of. 

Then Tsunade takes a roll of sushi with her chopsticks and eats it, and with her mouth full she asks. "So whomever is that person that you want to know about."

Talking with her mouth full… that is as unladylike as you can go… but if I said that to her she would definitely punch me. I have known Tsunade for a long time, ever since back in the academy… and by the look in her eyes she already knows what I am going to ask about. 

As I was deep in thought a waitress came and with a very obviously fake smile asked. "What can I get you sir."

"Some fried eggs and possibly make them as hot as you can when bringing them here." I answered, eggs are my favourite food and I generally like hot food. The waitress nodded and went away.

I smirk towards Tsunade. "I am sure you know that we are talking about Yami."

"*sigh*... Well as my teammate I can still only say to you… he is dangerous." Says Tsunade while pointing towards the waitress that just took my order.

I looked at the waitress and noticed… nothing strange about her. Her chakra reserves are even lower than your average civilian and there are no mosquitoes. I look at Tsunade with a little confusion evident in my eyes.

Then she makes a handsign that represents… 'SPY'

What…. OH SH*T…. I have been concentrating on the mosquitoes and forgot that he might actually have real human spies on this…. Damn… I got sidetracked.

Even while thinking that I still have a calm look on my face. Well… now that I know that Yami is still spying on us… I can't really say anything. 

Tsunade still looked at me intently and said. "I live with Yami Inuzuka in his house together with my son… so don't mess around… he will not play around with you… with the war on the horizon he will definitely go for the kill and make it seem like it was done by enemies. I would suggest you also stop investigating him. Or you will be killed…"

When I see Tsunade's look in her eyes. I just nodded to express my understanding of the situation. She simply just told me that Yami will not be as soft as some other people. He will kill me whenever and wherever, he could strike while I am sleeping, eating, drinking or even while I am in the bathroom. Yami will immediately go for the kill… so that means that even I underestimated him a little and thought that he wouldn't do that. Also her saying that she lived with it meant that she would take Yami's side if a conflict took place.

Damn... I mean Yami took out Danzo because he got in his way… but I am not doing any of that… I just want to understand him. 

With that being said, even during the rest of the meal I was restless...with what Tsunade had just said. We made some small talk during the meal but I wasn't really even concentrated on it.


-Yami POV-

While sitting on my couch inside my house. I look at the small contraption on my hands… a rubix cube… easy and cheap to make. Now I just need to open a company where the labour is cheap for maximum profits… hmmm… Land of Wind would be good. The people in the desert don't exactly have a rich economy… but Sand Village is a big problem. They would definitely sabotage my company if it's in their lands… so I need to find another place…

Oh I know… how about Land of Sand… that place is west of the Land of Wind and it is a generally unknown place, which is often overlooked and is not really in that many maps. It's decided then… I will open a company there for different small and easy to make things… maybe since the land is so poor, the officials should also be very corrupt. How do I use that… maybe bribe them to have some people who might be in labor camps to come and work there for me… that would definitely cut some expenses down… and more money for me. Hmmmm…. I guess a shadow clone could go there and put some of their high officials under a genjutsu… that would put wage expenditure… to zero… not paying people for their work… ok then that is the plan…


A/N: So Yami is not going to pay his workers... is that really a surprise though... the guy really is greedy... he doesn't even need that much money anymore. That is Capitalism as it's best...????

P.S: Orochimaru has been warned by Tsunade... let's see where this goes...

P.P.S: I also wanted to express Orochimaru as a human... after all he isn't some type of god who learns and knows everything about Yami... he is just smart... like really... really smart...

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