Mythical Version of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2918: Is today

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"It really moved." Li You sighed and pressed her temple.

Although I had this psychological preparation early in the morning, Li You still had some headaches when she used the fleet so quickly. Meng Kangbu was not a miscellaneous fish, and she did n’t know whether she was able to analyze it by her ability or judge it intuitively. It's still a human being, and the latter is probably not a human being.

"Forget it, don't think about whether the other party is relying on intuition or analysis to draw conclusions. From the result, there is no difference between the two." Li You sighed slightly after reading Dong Zhao's news. Said to himself.

At this point in time, Li You was n’t sure if Huang Zhong ’s side had resolved the army of Gui Shuang ’s attack on Samo and Zha. Although he was very confident about Huang Zhong, after this level, Gui Shuang would dare not come Miscellaneous soldiers.

"Go tell General Chen to come here." Li You quickly calmed down her uneasy thoughts. How powerful the opponent is does not make much sense to Li You, and Samo's bait won't work well. Heavy, if the other party can eat the best, do not eat, nor lose.

The same is true of all the shrinking Wen Jia, and it is also a bait. It is best to come, not to lose without loss, what is a victory, what is a defeat, Li You has very clear thinking here, not simply killing a lot Opponents, or how many enemies have been defeated.

Instead, after a few months, the Han people who migrated could pass through the area without any obstruction, enter the Ganges, and complete the construction there.

Prior to this, all successes were at most staged successes. Prior to this, all failures were successful.

Chen Da soon rushed over. In fact, Chen Dao also received news of the scout report. Although the Han room is now fully contracted in the capital of Wenjia, the dispatch of scouts has not decreased, especially in the coastal area. Frost, scouts are not many.

Therefore, when Chen Dao came over, he also received the same news, but the sources of the two parties were a little different.

"Military division!" Chen Dali clasped his fists after entering the account. "The scout came to report that the Guishuang ship had entered the Ganges estuary and was moving towards us along the main vein."

"I have also received news on this side." Li Yili nodded and said.

"But do you need me to test?" Chen Dao looked with a little confidence.

"Let's wait until Wenjia's old city is broken." Li You said quietly.

"?" Chen Dao made a shocking face-to-face appearance. Are you talking about it? I'm still in Wenjia's hometown. How can I let Guishuang beat this place down?

"It's not yet time to shoot." Li You also saw Chen Dao's doubts and said very calmly. Chen Dao didn't ask why when he saw this, just waiting for Li You's reply.

"I can't say for now, let's first see what level the Guishuang Army has." Li You said calmly. "After confirming, we will make plans again. It's not the right time."

Chen Dao didn't want to understand what Li You was thinking about, but Li You's words caused him to raise some not-so-good ideas. It's just that in this way, the honest man with a big eyebrow won't say it.

"Let the scouts be exposed for a while, and see what the other party ’s reaction is, do n’t get too close. Since the ships are going retrograde to attack the old capital of Wengar, then the most extreme places where these ships will stop are on my side. "Li You said with a blank expression, but she let Chen Zhi see a confident look on her cheeks with little change.

"But even if we know where the other party stopped, we can't attack!" Chen Dao frowned, "Water warfare is a huge problem for us, not to mention attacking these ships in my opinion. Ship, it is better to attack their supply ship. "

"This is indeed true, but it will be soon." Li You shook her head and said, "I don't know when General Huang will be able to produce results there. I have basically handed over the main force to him. If there is nothing out Unexpectedly, it is not impossible for the whole army to wipe out its opponents. "

"Changshui and the shooting sound are really so powerful?" Chen Dao asked with a frown.

"These two regiments are enough to change the inherent pattern of warfare and wipe out their opponents on the path of attack. For the first time this regiment encounters such an attack, unless the general's reaction and execution are beyond imagination, there will be absolutely no problem with heavy damage. Li You said with a slight sigh.

In fact, after deep understanding of Changshui and shooting sound, Li You understood that this is another kind of war mode which is different from the current war mode and a very potential war mode, but this mode is limited to Changshui And the limit of shooting sound can not be maintained for too long.

However, the new war mode is the new war mode. Even if it is due to problems such as imperfect foundation, completely different war modes represent new ideas.

"Then General Huang should not have too many problems. In this case, our military might not be at a disadvantage." Chen Dao heard this, and was very happy. The strength of Guishuang's reinforcements was almost the same as Chen's. I also know that it is more than twice that of the Han army.

"It's true." Li nodded his head, "We also recruit pirates and bandits, and all the miscellaneous soldiers who have fallen into the trap, and we will not be inferior to the other in terms of number. Their scale, their own combat capabilities are average. "

"Do we have the ability to defeat each other head-on?" Chen Dao asked, since the strength has already prevailed, Li You said at the time that it was clear that the other party's military strength was limited. After finishing this wave, Guishuang may be afraid It is unable to control the expansion of the Han army here.

"Yes, but it's not necessary." Li You shook her head and said, "I don't want to do it until there is no absolute advantage. I still wait for Guishuang to move us."

"..." Chen was speechless. He had already felt Li You's cautious side. According to Li You's habit, it should not be so.

"It's not time yet, wait again." Li You's expression almost has no ups and downs, "Your pro-armies don't act too much lately, wait for the results of San Mo Ye Zha to come out, look at Gui Shuang's side Response, let ’s talk about the plan. "

Chen Dao nodded his head. He already had a little speculation about Li You ’s plan, but Chen Dao did n’t really know whether this method worked.

After solving the problem of Chen Dao ’s potential exposure, Li You calmed down completely. What would happen to Huang Zhong ’s side, Li You basically knows.

What we have to wait for now is what will happen when the news from Huang Zhong reaches his own and Meng Kangbu's side.

Meng Kangbu ’s big ship went upstream and stopped until he could no longer continue to travel. At this time, it was not far from Wenga, at least the ship ’s heavy crossbow aircraft was actually in terms of range. It can reach the range of the ancient capital of Wenga.

Even if this shooting method drifts very much, in a large number of cases, from time to time, there will be several spears falling to the capital of Wenga, so that in the capital of Wenga, if you have bad luck, you will be dropped from the sky. Shot his spear to death.

In this regard, Li You also mobilized a wave of crossbows to lift to the low wall of Wenjia's old capital to counterattack. The target was not hit. This is the hit rate, but the counterattack is not counterattack. This is a morale issue. Both sides At the near-zero hit rate, they shot each other at the crossbow.

As for Meng Kangbu, there is daily harassment, not to kill the enemy, but to force the Han army to rest at night. Even on a certain night, the army collectively carried out a wave of night raids, so that Li had already prepared. Yudu is in a hurry.

After Huang Zhong ’s military newspaper was sent back to Wenjia ’s old capital, Li You was completely relieved. Before that, you still need to take it easy, and Huang Zhong has completely wiped out the legion there, then it ’s time to clean up Li You. Some of them have some nervous breakdown.

Although the military newspaper also mentioned Vanana, but for Li You, the deceased opponent can be honored, and the meaning of the representative can be understood thoroughly. As for the other, Li You is not Mindful.

It can be said that when you received the military newspaper, Li You already had the military strength to surpass Meng Kangbu, and this was the beginning of victory. Even if there were arrows falling from the head every day, Meng Kangbu often came at night. The harassment will not change Li You's joy when he sees the military newspaper. Huang Zhong's answer makes Li You very satisfied.

"Uncle Zhi, it will be tonight." After Li You found Chen Dao, the general reported to Chen Dao, and then he said calmly, but this time Chen Dao finally listened to Li You's voice. There was a little emotion called excitement.

Chen Dao puzzled to take over the military newspaper, and after reading it, he was also overjoyed, and then looked at Li You with his eyes shining and asked, "How about the military division to wait no longer? Meng Kangbu's headquarters is not weak, Now our military does not have an advantage, and if we start directly, we may not be able to win a big victory. "

A few days ago, Meng Kangbu harassed Wen Jia's old capital one after another. Chen Dao also led a war. Although he did not do his best, Meng Kangbu's headquarters was really not weak.

"No, this time is very appropriate." Li You slipped through Chen Jing's proposal, "After all, it was not a complete annihilation, Meng Kangbu must have received the news, but they have not received the news yet. Start directly. "

"This is also true." Chen Daowen said, nodding slightly, acknowledging the fact that if Meng Kangbu received the news, it must be more cautious, and then it might be more difficult to deal with.

"So don't think about waiting for General Huang to come back and deal with it together. If General Meng Kangbu still looks like he didn't know what happened to Samo and Zha after the return of General Huang, if he stays in the Ganges and doesn't run, then the matter It's big. "Li You said with a little harshness in her eyes.

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