Naruto: Dream to Immortality

Chapter 120: 'Talking'

[1512 Words without AN]

[BEFORE THE DISCORD CHAPTER, THERE WAS A NEW CHAPTER. I JUST DELETED AN OLD ANNOUNCEMENT WHEN I PUT THE DISCORD CHAPTER HERE. Some were confused by that and thought that there were no new chapters yesterday.]

Title: 'Talking'

-General POV-

Tsunade just looked at Yami as he entered the hot springs. She could see his body rippling with compact muscles, trained to 100%... she hadn't even thought that it was possible but he has achieved the perfect muscle & fat ratio. Also with her experience in medical ninjutsu, the way his muscles twitched when Yami moved she noticed the overwhelming amount of pink muscles. 

'His medical knowledge and medical ninjutsu  has already surpassed mine.' Thought Tsunade with a feeling of shock blooming inside of her. 

After all, she has spent countless time and had the Senju library together with notes from her grandfather and grandmother, for Yami to surpass all of them at only the age of eighteen, that shocked Tsunade to the core. 

Yami just looked at her with a nonchalant look on his face. He just relaxed in the hot spring. "You know Tsunade… I always liked to keep things in control, I don't like not knowing things. I thought that you knew how to use a contraceptive jutsu or something like that."

Tsunade had already prepared for questions like this from Yami… though she didn't expect him to be so calm about this. He is talking about this complicated situation as if he is talking about the weather, Yami even has the audacity to look bored while asking these things.

Yami just looks at Tsunade with his nonchalant face, awaiting her answer.

Tsunade also just stared back at Yami thinking about the messed up situation that they are in right now. She even felt a certain nervousness raised inside of her as she just looked at those cold eyes of his, and finally she got the courage to answer him. "I didn't want to kill a baby, no matter how you put it this would be like taking a baby's existence from them, who am I to decide that. Also the Senju clan needs an heir anyway… so I kept him."

Yami for the first time since this meeting started just smiled at Tsunade. "Truly a good story… but you can tell me the truth now."

Tsunade felt shocked when she saw how Yami saw through her lie immediately. 

'Is he just guessing.' Thought Tsunade, while trying to keep herself from giving any information to Yami from her body language. 

Her body didn't give out anything so she tried to keep to her story. "I don't know what you are getting at Yami. But that is the truth, if you decide to believe it or not is up to you."

The amused smirk on Yami's face unnerved Tsunade to no end. 

"I suppose it is only to be expected. You have my pity." Said Yami with the smirk still on his face. While coal black eyes looked at Tsunade. 

She felt as if he already knew everything just by looking at her with his dark eyes as Yami continued saying. "Do you know what classifies as 'truth' or 'lies'."

Tsunade just frowned at this. 

"Where are you trying to go with this Yami." Said Tsunade with an impatient tone in her voice.

"Just humor me… will you Tsunade. What does 'truth' and 'lies' mean to you?"  Asked Yami in a mysterious tone, that creeped out Tsunade to no end. Even though she felt a little fear from Yami's words she didn't display it on the outside. 

"They mean what they are supposed to mean." Answered Tsunade with a casual voice that she was faking.

Yami still kept smiling at her. "There is no such thing as 'truth' or 'lies' in this world… there never has been. There are only plain, hard facts."

"And?" Said Tsunade as her mask started to slowly crack a little and the fear started appearing on her face. 

"And yet, all beings who exist in this world take only those 'facts' that are convenient to them, and take them to be the 'truth'. They do so because they know no other way to live. However, for those powerless beings that make up the majority of this world it is those 'facts' that are inconvenient for their own self-affirmation that make up the real 'truth'." Said Yami with an amusing toned voice and then suddenly his face turned back to his cold look. "That is why when you say to me your reason, you say that it is the truth, even you yourself might believe this but now… tell me the facts and how it is."

Tsunade has to physically try to stop her body from shaking in fear as she understands that Yami has already seen through her facade. 

Even while Tsunade was  having this state of panic Yami simply said. "You can start talking now."

Tsunade had to forcefully calm herself down. This was an unpredictable situation to her. Yami was too knowledgeable about the situation. 

'He most likely knows what happened already and what my thought process was back then, when I noticed that I was pregnant. I was not even thinking of my clan or even Yami… I was thinking that it was my love given form… a physical representation of my love for Dan… but instead it was a child born of sin. Hachi Inuzuka… is truly the son of Yami Inuzuka. At first I didn't want to believe it but the blood tests that I did and everything else points towards Yami.' Thinks Tsunade, while diving into her memories.

She just looks at Yami while saying. "Hachi might have been a mistake but… he is still my son and I plan to raise him like it."

"Well… I can't say you have been doing a good job at it can I… with your drinking and whoring yourself around." Said Yami with a mocking tone in his voice.

But as soon as he says this Tsunade gets angry and rushes towards him, her towel falls off, and she is running naked, towards Yami. She punched him in the face. "You think of me as some cheap whore you fu*king bastard."


But to her surprise her fist with all of her power behind, is blocked by Yami's palm. Then she uses her other hand and…


Her punch this time, landed on his chin…


… and Yami's body was sent flying high in the air. Tsunade jumps high and appears above Yami. Then she clasped her hands together and… hit Yami on his stomach as he was sent barreling into the ground.


Yami landed on an empty building in the Senju Clan compound, obliterating the building and creating a crater where the building used to be.

Then Tsunade landed on the ground and started walking towards Yami. Ready to plummet him some more, she is sure that he can handle a little bit more, if he can't she will just heal him and plummet him all over again.

"You shouldn't forget who taught you all of your tricks Yami." Said Tsunade with an angry tone. 

Then as she got close to the crater she saw Yami sprawled in there looking at the sky, it seemed like he had no injury on his body and no bleeding, that surprised Tsunade. Yami just looked at her.

"Weak." Was all Tsunade heard before.


The next thing she felt was something piercing her chest… she turned to look behind her and saw a naked Yami just smiling at her. 

"Weaker than expected." Said Yami as he ripped out his arm that was going through Tsunade's chest. Tsunade's body fell to the ground like a puppet with its strings cut off.

She immediately activated the seal in her forehead that covered her body in Fuinjutsu lines that started healing her injuries. Though this would take quite a while to heal since Yami deliberately obliterated a part of her spine to temporarily paralyze her.

"Now that we can talk normally again, I will start first by saying… you are and will be a horrible mother. Hachi will never achieve his full potential with you raising him. But don't worry, I am not like some other men who want a descendant to for their legacy to live on or some dumb sh*t like that. You can keep what happened between us hidden forever, it will be our little secret. Hachi can learn of it when the time is appropriate, but he will train with me and I will teach him how he should act and all that. You can continue your drinking and alcoholism. Don't worry though you can still meet Hachi whenever you want, but if you go to meet him you will need to be 100% sober. After all, my son doesn't need vices like drinking or gambling." Said Yami, as he started walking away. He used a storage seal to bring out a blanket that covered Tsunade's chest and lower body while she healed.

He also pulled out some clothes for himself, put them on and he started walking away. But as Yami was still in hearing range he heard Tsunade, as she with some difficulty said….

A/N: Wow… Yami really is an advocate for gender equality. ???

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