Naruto: Chronicles of A Fire Ninja

Chapter 32: Manipulation and ICHA ICHA NOVEL



"Very good, the details you just gave us. Tell us about all of your chakra natures. Since both of you have such a great combination of chakra attributes, as you may know, in the 3rd part of your academy training, you were going to learn elemental jutsu. 

But since you have already graduated, I will arrange a teacher for both of you so that you will be trained in your elements. We are having a shortage of ninjas and will continue to have one for some time. 

And since I am thinking of getting you the best instructors, you have to prove that you guys are worthy of learning from them. Otherwise, if they want, they can decline to teach you guys. Any questions?"

"Yes, Lord Hokage, when will our new sensei start teaching us, and will we get the same sensei or different ones?" Kaida asked.

"First of all, from now on, you guys will call me Grandpa. As for your question:

They will both come back to the village after one month, and you two will be taught by different sensei. Kaida, you will be taught by Yukihiro Senju; he shares two of your attributes, fire and wind, and he is also very skilled at kenjutsu.

As for Yomi, your teacher will be Daichi Tanabe. She has a lightning chakra attribute too, though it is not her major attribute, but still, she should be more than enough to teach you for now."

Kaida quickly understood that Hiruzen was trying to play the same trick he used on Naruto, which made him loyal to Konoha even after all that bullying. But still, Kaida did not have any problem with this.

It was clear in his mind that he would remain in Konoha as long as he and Yomi were safe and didn't sacrifice themselves for the village. Screw that—their lives are more important. So as soon as Konoha asks for anything remotely similar to this, he will take Yomi and go look for somewhere else to live. Making a living is not that difficult if you are a decent ninja. Though Konoha will be on their tail from then on, it is still much better than dying.

Yomi was sad that they would be taught by different teachers but decided to bear it and go with it.

Seeing that they didn't have any more doubts, Hiruzen said, "Very well, you can go back. When your sensei comes back, I will call you guys."

Both of them bowed and left, leaving a smiling old man behind.

After reaching home, they decided to rest for one day. The previous week had been mentally taxing for them, and they spent the whole day just roaming here and there or sleeping and lazing around.

In the evening, they went back to their house. Kaida decided to meditate and relax his brain, but the same couldn't be said for Yomi.


During one of their library visits, one of Yomi's clones was looking for something interesting to read, as reading tactics and politics books all the time was boring.

While searching, she came across a novel—*Icha Icha* by Jiraiya. She at first thought it was a biography of one of the three legendary Sannin, but as she started reading it, a new world slowly opened up for Yomi. The more she read, the more her face resembled a well-ripened tomato.

Her clone dispersed itself and didn't decide to share this knowledge with Kaida, as she wasn't even sure what she would say. When Yomi got the memory of her clone, her mind was sullied for good, but she still decided to keep quiet about this. If she went around telling Kaida about such things, he would think of her as some pervert.

But still, her feelings toward Kaida changed, or you could say matured, from that day.

However, it wasn't only Yomi who read those novels; Kaida himself read that novel too, and he also decided to keep quiet about it for the same reason.

Since he was just a sick 13-year-old boy in his previous life, he didn't know anything about erotic things either, so these novels also opened a new horizon for him. Even the porn videos didn't have such details like this novel.

But knowing that they were just 7 years old, he decided to keep things to himself for at least 10 more years.

He was thinking from Earth's standards, as in the ninja world, kids mature quickly. Just like in the wild, a cub doesn't take as much time as humans to mature since life is not safe for a small child in the wild.

Similarly, ninja children don't have the luxury of taking their sweet time. Their bodies mature in 12-13 years, but their minds mature earlier, as killing and doing complicated missions is the norm for a ninja.

Due to early chakra activation, their bodies were already getting closer to their perfect condition day by day, and their daily exercise helped the cause. Even now, they had the bodies of some 14-15 year teenagers from Kaida's previous world.

The next day, they woke up and went to their training area, where Kaida said something before they started their training:

"Yomi, as Grandpa said, our new sensei may reject us if we are not up to their expectations, so let's step up our training a little so they will not have any reason to reject us."

Yomi, being the cute little follower, just agreed with Kaida. From then on, their training schedule intensified. In the morning, they trained for 4 hours, doing all the physical exercises many times until their bodies couldn't move anymore, then took some rest and started once again. While they were doing this, they would create shadow clones who would duel each other in normal taijutsu and shuriken-throwing format.

After that, they would go eat breakfast, which could be compared to a sumo wrestler's dinner. Due to physical and chakra exertion, they had to eat a lot more. They would then go to the library to learn new things and stay there until 8 PM, eating nutrient bars in between for lunch.

At night, they practiced chakra control exercises.

This was their schedule for one month, with just one break in between, where they just rested as they were too tired to go on an outing.

After a month, Hiruzen called them, and to say he was shocked to see them would be an understatement.


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