Mythology: Spiritual Ruler

Chapter 33 Metis

Since Themis left the sacred mountain, another five hundred years have passed.

Chaos' time is so worthless, even after the first generation of humans appeared. At least until the age of bronze humans, the gods got used to calculating time in "years" instead of "hundreds of years".

Three hundred years ago, on Mount Odilus, Kronos truly became the king of gods. Driven by the oath, he announced the new rules of the sun and the moon in the name of the king of gods, and the few remaining concepts related to the moon completely flowed into the spiritual world.

Not surprisingly, the future moon goddess will have nothing to control except a huge celestial body that belongs to her and can emit light.

Even the light emitted by the "moon", except for the name "moonlight", has nothing to do with any mystical meaning.

Regarding the second oath, Kronos also announced Ryan's sovereignty over the [elements] and the qualification to weave the [web] to control them.

The power of the elements therefore flows to the spiritual world, but except for the [fire element], the other elements are more superficial.

Although there is no wind god yet, [wind] is subordinate to [meteorology]. Water, earth, light, darkness, etc. also have their own corresponding gods, only [fire] does not have one.

So if nothing unexpected happens, there will be a fire god who cannot control the fire element in the future. And as Ryan fully accommodates the source power of [fire element], he can further touch the real [fire] and take this ownerless natural priesthood into his hands.

Maybe in the future, when the eldest daughter of the God King is born, Chaos will still give birth to the god of fire, but she will be just a god who simply controls the burning of matter. From then on, the fire of the spirit can harm matter, but the fire of matter cannot touch the spirit. Therefore, within the scope of spirituality, Ryan defines [fire] as the first one.

In addition, Chaos has also seen many divine births in the past five hundred years.

The most well-known of them is Helios, the eldest son of Hyperion, the original sun god.

When this new god was born, the whole world could see the sun that became thousands of times brighter. The original [sun] priesthood was divided into two, the larger one returned to the Titan ancient god, and the smaller one to his child.

Hyperion still represents the sun, but his eldest son represents the trajectory of the sun. The original Chaos world did not have sunrise and sunset, but now, there are dusk and dawn.

With the division of the priesthood, Hyperion, who was already close to the 18th level of divine power, was also seriously injured and could only barely maintain the level of powerful divine power. But divine power can be maintained, priesthood can be divided, but the sun cannot be divided into two.

So Helios became a sun god without the sun as soon as he was born. Without the celestial body corresponding to the priesthood, Helios still maintains the appearance of a child even though he has been born for nearly a hundred years.

With only the 15th level of the [Sun] priesthood, he is just a weak true god with weak divine power like Ryan at the beginning. This family drama of the ancient Titan gods has made the gods of Chaos laugh.

In addition, the second daughter of Coeus and Phoebe, the meteor goddess Asteria, was born. There is an unpredictable celestial body in the sky of Chaos. But what surprised Koos was that his daughter only represented the celestial body itself.

The light she emitted did not even contain the slightest energy, and she was obviously also a star.

Excluding the episodes in the sky, there were many gods born in the sea. Especially Oceanus, he was very interested in having children.

Hundreds of gods and goddesses were born, and there were many more rivers, lakes and springs on the earth, and the power of the Lord of the Ocean began to expand.

Although as the "River of the World", Oceanus actually controls the open sea and ocean currents. But as his children became more and more, friction began to arise between him and the ancient sea god.

The priesthood of the gods cannot be taken away, but this does not mean that those with similar priesthoods will not fight. Just as the earth has been expanding, the ocean is actually getting bigger. The enlarged ocean has no innate ownership. Although the two sea gods divided these seas equally before, it does not mean that they will always be like this.

The two sea masters did not take action directly, but there were many conflicts between their children. What made the Ocean Lord unhappy was that although he had many offspring, there were only two true gods, and Styx still lived in the underworld and never came to serve his father.

He had no choice but to continue to have children with the original water goddess Thesis.

In such an environment, the "wise Metis" in later mythology, now the god of hydrology, was born.


"Congratulations, my brother, another true god, your pantheon is getting stronger."

In a palace in the distant sea, the god of weather congratulated his brother whom he had not seen for a long time.

Since Themis built her temple on Mount Odysseus, soon, palaces of all sizes were spread all over Chaos.

At least in terms of enjoyment, the gods of Chaos learned very quickly.

"You're going to be born soon, aren't you? Crius, I heard that you and Eurybia are together?"

"According to the date, your first child will be born soon."

With a mild smile, Oceanus seemed not very enthusiastic.

On the side, Crius looked a little embarrassed. He knew very well that Oceanus was expressing his dissatisfaction with him.

After all, everyone now knew that the Ocean Lord had a conflict with his uncle. Although neither of them took direct action, the two sides had not had any contact for hundreds of years.

At this time, Crius chose the youngest daughter of the ancient sea god, which naturally made him very dissatisfied.

"I know there was a conflict between you and Pontus," Crius was a little helpless: "But there is no need for you to fight."

"So which side are you on?" Ignoring the polite words of the weather god, Oceanus asked bluntly.

". I will stay on Mount Odysseus. I don't want to fight with Eurybia's relatives, but I won't fight with you either."

Although he said this, Crius knew very well that it would not be a good thing for him to stand on any side for he had not yet become a powerful god.

"It's better, my brother."

Giving a warning look to Crius, Oceanus turned around and looked at the gods who came to the banquet, and announced loudly:

"To celebrate the birth of my daughter, the hydrological god Metis, let's start celebrating."

"Everyone here is a friend of the Ocean God System."

As the voice fell, the atmosphere on the field, which was slightly stiff due to the two Titans, finally became cheerful. The gods said blessings and began to enjoy the wine at the banquet.

Once this drink from the sacred mountain appeared, it became the favorite of the gods. No banquet could be without it. There are rumors that they actually originated from a god in the underworld, but no one cares about its source.

The gods only care about one thing, that is, "wine" can make them enjoy it, that's enough.

In front of the palace, the gods were celebrating, but in the place they didn't see, in the spiritual world, a figure disappeared silently to the back of the Ocean Temple.

When the spiritual world began to spread to the ground, Ryan did not choose the continent first, but chose the more remote ocean.

At this time, he stood in the first level of the spiritual world, looking at the young baby on the bed outside, with a hesitant look.

She was Metis, who was originally in charge of [Strategy], [Wisdom], [Thought], and [Hydrology], the first wife of the third generation of God King Zeus, and the mother of the goddess Athena.

But now, she is just a weak baby in charge of [Hydrology].

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