Mythology: Spiritual Ruler

Chapter 101: Horn of Plenty

Crete, an inconspicuous part of the ocean, is destined to be famous in the epics of later generations.

Zeus, still an infant, was thrown here. He did not fall to the ground, but was hung between the branches with his swaddling clothes. This is neither heaven, nor earth, nor the sea, so the power of the king of gods cannot warn his master and let him feel his blood.

On this isolated island, young Zeus spent his most vulnerable period. When the baby cried, thunder would sound, covering his voice; when the baby was hungry, the goat Ammon would feed him with his milk, allowing him to draw the power left by the goddess of wisdom. This small island was protected by the power of the ocean god. Sea monsters could not approach here, birds would avoid here, and no one could find Zeus who grew up on the island.

In this way, time passed day by day, and decades passed in a flash. Although the power of the gods has not been fully mastered, Zeus has grown up in appearance.

He has shoulder-length hair that shines like gold. With his tall and handsome figure and dark eyes, it is difficult for any life not to describe him as handsome.

But on this day, the goat that raised Zeus came to the end of his life. It had wisdom because of the divine power left by Metis accidentally, but it was not given divinity. Perhaps it was destined that it fell to the ground on the fifth day after Zeus became an adult, facing the end of its life.

So before dying, it told Zeus that he was sent here by Oceanus and Thesis, the couple who dominated the ocean. At the same time, it also told Zeus the importance of wisdom and his views on his previous foolish life after gaining wisdom.

"Strength can do many things, Zeus, but wisdom can do the same. This is the last thing I can teach you. I am very grateful to the goddess Metis, who made me understand the meaning of life. If possible, please peel off my skin and give it as a gift to the goddess."

"As for my horn, please cut it off and leave it by your side. You carry it as if I am still by your side."

"I will, Amoni, I will remember you forever."

Half-kneeling in front of the goat Amoni, Zeus solemnly promised: "Your horn will become my most precious treasure. It will bring abundance and richness to all life just like you bring me milk."

The goat died, and Zeus peeled off the goat's skin as promised, and tied the goat's horn around his waist.

He injected the power of thunder into the horn, allowing the "life" side to play a role. From then on, this goat's horn will be able to produce food continuously.

After sorting out his things, Zeus glanced at the place where he grew up. From the story told by the goat, Zeus learned about the world and the gods. He knew that he was born with the ability to call the wind and rain and control thunder, and he was also a member of the gods, but he didn't know why he appeared here alone.

"Amoni told me that I was sent here by the Oceanus and his wife. Since they put me here, they must know my origins."

"Although I don't know where they are, their daughter must know. The Ocean goddess Metis, the goddess who gave Amoni wisdom, as long as I can find her, I think all doubts will be solved."

After making a decision, Zeus decided to leave the island. The young man was confident and brave, and decided to find out his own life experience, so he flew into the sky and flew to the west of the island.

Amoni said that golden humans had lived on this island, and Zeus had seen traces of them over the years. That was a life similar to the gods, but without divine power.

Thousands of years ago, when humans were not dead yet, the goddess of wisdom Metis taught them hydrology, imparted knowledge to them, and lived with them, so Amoni was contaminated with the goddess's power.

In its memory, every time Metis came to Crete, she came from the west. When she left, she also went west. So without knowing where to find her, Zeus decided to go west and ask every life he saw about Metis.


The young god set off, but in a place he didn't know, when he stepped out of the island, more than one existence looked at him. The behavior of the White Oak Goddess could be hidden from the God King who didn't pursue it, but she couldn't hide it from the other gods.

Or rather, Rhea didn't expect her maid to be able to hide it from them. It's just that the Queen of Gods anticipated the Earth Mother, but she didn't expect that even another primitive god would look down on it.

On the earth, Urya, the god of the mountains, stood beside the Earth Mother, and looked at the direction of the East China Sea with her. He had already felt the oppression of the God King getting closer and closer.

Although he didn't know when Kronos would take action against him, it didn't prevent him from secretly praying that fate would punish him as soon as possible.

As for Gaia, she didn't care about the position of the God King. She just wanted a God who could open the abyss.

Even in her heart, she didn't want to overthrow her youngest son. She just wanted him to suffer more and learn how to respect his mother goddess.

In addition, in the underworld, Erebus, the Lord of Darkness who didn't care about external affairs, also paid attention to Zeus.

Although the power of Kronos's explosion was strong before, it was not enough for him to pay attention. But the outbreak of the God War means that a large number of creatures on earth will die again.

He has been looking forward to the souls of silver humans entering the spirit world for a long time.

In addition to the two original gods, the Oceanus couple who were entrusted by Rhea to take care of Zeus also noticed that Zeus had left Crete and was preparing to go find their daughter.

The two Titan gods disagreed on this, but eventually chose to ignore it.

They were waiting for Zeus to show his ability. As long as he could make Kronos fail once with his weak strength, they would be willing to believe that Zeus was the new king destined by fate.

At the same time, in the seven-layer spiritual world, Ryan felt the divine power that was rising every minute and every second after the arrival of the Silver Age, and he could not help but follow the fluctuations of fate and look at the island in the East Sea of ​​Chaos.

There are some differences from the records in the myth, but Ryan is not surprised by this. Many records in later generations are self-contradictory, not to mention that his change of fate is likely to affect some minor details.

"There are some differences, but not many. As expected, as long as I don't intervene directly, my current influence on fate is not enough to shake the fate of the God King's succession."

"But is the direction he is heading a coincidence?"

Taping the armrest of the seat gently, Ryan did not feel any trace of fate. He raised his perspective, and when he looked down at the East China Sea, he could clearly see that on Zeus's way to find Metis, there were two goddesses who would meet him unexpectedly.

In the original trajectory, the three generations of God Kings had different relationships with them. But now, the result may not be the same.

"A god respected by Zeus, a wise Metis, and a fate that was avoided. Haha, that's it."

"Yes, in later myths, she can actually be seen as a goddess symbolizing 'uncertain fate'. If pure power is not enough to make the king of gods bow down, then there must be a reason why Hercules and her can make Zeus look at them differently."

Smiled slightly, it was probably a real coincidence. After all, no matter how you look at it, this encounter probably won't have a good result.

In the original myth trajectory, Zeus actually took the Long Aotian template. Powerful talent, extraordinary background, terrible enemies. Zeus first won the favor of his wise wife, rescued his brothers and sisters, and then found the blacksmith who cast the artifact under the guidance of the ancient gods and made powerful equipment for himself.

Then he opened a harem with his appearance, words and his power, and gave birth to a group of children with extraordinary talents. The only time he failed was when he fought Typhon, but it was only one day. Soon, Zeus regained his strength and defeated the king of all monsters who dared to challenge him.

In short, in his life as a god, victory and success always accompany him, and he seems to rarely encounter failure and setbacks.

But for some reason, Ryan always feels that the Zeus in this world may need to change his template. Maybe being invincible all the way will become more courageous with more setbacks. Unless he can change his personality, he may suffer a lot.

However, it is difficult to change one's nature. Ryan, who is watching from the sidelines, does not have any expectations for this.

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