Mythology: Spiritual Ruler

Chapter 1 The Spiritual God

"In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth"

"The earth was formless and void; darkness was over the abyss; and the Spirit of God was moving over the waters."

"God said, 'Let there be light,' and there was light."

"God saw that the light was good, and he separated the light from the darkness."

"God called the light day, and the darkness he called night. There was evening and there was morning; this was the first day."



"Another year."

On the empty and desolate land, Ryan woke up from his deep sleep.

As far as the eye can see, the familiar and strange land is the same as before, as if it has never changed.

It has been many years since he came to this world, but Ryan is still not used to this emptiness and desolation.

Unlike the creation of God recorded in the Bible, Chaos evolved from chaos, which he saw with his own eyes.

Therefore, it did not become complete in just seven days, but still looks desolate and dilapidated.

But today is different, because as Ryan was awakened, he could clearly feel that a new god was about to be born.

"The Twelve Titans, finally waited for this day"

Feeling the rhythm of the law and the waves of the source sea, Ryan looked up.

In the distant sky, gorgeous ribbons danced in the sky, and the vibration of the law became more and more intense.

That was a sign of the birth of a new god.

This is not the first time. In the newborn world of Chaos, Ryan witnessed the birth of many gods one by one, and the last time was seven hundred years ago.

Of course, in the first world, "year" was an inappropriate name. Because there was no sun and moon at this time, no change of seasons, and naturally there would be no concept of "year".

But Ryan likes to call it that, so Chaos in chaos has its second word to record time, "year".

It is worth mentioning that the first word "day" was also created by Ryan after witnessing the birth of the master of the night, the ancient god of the trinity, Nyx.

Therefore, he obtained the power of "sequence".

But unfortunately, power is not authority, it is just the prototype of the priesthood, so Ryan is still just a spiritual god.

"Kronos and Rhea, the true masters of time are about to be born."

With a long sigh, Ryan leaned against the dug cave, looking at the magical wonders between heaven and earth.

Even with the perception of the gods, he could not feel the source of everything across the boundless land.

But Ryan did not need to "see", because the sky and the earth were fitting together.

No matter where in the world, on the hills, under the sea, the breath of desire is rising, and new life is being nurtured.

For thousands of years, in Ryan's observation, the new Chaos is quite different from the later myths, but in the birth of the gods, it seems basically the same.

The source of all things is from the dark void, and the vast land is born with the mother earth.

When the sky did not exist, the Lady of the Night occupied the boundless void, and the chaotic Tartarus appeared "under" everything in his sleep.

As the first self-conscious being in the world, Ryan witnessed the birth of the primitive god, and Chaos in chaos welcomed the first batch of creatures.

Later, under the inspiration of the world, the sky, the sea and the mountains appeared one after another, and Uranus, Pontus and Uria were born, and Chaos was getting closer to a complete world.

Now, 1,300 years after Ryan began to use "years" to count, the eldest son of Gaia, the father of heaven, Uranus, married his conceiver, and the twelve Titans are about to come to this world.

Of course, there are no "Titans" at this time.

They are great innate gods, the supreme beings conceived by the father of heaven and the mother of earth, and the ancient gods who have powerful powers at birth.

The laws of the world will be perfected with their birth, and the throne of the king of gods will be crowned on the head of the Lord of the Sky because of the manifestation of patriarchy.

In addition to Eros, who seems to have died instantly at the beginning of his birth, Ryan does not know whether he has existed. He will be the first generation of the king of gods.

"But it has nothing to do with me."

Shaking his head, under Ryan's eyes full of divinity, the laws of the world are jumping and becoming complete.

The desolate Chaos is becoming more colorful and prosperous because of the birth of the new god.

But the excitement is theirs, Ryan has nothing.

As a weak traverser and spiritual god, his power is not as strong as a hair of the master of the sky.

Thousands of years ago, when he came here at the beginning of the birth of heaven and earth, Ryan was very confused.

Other traversers reincarnated, took over, or borrowed corpses to return to the soul, merged souls, etc., at least they still had a body for them.

But when Ryan arrived, Chaos had just been opened up, and the original god was still incubating, and he didn't even have an object to take over.

Fortunately, as the first existence in this world, Ryan's original soul turned into the spiritual origin and the weak divinity of time and space.

Ryan used this to shape the body of the gods and avoid the fate of being scattered.

Later, the power of time sequence also relied on this - not just anyone can create a new concept and gain power.

The existence of the divinity of time and space allowed Ryan to take a shortcut. He reluctantly let the world recognize the existence of "year" and "day" and obtained the weakest time sequence.

But power is not authority. The latter is the essence of the priesthood, and the former is just an extension of the domain.

If you want to sublimate power into authority and obtain the identity of the God of Time Sequence, you still have to go down those two paths.

Use a direct way to engrave the concept into the world with great power. Or let the law act on behalf of enough gods to recognize his identity as the "creator", and then gradually obtain this priesthood over a long period of time.

Unfortunately, Ryan can't do either of these.

He has neither the power to shake the world nor the ability to be recognized by the gods.

So Ryan had to wait quietly, waiting for the right time.

For example, when this god king is about to be born.


The buzzing sound suddenly sounded, without a source, and it seemed that there was a source everywhere. The sound was clear but not harsh, it was the restlessness of the law.

The next moment, endless light and infinite water were generated in the void.

In the newly born world of Chaos, the earth is in the middle, and the ocean surrounds the land from all sides. But at this moment, in a place where the sea cannot reach, on the earth, in the sky, new water appeared out of thin air and gradually bred into a stream.

Oceanus, or Oceanus, the eldest brother of the Twelve Titans, the Lord of the Ocean, the River that surrounds the world, was finally born in the Chaos world.

At this time, Ryan could clearly feel that the power that originally belonged to the original sea god Pontus was divided into two, and one of them was heading straight for the ocean current that surrounds the world.

That was the world cutting his power.

The overall power of the ocean and water rose, but Pontus was seriously injured.

He still holds the duties of the seabed, offshore and salt water, but the symbol of fresh water and ocean currents has been replaced by the new god.

In Ryan's perception, the originally powerful breath in the ocean instantly weakened.

To be more specific, it probably fell from [strong divine power] to [medium divine power].

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