Mythical Version of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2277: Xiao Jiujiu

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"How much?" Huang Fusong felt like he heard an astronomical figure, and his head was dizzy. "How much did you just say?"

"One hundred thousand, let's try one hundred thousand first, or do you want more?" Chen Xi felt Huang Fusong's ears were bad. After several times, he didn't hear what he said, but after all, he was old and normal.

"Which equipment is under one hundred thousand?" Huang Fusong extended his right hand, and some tremblingly pointed to the big tall tiger guard below. The equipment of the millionth army Huangfu Song knew, but he didn't dare to go down. This group of people thought, this is an armor up to two hundred pounds!

"Yeah, although the two hundred catties of strong men can't find so many, but one hundred and four are gone, first come one hundred thousand, shields or something, originally eight steel plates stacked together, now replaced by five Just do it. "Chen Xi said indifferently, he liked this simple but powerful arm.

Huang Fusong was a little dizzy and was about to fall down. Chen Xi hurriedly supported the other party and finally found a gangster. If it was gone, how would he live in the future? I just saw hope.

"Old man, old man, don't you have an accident." Chen Xi greeted Huang Fusong nervously. This time it was really nervous.

For the current Chen Xi, Huangfu Song is really too important. His wish is about to be fulfilled by the old man Huangfu. As a result, if the old man now falls down, Chen Xi feels depressed and vomiting blood.

The desire is crushed at the moment when it is about to be fulfilled, and it is more sad than the impossible realization from the beginning.

"Look for Dr. Hua!" Chen Xi shouted Huang Fusong vigorously while roaring for people to find Hua Tuo. This time it was really anxious.

"Don't shake, don't shake, I'm okay!" Huang Fusong just heard the remark, and was angry for a while, and soon recovered, but Chen Xi was a little dazzled.

Chen Xi quickly stopped, Huang Fu Song adjusted his forehead for a while, and eased over.

"I think it is necessary to talk to you about the question of how much savings you have." After adjusting Huang Huangsong, he took a deep breath and looked at Chen Xi.

Because of physical problems, Huang Fusong did not come to see the military parade. In addition, he had been busy working on the Huangfu Military Academy before. He did not have a clear sense of Chen Xi ’s weapons and equipment.

"Master, don't care about this kind of trivial matter, your body is important." Chen Xi hurriedly gave Huangfu Song a smooth ride. It is rare for Chen Xi to do these things so well.

"No, I know my body, but I was angry for a while." Huang Fusong said as gently as possible. "In my opinion, how much of your savings is related to my next decision."

"Savings, which aspect are you talking about, combat readiness?" Chen Xi asked puzzled.

"Yes." Huangfu Song nodded.

"Oh, how much is this, if not enough, you can expand the scale of production. At the level you see now, about 30 people can be armed in a day. It's a little less. I will go back and adjust the scale." Chen Xi thought about it. I want to say that he has a steel mill. Although it is just a small steel mill that can't get on the table, it can produce five or six kilograms a day.

Huang Fu Song sighed in the sky and said after a while, "I have fought in the army in my life, but I haven't had enough combat preparations now. Since your savings are so strong, then I don't say much. These elite armour, you want to practice Any number is fine. "

"Then there will be a hundred thousand, and the problem of dressing up. Within ten days, I will find a way to get it done. I like this kind of army that does not rely on personal qualities and has extremely powerful combat power by equipment. Not enough, another 100,000. "With Huang Fusong's assurance, Chen Xi immediately clapped.

Since Huang Fusong can guarantee the training, Chen Xi said that he does not care about other aspects at all. You do n’t need to control what you equip. I will do it!

"..." Huang Fusong was speechless. You have money and resources, and you have the final say.

"You can practice double talent." Chen Xi asked again.

"If you say that there are two elite talents manifested, there is no problem in terms of the quality of this group of people. As for the others, I ca n’t guarantee it. After all, the basic quality of the soldiers must be double talented, otherwise If anything, everything else is empty talk. "Huang Fusong told Chen Xi very helplessly, he now understands Chen Xi's routine.

"Then there is no problem in training a talent." Chen Xi said helplessly, he knew it was not so easy.

"This is very simple, as long as it is a normal adult man, it can be reached. When we were not strong enough, we all urgently recruited a group of village courage, and then took them to quickly participate in several wars, let them see blood, and then surprise Sex training can show a talent effect in half a year. "Huang Fusong said that I can't do it with a double talent, but a single talent is simple.

"Well, you see the blood first, and then train. We train first, see the blood first, and then train again." Chen Xi thought for a while and said, "However, there is no way to train the elite talent you want, and Wen trains It ’s unavoidable to kick out part of it. "

"There is not so much time, see the blood first, and then train fast." Huang Fusong said naturally, "As for training the elite talent you want, then look at their own skills. The first talent adapts to feel so weightless?" "

"Well, this is it. The 140-kilogram armor is equipped with a horse-cutting sword. Although there is no second talent, the blunt attack damage is not small, but after all, with such thick armor, the destructive power of the frontal battlefield should be It's not inferior to double talent. "Chen Xi said with satisfaction.

"Although it seems to me that such arming is a bit too wasteful, but since your savings are enough to use this luxury arm, I have nothing to say, let me feel this arm that is enough to be called luxury. "At this time, Huang Fusong has transformed the conventional mode of thinking.

In the past, when he was armed, Huang Fusong also had to consider that. When limiting the quantity and quality of weapons and equipment, Huang Fusong must carefully consider resource allocation, rationally use each resource, and maximize combat effectiveness.

Now, Chen Xi's way is very simple, resource allocation? What is that, anyway, as thick as this armor can be piled up, give me as thick as possible!

What, continue to pile armor in the future, a point investment only 0.5% profit, and even will be reduced to 0.1 in the future, it is about me, I just want to pile up this armor! I do n’t pay attention to the amount of income, as long as there is income, there is value!

In this way of fighting with local tyrants, Huang Fusong deeply felt the charm of it. Considering that many legions had never felt it before because of lack of money, they had thought about addiction.

"Actually, I don't think it's very reasonable for you to configure the Legion in this way. Although the combat effectiveness of the 100,000 heavy armored soldiers is very good, I think you should configure some other Legion, even if it is not bad, it is not so spent." Huang Fusong Xiao Jiujiu was in my heart, but what he said was indeed correct.

"I don't think it's a problem to deploy other legions. The old man of money is assured that as long as it is of a resource type, it really doesn't matter." Chen Xi whistled sideways. After spending so many years, he has accumulated a lot of resources.

"When I did n’t say that in the latter sentence, I mean, the units are too single. These people are indeed the most suitable heavy shield guards, but most soldiers with dual talents cannot grow like this, but they are also more suitable. His own arms. "Huang Fusong continued to flicker, but with his experience and ability, this flicker is basically a seamless level.

"Uh, that's how great it is that the old man is willing to help." Chen Xi didn't understand Huang Fusong's urge to addiction, but just thought that Huang Fusong was willing to help, so he naturally agreed with Huang Fusong's plan. .

"However, please pay attention to your health, don't be too tired. I understand your importance now. I will look back to Dr. Hua and Dr. Zhang to help you take care of you and give you an order so that you can select the soldiers. You can train according to your ideas. "Chen Xi is still afraid that Huang Fusong will finish halfway. I haven't felt how powerful this old man is before. The longer I stay now, the more I feel that this old man should not die recently.

"Relax, I won't be okay." Huang Fusong replied with a smile, secretly thinking, [Even if you are going to die, you must rely on the current resources to give me all the legions that I saw in the book. At any time, because of financial problems, the army was forced to choose to abandon the army of its predecessors, and this time it may coexist! 】

Although Huang Fusong said very clearly before, for the predecessor's legion, there were various major changes, various amendments, and they were transformed into their own exclusive legions.

But to be honest, is it because the senior's army is weaker than its own? Without the generals on both sides, can your own army really win the army of its predecessors?

No, except for a few strong generals who are against the sky, no one can guarantee that, in the case of organizational strength and equipment gaps, their own legion must be stronger than no previous legion without their own leadership The army led by the leader.

In this case, why not repair it, wipe out the obvious traces of the former master's personal, give it to his lieutenant general, and then create a new army exclusively for himself?

You know, as for the famous general of Huangfusong level, overhauling the former commander's legion, and selecting people everywhere, and finally building a legion yourself, there is not much difference in terms of difficulty.

In any case, even if it erased the personal traces of the previous generation general and handed it to his lieutenant general, the combat power has declined, but his own foundation will definitely not be too bad, even if he did not have the ability to suppress the fighting power of the crowd. At least, it can also serve as the backbone of the elite.

But why didn't everyone do this? In fact, just two words, no money, can not raise so much!

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