Chapter 26: CHAPTER 26

Nagato was too lost in thought. He didn't even realize that the first elimination round had ended.


Nagato only regained consciousness when the shock wave from a large explosion occurred because Midoriya and Todoroki's attacks collided with each other.


Nagato unconsciously used shinra tensei to resist the explosive power that was crashing towards him. Pushing the explosive power back into the field. The stands around Nagato were completely unaffected thanks to what he did. Some spectators looked puzzled that the incident hadn't happened to them.



Although Cementos had blocked most of the explosive power. But there was still a residual wave that crashed into the spectators. Some stands were even knocked off their feet by the blast.


"Good reflexes, Nagato-kun." Nezu said from the side.


"Ah, um, thank you." Though Nagato wasn't really paying attention to the surroundings. He did this by chance because of his danger instinct as well as his reflexes.


Nagato noticed Midoriya had stepped out of line and hit the wall behind him. Creating a human-shaped crack. While Todoroki was still standing inside the line as he managed to survive using the ice behind him as a barrier.


For a moment the entire stadium was silent. Then Nagato heard a man cheering on Todoroki.


Nagato turned his gaze away. There he saw Endeavor cheering for his son. And the cheers of the crowd followed the man's cheers.


The entire stadium was now abuzz with loud, thunderous cheers.


But amidst this goosebump-inducing sound, Nagato saw Todoroki who was still silent. The man was staring at his left hand. Nagato certainly knew about the problem haunting the man's mind. Perhaps now Todoroki was questioning himself, why was he even able to use his left side.


Midoriya was immediately taken for treatment and Todoroki exited the field expressionlessly.


"This is the first time you've shown your quirk in person, Nagato-kun." Nezu said calmly. "Is that what shinra tensei is?"


Nagato didn't answer the question. He was just focused on the match.


The match resumed after the arena was repaired by Cementos. Match after match Nagato watched quietly without the slightest comment. Even Nezu's chirps Nagato regarded as wind.


In the end the final match. Bakugo against Todoroki. The storyline is still the same, Bakugo provokes Todoroki to use his left side.


Even though Todoroki was almost affected, he still didn't want to use his left.


Only with his right part Todoroki made a large ice glacier with the intention of pushing Bakugo out of line.


Bakugo, enraged that his provocation didn't work, charged forward and exploded every layer of ice like crazy. Todoroki also continued to cover every hole Bakugo made with a new layer of ice.


Events like that repeated over and over again until it took time. Nagato sighed.


Bakugo only wanted the maximum fight because of his nature. While Todoroki was too skeptical of his left side. So basically the two people were like spinning in a circle.


Bakugo would continue to pursue Todoroki and Todoroki himself would never follow Bakugo's wishes because of his ego.


Nagato glanced at the timer that was running during the match. The time used in the final match was now longer than the original timeline.


This match would only be won by the one with the best endurance. Now the endurance of those two people will be the decider. Nagato thought to himself.


Time is still passing. Only Present Mic's commentary was still faithfully following the match even Aizawa-sensei also occasionally chimed in. All the spectators were silent as they watched the match. They obviously had the same thoughts as Nagato.


"Time is still running!. Both of them are still strong!. Who is the one who will come out the winner?!...."


Nagato looked using rinegan for further vision. Both men were clearly tired, they were panting. But Bakugo had dueled Nagato many times, supposedly the man's vitality would be more durable.


Todoroki's right side was already emitting cold steam. It was clear the man was almost at his limit. While Bakugo would start wincing after letting out an explosion. It looked like the man was also close to reaching his limit.


Bakugo once again exploded the ice covering him and ran straight towards Todoroki while launching an explosion. Todoroki wanted to erect a barrier but Bakugo's pace was too fast. In the instant they were face to face, for a moment Todoroki's left side gave off sparks. Bakugo, who noticed this, smiled happily. But the fire was then extinguished, clearly Todoroki had deliberately restrained his desire to use his left side.




Todoroki was exposed to the blast with no barrier at all. His body slammed into the ice behind him, shattering into unconsciousness.


"You! What are you doing? You were supposed to use your left side, weren't you?!!!. Why did you stop it? Answer me bitch!. Do you consider me a coward?!!!." Bakugo walked up to Todoroki and grabbed him by the collar while continuing to curse. Todoroki, who had fainted, could only stand still as his body was about to be dragged away by Bakugo.


"Bakugo Katsuki!, Stop it! Todoroki can't continue the match anymore!." Midnight immediately used her quirk to calm Bakugo down.


After Bakugo fell asleep, Midnight immediately declared Bakugo the winner.


"This year's 1st grade sports festival champion!!. Bakugo Katsuki!!!!"


The crowd cheered following Present Mic's excited declaration.


"What an exciting match. What do you think, Nagato-kun?" Nezu was still smiling as usual.


"They're just fighting to fulfill their egos." Nagato replied calmly.


"Hm, ego and goals. Don't those two words have almost similar meanings? Every fight must have a reason to be carried out. One of them is to fulfill the ego. Whether it's a sweet victory, a prize, or popularity, there will definitely be a goal to achieve." Nezu looked at his students sitting cheering in the stands.


"My students are mostly Hero candidates. They may have been fighting for their egos all along. But when they graduate and become Pro Heroes later. They will definitely put their egos aside and only fight to save others." Nezu smiled while glancing at the sky that was no longer hot. Then turned to Nagato.


"Then what about you Nagato-kun?. Do you fight too just because of your ego?. Or have you ever put your ego aside and fought for the sake of others?. For what purpose did you do that fight?."


Nagato stared at Nezu in silence. He was confused in answering him.


All this time Nagato had always fought only to fulfill his ego. His most selfish desire used to be to defend Ryosuke. Not letting the corpse rest in the ground.



His first fight was for revenge, but the influence of his ego made him almost kill all the gang members because at that time he thought that Ryosuke's death was unfair.


The second was inside the USJ building. The police will separate her from Ryosuke. And because of his ego to defend Ryosuke he fights and intends to level the USJ.


The third and so on. Is because of Bakugo's provocation. His ego made him not accept the insult that Bakugo said so he would serve Bakugo's challenge.


Without realizing it all this time Nagato only fought to fulfill his ego. He has never fought for anyone else except Ryosuke, but that's because of his ego too. He was selfish to always make Ryosuke accompany him anywhere and everywhere.


"Once in a while you should try fighting for someone else Nagato-kun. Maybe you'll find something different besides fulfilling your ego."




In the afternoon the festival closed with the presentation of the winners' medals. The order of winners remained the same, the third being Tokoyami as Iida withdrew. Iida's departure was connected to later events. Nagato's eyes narrowed at the memory.


The second was Todoroki, the man was already conscious and standing on the stage expressionlessly.


And the first, of course it was Bakugo. Usually Nagato would laugh when he saw this part in the anime. Bakugo stood at the top with a restraining chain and even his mouth was covered. Nagato sighed, Bakugo looked like a dog with rabies now, too aggressive.


Nagato didn't mean to insult Bakugo by likening the man to a dog. It's just that, the reality is too similar. All Might in his muscular mode handing out medals and prizes.


All Might gave advice to each of those people and gave a short speech to the audience. A shower of twinkles and camera sounds filled the field. Then a shower of streamers and fireworks closed All Might's speech accompanied by screams plus ultra by the whole crowd.


The closing of the festival was more festive than the opening this morning.


Nagato stared at the rain of streamers that didn't stop. In the sky Itachi flew in circles around the falling ribbons. It seemed like the bird was enjoying this moment as well.


The next event, the Hosu City incident. There Shigaraki would act up again.


But Nagato would probably only send Itachi to observe later. There was no way he could go to Hosu City with his status as a prisoner.


Has Shigaraki now also become different from his original character? Nagato thought.


He now realized that this world was just fanfiction. The butterfly effect is very likely to change the storyline. Nagato was worried if Shigaraki did something different in the Hosu City incident. Or maybe, even the Hosu City incident won't happen?.


Storylines and characters will be prone to change considering this world is only fanfiction. Nagato rubbed his chin.


Does Nagato also have to play a role in straightening the storyline if the plot becomes deviant?.


Nagato must do that. If the storyline is bent too far from the original story, then he will have difficulty following this story, and will most likely make mistakes. Because it will definitely be very different from the anime he has watched.




Nagato scratched his hair with a tangled face. "Tell me if this is just a dream."


"This is reality." Aizawa-sensei replied from in front of Nagato.


Now they were on their way out of the stadium. Aizawa-sensei said that he would escort Nagato to meet All Might. Obviously, because of the incident earlier this afternoon, Aizawa-sensei would not let Nagato wander around alone.


"Can uncle lie for the good of others? Please just tell a sweet lie." Nagato sighed.


"Why, you don't like this fact boy, so now you regret it, it's true that regret comes last. But even if you regret what you did, you still can't run away from your responsibility boy." Aizawa-sensei said coldly. Recalling the incident earlier, all the teachers and staff frantically searched every place and street to find Nagato. And it turned out that the boy was dueling it out with Bakugo.


If only Aizawa-sensei and All Might hadn't separated the two kids. Most likely the two people would have fought to the point of destroying the entire forest training area.


Aizawa-sensei thought about today's events. While Nagato thought about what was the connection between him in the real world to be in this two-dimensional world.


"What exactly did I do wrong to be here." Nagato sighed thinking about the reason he was summoned to this world. Is it to change Nagato's destiny?.


"You're still asking what you did wrong." Aizawa-sensei glanced at Nagato who was following behind him. Did this boy never realize the trouble he always caused?.


"Do you know what I did wrong to be here?" Nagato squinted at Aizawa-sensei. Is the person in front of him also not a character from this world?. But as he remembered, Aizawa-sensei always behaved like his character in anime.


The thoughts of these two people were clearly not connected. But somehow, they were able to talk in sync and respond to each other.


Aizawa-sensei did not answer and immediately returned to walking fast. Nagato also quickened his pace and followed behind.


"Does uncle really know why I'm here?" Nagato asked curiously. Did Aizawa-sensei really know why he came to this world?!.


Aizawa-sensei ignored Nagato's question. It was useless to tell him. His mind is still a child, although sometimes this child is able to act mature. But still his mentality is still a child. It's even possible that he doesn't realize his mistakes and the status he holds now.


"Uncle answer my question, don't ignore me." Nagato looked at Aizawa-sensei from left to right almost blocking Aizawa-sensei's long steps.


"No. Now get out of the way of my feet or I'll kick you." Nagato was forced to retreat with a frown after hearing that.


There was silence for a moment.


"Uncle, if you were offered two things which one would you choose?" Nagato suddenly asked randomly.


"Depends on what it is first." Aizawa-sensei answered naturally. But in his mind he was thinking what Nagato's question meant.


"Then I'll change the question. Look, one is gold bullion, and the other is gold jewelry. Both are real gold, which one would you choose?" Nagato intends to ask for opinions about the storyline of this world.


Gold bars represent the original story. And gold jewelry represents the storyline that deviates. He was still confused to straighten the plot like the original story or follow the new storyline that would be formed. These two paths would obviously have different destinies for 'Nagato'.


"What do you mean?" Aizawa-sensei unconsciously squinted at that question. Is this boy starting to pick a side? So he means that these gold bars and gold jewelry are the same as heroes and villains. Has his mindset started to change towards heroes?. This might be a trick question, I have to answer carefully.


Aizawa-sensei opened her mouth to answer.


"Aizawa-san, thank you for accompanying Nagato until I came." All Might appeared in front of the two people suddenly.


"I didn't think it would be that hard to get away from the fans, hehe. I'm sorry Aizawa-san!." All Might bowed apologetically.


"There's no need to apologize. I'm also this boy's supervisor after all." Aizawa-sensei answered All Might then looked at Nagato.


"Let me think. I'll answer tomorrow. Afternoon, Toshinori-san." Aizawa-sensei bowed then left Nagato to All Might.


Nagato looked at Aizawa-sensei who walked away with a frown. He was really looking forward to Aizawa-sensei's answer.


"Well, Nagato boy let's go home." All Might took Nagato's hand.


"Can I walk alone?" Nagato uncomfortably withdrew his hand. Only All Might and Recovery Girl dared to treat Nagato like an ordinary child. Usually the other teachers would still be somewhat wary of Nagato's movements.


"Why, are you embarrassed? All little kids do this, you don't need to be embarrassed Nagato boy." All Might laughed.


"I'm not a kid!" Nagato snapped. He felt humiliated, mentally his soul was an adult. It was just that he was trapped in the body of a child in this world.


"Alright alright!. Nagato kid is all grown up. Haha." But All Might clearly didn't take Nagato's anger seriously.


All Might knew that every boy always wanted to grow up quickly. The boy beside him was no exception.


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