Naruto: Dream to Immortality

Chapter 109: Love?!?!...

[1384 words without AN]

Title: Love?!?!...

-Hane POV- (Continuation)

During the 7th day of our journey towards our destination we haven't reached any city yet. So we stopped by a small lake to let the horses rest. We all set up tents… well more like Yami and his weird student set up our tents since none of us knows how… 

Then after that we all ate, and when dawn came we went to sleep. The road had been long and tiresome so we all needed our rest.


When I woke up in the morning I saw that it was quite early… I put on my clothes and went outside, then I decided to go towards the lake and just walk around.

Then as I was walking towards the lake I could feel the chill of the cold morning air… and when I arrived at the lake… I saw Yami… sitting on the grass all alone… 

When I saw his figure just sitting there alone with an expressionless look on his face… I don't know why but… I just couldn't help but pity him… something about him just sitting at the side of the lake and throwing rocks in it… not even trying to skip them…

Even though his face showed nothing… he had that hidden sadness on his pupiless dark eyes… it was as if he was looking for something he can't grasp. As if… he will forever be alone… a sense of true pity for him rose in my chest.

I instinctively wondered if I could do something about the loneliness that he is experiencing. That is when I decided to take action.

I just walked normally. I could hear the animal sounds coming from the forest. Then as I got close to Yami he just turned around he just smiled at me and then I felt that his whole vibe changed. Like he was just… simply happy. I even wondered if that lonely figure of Yami was a fragment of my own imagination. 

When I sit down on the grass right next to him. I can see the fog come out of his mouth as he says with a jovial tone. "Goodmorning  Hane… I see that you are up early."

When I see how jovial he is I just smile back. "Hey Yami… watcha doing."

I wonder if I was just seeing things and thought he looked sad. 

He just looked at me and said. "Nothing really. I am just bored."

Then as I sat next to him as I jokingly said. "Well sorry for not being interesting."

When I said that in a joking manner he just sighed and gently replied to me. "Don't worry… I know being born boring wasn't your fault."

I pout and slightly punch his shoulder. "Hey don't say that about a lady like me."

He just smirked. "Oh my lady… where is your dress and your butler who is secretly in love with you. And where is the guy whom, you will have to forcibly marry and have a horrible life with."

I just look at him grimly, pushing down the 

hard truth that the joke had hidden behind its funny tone.

"Your sense of humour is like your name… very Dark." 

He just laughs a little at the pun and says. "And your jokes suck like a lady at a brothel."

I just look at him confused by what he said. 

"What is that supposed to mean." I asked Yami out of curiosity, after all he is generally pretty knowledgeable and he is very blunt in explaining things.

He just looked at me surprised when I said that. Then he answers with a weird look on his face. "Right you really are a lady."

What is up with that look on his face as if he really is shocked by something. "What is up with that look on your face. As if you are mocking me."

He just smirks in an evil way.  "Well my joke was an innuendo at how a wh*re in a brothel sucks a customers di*k to pleasure him, then she could also..." 

Wait what… do they really do that… that sounds kind of gross… that is where they pee from… wow I think I am about to throw up. 

But Yami still continues the explanation. 

"So my joke was supposed to convey some reason for you to be shocked an-" 

I stopped him from continuing anymore by just covering his mouth with both of my hands and said to him with a blush on my face. "Ok ok I get it you don't need to explain anymore."

As I am about to sigh of relief I feel two arms come around my neck… and they drag me down… on the ground… on top of Yami. I can see his face, jawline and  dark eyes that when I look deep into them from this distance I can feel certain chills come all over me.

My father told me to make him fall for me… I don't care about that… but he will fall for me anyway. Because I want him to, he is gentle, loving and wouldn't hurt a fly. I know that if he wasn't born a ninja he would be a kind man, the type of man I wouldn't mind falling in love with...

So I lean in and kiss Yami softly on the lips. 

-Yami POV-

I just look at Hane… her face gets closer to me and I can already guess where this is going.

She just kissed me softly on the lips. When she separates her soft  kiss she just looks at me with a blush… she is embarrassed.

Then she just whispered in a small voice. "I will be honest with you Yami… my father told me-"

I just zone out whatever she tells me. I have been with her for more that a week… I am a control freak. I literally spy on whatever she is doing 24/7… I already know about the situation. 

After she finished her whole speech then she started crying while saying. "I really do love you Yami Inuzuka."

Thank god she finally got to her point I was about to fall asleep. I already know that too.  I am not some anime protagonist who can't notice other people's feelings. I haven't had to seduce a girl in almost two decades. In my first life I was pretty good at seducing (lying to) girls but I thought that I had lost my touch since I couldn't seduce Tsunade…. But I still got it… also this was mostly to get rid of the boredom of the twelve day journey. I must say it was quite entertaining and made this journey less boring, maybe she might even be useful to me later down the road, though I doubt that possibility, she is just a boring girl without that much ambition, and her only above average looks don't do her any favours either.

Anyway better start acting now.

I make a face that has a complicated look on. Then I force blood to rush to my cheeks to make them blush.

Then with a slightly (fake) unsure voice I say. "I have never had a girlfriend, or done anything  so… so I don't know how to deal with this."

Aaannnddd like expected she blushed a craze amount, ok this just got boring, she is like the easy level girl in a dating game. She is boring and mostly used to get players used to the controls and finish the tutorial.

Also my rule with girls worked wonders in this situation. My rule is that, one has to always make the girls think I was pure mindless, nice and a vergin. The last thing is especially important to convey how important this relationship is to you and that you are a keeper. In my last life I made the mistake of being known as a guy who sleeps with a lot of women. So sometimes I had to go to great lengths to meet strangers that don't know about my… secret hobby. 

Then Hane just blushes and says. "I want to be your first and I want you to be my first."

I just smile and say. "Of course... Hane."







(And now we are back at this scumbag MC POV… we see his thought process again. From the girls perspective she thought that even though Yami seemed a little mysterious and like he had secrets it also added to his charm. That was his little game all along. In a way she was another test subject of the MC…)

P.S: I am trying to write longer chapters now.

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