Naruto: Dream to Immortality

Chapter 112: When aiming for me… better pray that you don't miss.

Title: When aiming for me… better pray that you don't miss.

After Asuma and Kurenai's shock at Guy's weirdness Yami with a smile just says. "Well then let's sit down and get to know each other."

When they heard this they all sat down. With Asuma in the middle with Kurenai to his right and Guy to his left. Then Yami continues. "Well as I said let's get to know each other. So let's start with saying our name, hobbies, likes, what you don't like and what are your dreams for the future. I will first show you how it is done. My name is Yami Inuzuka, my hobbies are making tea, reading books and learning new techniques. I like to use the techniques that I learn in original and cool ways. I also like my family and ninken Shiro. I don't like boring and dangerous things. My dream for the future is to become Hokage."

When they heard the last part they were all surprised, even Guy was surprised he didn't know that his sensei wanted to become Hokage. But it wasn't strange since he believed that his sensei could also become Hokage. Kurenai and Asuma were surprised too since becoming Hokage means that their sensei would be the future village leader… and they would be just like the Sanin.

Then next was Guy who said. "My name is Might Guy, my hobbies are repeated side-steps, and hitting focus mitts. I like super-spicy curry rice and curry udon, though I find it impossible to dislike food. I don't particularly dislike anything and my dream for the future is to show the world that I can be a great ninja with just Taijutsu and I also want to be the strongest Taijutsu users."

Then Kurenai and Asuma tell their own hobbies, things they like and dislike. When it came to their dreams Kurenai just blushed, looked at Yami and just said that she wanted to become a great ninja. Asuma was the same, he just looked at Kurenai, blushed and said that he also wanted to be a great ninja.

Though when they finished and looked at Yami they saw him frown and they became a little nervous… unsure of what they had done wrong. Yami just looked at them as his face relaxed and went back to being expressionless and now his smile was gone as he said. "Guy as expected you want to prove something to the world. I always knew that… and now you also want to become the strongest Taijutsu Master, that is an amazing dream as expected of my protege."

Guy was at first a little worried but when he heard the praises coming from Yami he couldn't help as some tears started flowing down from his eyes. He had spent his whole life trying to prove that he could be a great ninja and Yami saying with such certainty that Guy was his protege made him very happy… he can't wait to go home and tell his father the good news.

Then Yami looked towards Kurenai and Asuma with a neutral look on his eyes. "I don't mean to be hard on you, or anything like that. But your dreams of becoming only good shinobi… if they are so small I am not sure I can even teach you two. To me talent isn't really the thing I am looking for in my students. What I am looking for is ambition. Guy has a great ambition and as his teacher I will give it my all to help him accomplish that dream of his.  I also fully believe in Guy's ability and hard work that he will be able to accomplish his dream.

But if you guys don't have the ambition I am not sure you will reach far… a good ninja could be said to be your every day Jounin. I don't plan to put any effort into someone who will be able to achieve only that. I plan to make Legends not just some Jounin."

When Kurenai and Asuma hear this they both freeze, shocked hearing their hero that they admired say that. Then Yami continues. "I will see you in training ground number seven. In there, I will see if you  are really ready to become Genin."


And in a black flash Yami disappeared from where he was sitting. Kurenai and Asuma were shocked and a little down. Guy was happy but when he saw his new (possible) teammates faces he tried to reassure them that Yami didn't really mean it like that.


During the same time in the Hokage's Tower where the Hokage resides. Hiruzen is sitting in his room reading some recent reports. He didn't like at all what he was reading. Some reports about some unrest along the borders. He can't help but be afraid of the worst possible scenario… of the 3rd ninja war starting. In the previous war many nations were left unsatisfied since there wasn't  any clear winner and the animosity amongst them was running at a peak high. Skirmishes had already started amongst the border… it seems like it will be inevitable… another Ninja War…

At this time his office door opened and two elders came in, they were Koharu and Homura. Two of his three advisers… Danzo has recently been missing all of these meetings… due to some… personal problems.

The first to say anything is Homura. He immediately just got to the point. "I think we should cut all ties with Danzo."

As soon as he said that Koharu also supported Homura. "I agree… with the small rumours that have started spreading around… it wouldn't be wise to associate ourselves with Danzo anymore."

As soon as Hiruzen heard this he immediately ordered the anbu to leave. As they did so he still just looked at them and said. "What types of rumours."

Koharu just sat down and with a calmer voice she said. "You would have an easier time explaining what type of bad rumours haven't been circulating about Danzo. From kidnapping to working against the interests of Konoha and anything in between."

Hiruzen knew that by saying 'working against the interests of Konoha' she meant betrayal. He knew that Danzo would rather slit his own throat than betray Konoha. But the general population didn't see it like that. 

Then even though Hiruzen was pretty sure he knew the answer he still asked. "And who has been spreading these rumours."

Homura just answers with a slight fear in his voice. "Who do you think…"

Koharu answered by saying. "Yami Inuzuka obviously. It seems like Danzo bit more than he could chew… you better not make the same mistake Hiruzen. Yami Inuzuka… even though he is young he is very dangerous both power wise and politically."

As soon as Koharu said that. Homura as  if remembering something said. "By the way I am afraid that I will have to be the bearer of more bad news."

Homura took out a letter with the Daimyo's seal and read the letter out loud. "By the order of the Daimyo and the Ruling Council it has been decided that due to careless use of power, tax evasion, suspected kidnapping, suspected trafficking, suspected grave robbery, suspected collision with the forces who do not have the best interests of the Land of Fire. Danzo Shimura is therefore released of his duties as an elder and is not allowed to have any say in the Land of Fire's or its territories. He is also to be kept under supervision nonstop during an investigation on his suspected crimes. And the investigator of the alleged committed crimes will be…"

Homura stopped for a second to make sure that he was reading it right. "The investigator of the alleged committed crimes will be… Yami Inuzuka."

As soon as they all heard they understood what was really going on here.





A/N: Yami is the investigator in this case. It's like saying, the robery will be investigated by the one who was robed... so he will definitely find the rober guilty. Yami aslo doesn't necessarily even need proof since the mideval system is VERY flawed.

P.S: This also fans the conspiracy that Yami has a connection with the Daimyo.

P.P.S: I moved back to my apartment (which is close to my college) two days ago and even took my little brother with me since he wanted to come... now mom told me that she is coming for a visit... SH*T... I have to clean all of the mess I have in my room and everything... DAMN IT... FU*KING SH*T...

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