Naruto: Chronicles of A Fire Ninja

Chapter 68: Journey (part1)

"I was able to injure the enemy, but he summoned a defense-type creature, which looked like an armadillo. Because of that, I couldn't finish him off. After that red smoke, he escaped. I think his name was Kazuki," Kaida said.


"Even fighting a Jonin-level ninja and surviving is a great feat for a Genin. You even made him summon his partner—good job," Yukihiro praised.


"Sensei, during the fight, I realized how important having a summon is. When will we be able to get one?" Kaida asked, his eyes shining with curiosity.


"Kaida, I understand you're fascinated by the idea of having a powerful partner. But first, you need to make a contract with the animal, and for that, you have to go to the dimension where they reside. On the surface, it doesn't seem too problematic, but from experience, I can tell you that not all animals are friendly. Once you enter that dimension, you may have to fight countless animals with various abilities. And since you'll be alone in that dimension, no one will be there to help you. That's why, even though the chakra requirement for making the initial contract isn't high, it's recommended to attempt it only when you're strong enough to be considered a Jonin."


"Sensei, since I was able to hold my own against a Jonin, can I try to make a summoning contract?" Kaida asked, his voice full of expectation.


"You can try, but I recommend mastering all the abilities your Sharingan offers first. Even though you can now see and notice minor movements of the enemy, as well as chakra movements, you're still not using the Sharingan for what it's most famous for," Yukihiro explained.


"Genjutsu," Kaida said thoughtfully.


"Yes. Once you learn some powerful genjutsu, your chances of getting a good summon will increase. You can choose genjutsu as the field you want to specialize in when Lord Third asks about it. I'm sure with your Sharingan and excellent chakra control, you'll become a force to be reckoned with," Yukihiro encouraged.


"But, Sensei, I'm considering choosing something else as my specialization," Kaida said.


"Well, it's your decision. If you already have something in mind, go with that. But you still need to learn genjutsu. Having such potential and not exploring it would be a crime against yourself."


"Yes, Sensei."


"Now, guys, get ready. We still have a mission to complete. We'll resume our journey in half an hour, so take some rest." After saying that, Yukihiro leaned against a tree to rest.


Ryota and Kiba also found a corner to rest. Even though they had eaten a soldier pill, which prevented physical exhaustion, they were mentally drained. Fighting against stronger opponents, outnumbered, and trying to save their lives and their friends'—if that isn't mentally exhausting, you're just not human.


When Yomi and Kaida were alone, Kaida asked, "Are you truly alright? Are you sure you're not hurt? Are you exhausted?"


"Shhh, Kaida, I'm fine. Calm down. Let's rest a bit. I have a feeling we won't have time to rest properly until we reach the Land of Noodles," Yomi said, reassuring him.


After that, both of them leaned against a tree to rest. Since they had all taken a soldier pill, none of them could sleep, so they meditated lightly, trying to alleviate their mental exhaustion as much as possible.


Meanwhile, another discussion was going on in the carriage...


"Renji, I've always told you that in this world, strength reigns supreme. No matter your position in the village, if you keep disrespecting ninjas, one day you'll die without knowing who killed you," Hiroto warned.


"Just wait and see, Hiroto. I'll prove to you that I'm much more powerful than some lousy brat. Once we successfully complete the deal with the Land of Noodles, our value will increase tremendously. Then I'll complain about them to Lord Third and make sure they get the punishment they deserve," Renji said, his voice filled with spite.


"Well, we'll see when the time comes. For now, let's focus on the deal we have to complete," Hiroto said, knowing full well that he couldn't change Renji's mind, no matter what.


'The only good thing is that Renji is truly afraid for his life now, so at least he won't do anything more stupid. But now that our village is facing a shortage of ninjas, I'm not sure Renji will even be able to make them get any punishment,' Hiroto thought.


For most of the ride, Hiroto stayed inside the carriage, checking all the documents and reviewing the plans for the deal. Hiroto was the one Hokage had trusted to make a deal with the Land of Noodles, as Renji had gotten his position through connections and money. And since the village was in dire need of funds, Hiruzen had to turn a blind eye to this. But one thing was certain: once the village's condition stabilized, Renji was going to face some "unfortunate accident."


After half an hour, the four of them gathered.


"Kaida, you will carry Hiroto-sama on your back, and I will carry the other one, for your information, Hiroto-sama's life is our top priority. He's not like the one we dealt with before, so don't worry about facing a similar situation. I don't think Renji will behave like that again, at least until we get back to Konoha," Yukihiro instructed.




(A.N.: Thanks for reading ^~^)

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