Mythical Version of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 3530: The paper feels shallow

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Kou Feng struggled to control the march of more than 200,000 troops, even if he had learned the theoretical knowledge from the military book, but there was a wall between theory and reality. How to get from this side to that can only be achieved through practice To solve.

The words spoken by the mouth are very simple, but practically speaking, it is extremely difficult. After all, Kou Feng is just an ordinary person with better qualifications, rather than the famous gods in history.

"Do n’t panic, spread the scouts on a large scale. Since we have n’t responded too late, we will increase the scale of the scouts. If we have more people, we can release thousands of scouts, and the scouts can be detected farther away. We can get fifty miles from others, so even if we are attacked, we have more reaction time. "The old Kou used his brain to solve the problem as much as possible when Kou Feng was busy.

"Also, let the scout run further, so that our reaction time is longer." Kou Feng nodded and thought it was correct.

"Don't put too much pressure on it, you won't be able to direct, and you won't be opposite. Do you think Dalit-Juluo Dynasty generals will have the opportunity to receive your kind of education?" The old Kou patted Kou Feng because he was nervous. He already had some stiff shoulders and said with a smile.

This is true. Although the old Kou feels that he ca n’t win, he still dares to fight, and he ’s a bit sure. At least the old Kou ’s heart is like a mirror. His son ’s scum is at least, and he has at least experienced a complete education as a prince. Too.

Although due to the problems of qualifications and mentality, and the inheritance of the heirs, the family has some generations, and there is a tendency to spoil in the generation of Kou Feng, even if something is learned, Kou Feng has not learned the heart, no matter how bad, at least Kou Feng is learning.

These things are in Kou Feng's mind, even if he hasn't learned it well, but as long as he really encounters that situation, there is still an impression in Kou Feng's brain. It's okay not to ask yourself, wouldn't he tell Kou Feng? What a joke.

As for the people of the Dalit-Zhuluo dynasty, the old Kou has carefully understood that the origin of those people is not as good as the beggars in the Han room. The Hans are at least free men in the Han room. When there are too many beggars, the state will Actively organize these refugees to carry out land reclamation, so that these beggars once again become free people, no longer beggars can also be sold as servants.

Dalit, in the case learned by the old Kou, seems to belong to livestock, and they are still not as good as those raised by high castes. At most, these animals grow like humans.

Although the old Kou was somewhat puzzled and dissatisfied with this kind of behavior, after all, the Central Plains had not yet developed to the extent of the Ming and Qing people-based animals. For example, the Kou's princes who established their families with military merit, but they knew the people well. Never underestimate any pawn.

Because compared to the need to pass on knowledge, war sometimes you learn for a lifetime, it is really inferior to others to counterattack, calculate, calculate a ghost, and you should fight here by feeling, follow me, and then win this kind of thing, history How many times did it happen.

This is also the reason why the old courage dare to gamble. Although the Dalit-Juro dynasty is indeed because of absolute fairness, some capable guys have come up, but how many can those guys command?

Three thousand, five thousand, ten thousand? This is the limit, and there can be no more, and the Kou's soldiers have 190,000 soldiers and 60,000 civilians to transport grain and grass. In the case of Dalit-Juro, I am afraid that they will have to use 200,000 troops.

This is not to say that the other party cannot produce a large army of this size, but it is a more realistic situation. No one in the Dalit-Juro dynasty can command such a scale.

Even more so, after the Dalit-Juro dynasty first assembled a large army of this size, various problems were enough to drag the Dalit-Juro dynasty down.

Without a soldier's book, it all depends on the feeling. Unless you are really genius to the point of no solution, you can solve all the problems that the large army command needs to face for thousands of years by thinking.

To be honest, the old Kou felt that if his family was unlucky enough to meet this kind of opponent, then he didn't say it, and losing it was a matter of course.

But such small probability events are almost negligible, and small probability events are negligible. Then if he uses the most normal way of thinking to think about the problem, then it will not become, the commander of the Dalit-Juro dynasty is more garbage, Is it more garbage than Koufeng?

The explanation of the old Kou Feng made Kou Feng feel a lot of peace. That's right, the other party was more garbage than me. Don't panic. It will be garbage and garbage, and see who is promoted to excellent garbage.

"Yes, keep this momentum." The old Kou said with great satisfaction. Since the collision is between garbage at that time, who has a stronger heart, and whose will is simpler, then who will win more, this path itself is It will come out with the corpses of the enemy and us, don't be afraid, just kill it.

In this way, Kou Feng took his elite army, the regular army lent by Han and Deng, and hundreds of thousands of miscellaneous fish in various twisted marching states, successfully reached the Dalit-Juro dynasty border In the meantime, the father and son of the old Kou tried their best to solve all marching problems.

"Finally arrived, I actually did it." Kou Feng looked at the soldiers of the Zhuluo dynasty, and said with emotion, how many problems occurred along the way, I did not expect that I really solved all of them. Too.

"I told you all. All the problems in our family's warfare book are recorded. As long as we deal with them step by step, we can definitely solve them. Don't panic, we will definitely win." The old Kou said to Kou Feng with strong confidence This way, the old Kou was more confident than Kou Feng.

After all, I have never commanded an army of this size before. I simply cannot understand the problems described in my ancestor's handbook. Meal, water, and even the toilet are all problems.

However, after really commanding the 200,000 army, the old crocodile felt that the suspected link was suddenly bright. It turned out that this was the case. It turned out that the ancestors took this to deal with it because the next link would involve this problem. Can the relationship between the two parties die?

In fact, writing these things will really die, you do n’t practice it again, you realize these internal connections, relying on the military book, to be honest, I feel that the shallowness of the paper is not a lie, no matter how many military studies, eventually You have to rely on practice.

If you do n’t write those internal links, you have never practiced dead books, and you have n’t verified the wastes on the ground. Even if your eloquence is strong, you ca n’t deceive those true commanders. At least, you can prevent the major mistakes such as talking on paper, which is good for everyone.

As for my own research, practical cognition and internal connections, and then the knowledge in the book is integrated, let alone say, at least the foundation is tamped, and the rest is hands-on practice.

The old Kou did not have this kind of cognition, he just felt that he finally understood what was written in the ancestral soldier's book, and not only understood it, but also realized its connotation.

It is precisely because of this understanding that the old Kou became much more confident, and he would not know that the Dalit-Zhuluo dynasty did not even know that their Kou sent troops, and the other party must know it, but know that, the army has not yet Arriving, it means that the other party is also stuck on those problems.

This is a major good news, indicating that the other party is also a normal person.

Since they are also normal people, we have learnt Kou's anyway. You haven't learned it at all. Why should we compare with us?

When a war started, Kou's victory was easily won, and the northern border of the Zhuluo Dynasty was directly sealed by Kou.

Although a lot of accidents occurred during the hands-on, for example, until the victory, some of the rear troops did not enter the field. During the battle, the army was completely crushed by the force, and the cooperation between them was almost equal to zero. When the opponent was overwhelmed, the army was also affected.

In addition, during the construction period, some soldiers inexplicably ran to other legions, and the military decapitation was unclear. After the battle, the generals did not know what to do. During the attack, the members of the army chased themselves out, etc.

In short, there are many problems, to the extent that Kou Feng is big, but in the end, he wins. The victory can always stand up to prestige, and with prestige, it can handle such problems.

"Assemble the supervising team, and then restore the way of remembering the merits of the pre-Qin period, according to the merits of the head." After finding out that Kou Fengshi couldn't find any good way to deal with these problems, he decided to come up with a plan that was not very good, but at least it worked .

"But what about the formation of the War Team?" Kou Feng said rather helplessly. He didn't think of the plan to form the War Team. He couldn't form a War Team. He couldn't dismantle his own guard to build it. .

"Call up the soldiers with decapitation in this battle, and raise the per capita level." The old Kou did not answer Kou Feng's question, and instead threw another plan.

"I understand, promote these soldiers who have seen the blood and killed the enemy to be the uncle, the team rate, and then put out the backbones we split before as the war team." Kou Feng is not a pure fool. At Dad's prompt, I soon understood what to do.

With the correct planning, Kou Feng immediately set out to deal with this matter, and soon the supervising team was formed, and the soldiers who had beheaded the enemy were all promoted to one level, and the warriors who killed the enemy were directly promoted. It's Qu Chang who manages 500 people.

This kind of efficiency and rewarding attitude promoted by the FireWire made these young and captives from Guishuang instantly feel the upgrade of the class. Why did the military prince system can support the frame of the Great Qin's Southern Expedition and Northern Warfare? An attitude of merit and reward.

More importantly, this kind of rewards are clear and real, and there is no need to bow down to anyone. As long as the ability is strong enough to be white, one person can penetrate the entire military merit system, even if he only plays ten levels. As a knight, as long as the old man and I rise up on a whim, kill hundreds of thousands of enemy troops, you will be able to defeat the rank in one battle.

Instantly came from Nangui's youthfulness, subjective initiative was mobilized.

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