Mythology: Spiritual Ruler

Chapter 3: The God King Summons

"This is really a big trouble."

Although he did nothing wrong, Ryan was a little scared.

Iapetus was okay, because he didn't know that he had a soul priesthood, but Mnemosyne was different.

The priesthood of memory had been born, but it was not crowned on her. Instead, it was scattered in the world, waiting for him, the spiritual source, to absorb it.

If she discovered Ryan's identity in the future, I'm afraid she would not be kind to him.

But having said that, Ryan did not regret it.

Just kidding, the spiritual authority is already so weak, and if most of it is taken away by others, he might become a joke among the gods and become the first existence that is unable to maintain the identity of a god.

As for being a god, it is naturally impossible.

It's hard to take off the dog chain after it is tied. Ryan hasn't enjoyed his god life yet, and he doesn't plan to experience it in advance.

"But although I have provoked a potential enemy, it's not all bad."

Sensing the memory authority that has been born but scattered between heaven and earth, Ryan smiled slightly.

The authority of memory is not strong, but it is enough to make his spiritual authority go further.

After all, the strength of the priesthood determines the upper limit of the divine power. No matter how much the God of Spring Water improves his divine power, he will never be able to rely on [Spring Water] to become a medium-level divine power.

At this time, either obtain more and stronger priesthoods, or "expand" the original priesthood.

Using [spirituality] to absorb the lower-level priesthood of [memory] is a way of expansion. It will increase the depth and breadth of the original priesthood and make related concepts stronger.

Of course, this kind of absorption is not easy to succeed. One must be able to accommodate the other.

Spirituality is very suitable in this regard. It can be connected with many priesthoods.

Shaking his head, Ryan no longer thought about it.

Although the priesthood of memory currently has no owner, it still takes a long time for him to absorb it.

After all, for the world, the origin of spirituality is not controlled. Once [memory] is absorbed by [spirituality], it means that Chaos has lost control of [memory].

So even if the world has no will, it will still instinctively stop him, making the time he needs to spend increase by dozens of times.


Another buzzing sound, Ryan seemed to have been thinking for a long time, but in fact only a short while had passed.

After the birth of the two gods, the gestation of the new god continued.

So many powerful gods were born in a day, and it could only appear at the beginning of the creation of the world.

Following the vibration of the law, the two gods who were born one after another announced their existence to the world.

One breath was fair and rigorous, like the eternal law; the other symbolized the unchangeable past, seemingly around, but untouchable.

Themis, the god of justice and law!

Rhea, the god of the passage of time!

The weak [Time] power jumped with the birth of the two gods, but there was no reaction after all.

Power is only the prototype of authority, and it is not qualified to be divided.

Slightly relieved, Ryan felt the rhythm of the law gradually subside, as if the gods born this time were all.

But he knew that the most crucial thing had not yet appeared.

The complete time and space would not have a master, which was not allowed by the world. But there was a being who would get a part of each of them and become a god destined to rule the world.

He was the youngest son of Uranus and would become the eldest son in the future. Under his rule, the first humans would be born on earth. When they passed away, the second generation of humans would also be born because of him.

If we ignore his oppression of his offspring, Kronos was actually a qualified ruler. He neither treated his wife like the Father of Heaven treated the Mother of Earth, nor did he wantonly show his authority in the mortal world.

It was just that his divine affinity was not very good. Zeus's brothers fought side by side with him, but Kronos's went against him.


The chain of laws was silent for a while, and then it rang more fiercely.

The time and space of the entire world began to be unstable, but it seemed to be building a new structure.

Maybe it was a moment, maybe it was a long time later. Under the disordered fluctuations of time and space, Ryan could not judge how much time had passed.

But at a certain moment, time and space suddenly found the rules that suited them again, and all changes came to an abrupt end.

Kronos, the King of Time and Space!

The name of the new god resounded throughout the world, and under the influence of the string of space, it spread to every corner of Chaos. This long-lasting birth of the god finally came to an end.

The sky became higher, the sea became deeper, and the world became more complete.

The land, which had no end in sight, also expanded rapidly. Soon, Ryan could no longer estimate the size of the land.

The twelve newly born gods were not the source of change, they were just a trigger, and the accumulated power of the world was vented.

But these have nothing to do with Ryan now. At this moment, all his energy is on sorting out the power in his body.

Divine power level, 4.

Priesthood, [Prophecy].

After a long time, the corners of his mouth were slightly raised. When he felt the expected priesthood, Ryan still felt extremely happy.

But it was only a momentary change of emotion, and then the god in white restrained his emotions and turned to look outside the cave where he lived.

There was nothing there in his perception, but Ryan knew that the birth of the new god had ended, and the noble mother goddess would naturally come to him.

So he spoke as if he had expected it:

"Respected Earth Mother, what do you think of this result?"

In a trance, a young woman in a green dress appeared in front of him out of thin air.

The woman's breath was vast and deep, but a trace of unstoppable emptiness still made her face pale.

At this time, the Earth Mother was not the old woman in later generations. Her body was young and energetic, and her origin was still full.

The act of giving birth to twelve gods in a row has seriously damaged her vitality, but she is still a primitive ancient god who is half a level higher than [Powerful Divine Power].

"Your Highness Ryan, I offended you before."

"Regarding our bet, I am willing to accept the loss."

As she said, the young Earth Mother smiled apologetically. The storm in the sky thus moved away from here, and all things became happy.

"I have to say that your accurate predictions make me ashamed of my previous doubts. Even the King of Gods is amazed at your power to see through fate."

"It doesn't matter," Ryan smiled and accepted the apology of the ancient god, and expressed his doubts at the right time:

"So, the honorable Mother Earth, why are you here when you just gave birth to the Son of God?"

Facing Ryan's calm gaze, Gaia still said the words he had been waiting for for a long time:

"I invite you to go to Mount Odysseus to attend the banquet of the King of Gods."

With a gentle smile, Gaia solemnly invited:

"Your Highness Ryan, today, on this special day, my eldest son, my husband, my king, the master of the sky, Uranus, hopes that you can meet him on the mountain of God and celebrate this important day together."

"If you are willing to come, it will be the best gift we have received."

There was some emotion on his face, but Ryan laughed in his heart. After just one prophecy, the Mother Earth treated him so politely.

'It's just for a new prophecy. ' Ryan thought so.

But no matter what, facing the invitation of the original god, Ryan naturally bowed and accepted it.

His face was excited by the invitation of the king of gods, and so was his heart. Only he knew how many years he had waited for this day.

"You are too kind, Your Highness Gaia." Ryan said with a smile.

"I am honored to witness the birth of the first king of the gods in Chaos."

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