Naruto cross pupil

Chapter 48 Chunin Exam (8)

Huoyue returned to his yard, and he really didn't want to seal the curse seal, because he decided to use the curse seal as an opportunity to affect the Nine-Tails Chakra, and he would never use Nine-Tails Chakra under normal conditions.This body possessed the Chakra of the Nine-Tails when it was completed, coupled with the gene of the little fox, now he can be said to be completely a humanoid tailed beast. Lose yourself in your human nature.

Sasuke Uchiha stared at the ceiling with blank eyes. He recalled the events in the death forest in detail. He felt that he was powerless and failed to protect his companions. It was others who protected him all the time, and it was Naruto Uzumaki whom he despised from the bottom of his heart. people.Agree, sometimes it is not his person, but his spirit. Uchiha Sasuke agrees with Uzumaki Naruto and his spirit of never giving up.But he doesn't agree with Uzumaki Naruto's talent, but today it is Uzumaki Naruto who protects him again and again.

"Can you seal the nine tails in your body into mine?" Sasuke Uchiha looked at Huoyue eagerly and said. "Why, you are already very good and capable, why do you want the power of Nine Tails?" Huoyue asked puzzled. "Because I lack power, I need that power to prove myself." Sasuke Uchiha said with some paranoia.

"Lack of strength to prove yourself? You are the strongest genius in all the same class, you have unrivaled Sharingan, what strength do you still lack?" Huoyue asked.

"But I don't have Naruto's powerful power. Why should he stand with me, why should I need his protection, why should I see his back? It's because he has the power of Kyuubi, but I don't have it. We The same effort, obviously my ability surpassed his, but because of the power of Kyuubi, let him leave me behind." Sasuke Uchiha said angrily.

"Oh, I see." Huo Yue said very flatly. "You are willing to give me Kyuubi." Sasuke Uchiha asked. "You stabilize your emotions first, I can give it to you, but not now. Baiyue hasn't come back, I have no choice but to transfer the power of Nine Tails to you and seal it in your body." Huoyue said. "Why?" Uchiha Sasuke said in a depressed mood.

"No reason, because the human body will die if you lose the tail beast in your body. If you want the power of the nine tails, I can do it for you, but I can't do it if Bai Yue doesn't come back." Huo Yue said. "Oh, that's fine." Uchiha Sasuke sat there quietly.

************************************************** ************************
The moon and stars are scarce, and the night is alluring.Huoyue sat on the roof and looked up at the sky, sighing secretly: "Where are you, Baiyue, do you look up at the moon like me at this time. I am really surprised that Sasuke wanted me to have the power of Kyuubi today. In the original book, Sasuke's life None of them wanted the power of the tailed beast. I didn't expect Sasuke to want the power of the nine tails today.

Is it because our arrival has changed too much, or he originally wanted the power of the tailed beast in his heart, but in the original book he didn't have anyone who could understand him, or someone he could fully believe in.Things are now going from bad to worse.If things go on like this, there may be complete deviations. By then, we will be separated from the original work and lose our grasp of things. Will we be played miserably, or will we play this world miserably? "

In the land of the ice field, Bai Yue is also looking up at the starry sky at this time, lamenting her life: "Huo Yue, where is the progress now, are those little guys okay? My situation is very bad now, and it is difficult to pass through the blockage of acupuncture points and meridians. The practice method in the world of Ninja is solved.

I am an iceman now, and my body is constantly absorbing the power of ice, but they erode my whole body like a tailed beast chakra. I am really worried that I will become a humanoid tailed beast, and it is a one-off kind.When the power of ice in my body is released again, my whole body may be full of ice poison, and only the power of ice can save me, but every time I save it is a greater injury, I really want to drink a dove to quench my thirst. "

Today's contest field is full of chaos, just because the Chunin qualifiers are about to be held here.

"Ahem!" The Third Hokage cleared his throat and said, "The third exam will be held next. Before explaining it, I want to tell you one thing clearly, which is the real purpose of this exam. Why did the Allies How about holding an exam together? The friendship between the allies, mutual improvement, I hope you don’t misunderstand its true meaning. This exam is just..."

The third generation paused, took a puff of tobacco, and continued: "It is the epitome of the war between the allies. If you look at the history, you will understand that the current allies were neighboring countries that continued to fight each other in the past. This battle site was chosen because of the strength and avoidance of mutual damage, this is the original beginning and purpose of the Chunin selection exam."

"Why is this so?" Uzumaki Naruto asked inexplicably, "Isn't it just an exam for the selection of Chunin?"

Three generations of Hokage said: "Indeed, this is also for the selection of ninjas with Chunin strength, but on the other hand, it is also a battleground for ninjas who bear the prestige of the country to go all out. We will invite us to work on this third exam. The daimyos and famous figures from various countries come, and the daimyos and ninja leaders who master each ninja village will watch your battle. If the gap in national power is obvious, then the strong country will get more entrustments. If it is recognized as a weak country, entrust It will also be reduced, and at the same time give neighboring countries the threat of 'we have such a strong strength', which means that it can achieve the effect of diplomatic pressure."

"Even so, why did we fight with our lives!"

Three generations succinctly said: "The strength of the country is the strength of the ninja village, the strength of the ninja village is the strength of the ninja, and the strength of the ninja can only be born in a desperate battle. This test is to show the strength of the ninja in the country and make the opponent The opportunity to understand is meaningful precisely because it is a life-threatening exam. It is precisely because of this that the ancestors took the exam with the dream of 'this is worth striving for'."

"But why is there such a thing as 'friendly'?"

"So, as I said before, don't misunderstand its true meaning." The third Hokage said: "The habit of maintaining balance by killing is the so-called friendship in the ninja world, and you risk your life for your dreams and the prestige of Ninja Village. battle." After a pause, Sandai said: "Then, although I want to start the third exam now, but..." Before Sandai finished speaking, a ninja had already sprinted in front of Sandai, who was the third Moonlight Galewind, one of the examiners of the exam.

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