Mythical Version of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2249: The horror under the instant heavy loss

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The white horses led by Xue Shao have few arrows left. At this time, they did not respond that the other party was the Army Soul Legion. After all, the Roman Regular Eagle Flag Legion and the Han Legion ’s Regular Legion are all standard equipment. The main battle legion is in Severus. The times are replaced with the best preparations.

It is also because of this condition that although Xue Shao found out that the other party was the main battle group, he never thought that the other party was the army soul army group.

In short, holding the idea of ​​running after finishing, Xue Shao prepared to shoot the arrow and ran away, so he launched a fast speed arrow around the opponent at a certain speed.

By the way, this legion is the first time that Xue Shao has seen the single-armed legion in Rome for so long. All of them are heavy infantry. The other legions are more or less archers, cavalry, and other types of arms. Ensure that the enemy will not be defeated on any terrain.

Of course, the three major cavalry in the Han room are generally single arms. The difference is that the combat strength and number of these three cavalry are guaranteed. Relatively speaking, there is no restraint. Unless you take a few times the force to siege, you will have results, but it will cost a few times It doesn't make much sense to besiege them.

However, the heavy infantry corps in front of me felt like Xue Shao, not for killing the enemy, or for running the road, but for survivability. The opponent rolled into a circle immediately after encountering the white horse.

What's worse is that this circle is still round. Even the role of Xue Shao who has rounded other formations is recognized as a good circle. The face of the layers of shields and the layout are very close to each other. Borrowing the powerful formation, after shooting all the arrows, Xue Shao was embarrassed to see the Romans who seemed to have fallen in single digits.

Or just run like this, Xue Shao looked at this group of heavy infantry in a circle with some resentment, how could anyone get so many arrows and not fight at all, this is unreasonable, Xue Shao Decided to run.

"The more I look at this, the more I feel like the Army Soul Legion's resistance to death!" Xue Shao can only plan to run the road when he finds that he can't move the other side, and he doesn't want to desperately. Something came out that made him react.

A string in his head was put on, and Xue Shao was stunned. He turned the horse's head naturally and accelerated towards the tangent position of the circle. This is the Roman Army Soul Legion and the Parliamentary Guard. They actually fell. Single, go, kill them!

"Go, destroy them! They are the parliamentary guards, the auxiliary army soul army!" Xue Shao did not dare to hesitate any more, and at the moment of confirming this, he roared and launched an attack towards the other party. The reason, don't ask why, the army soul army that has been singled out can kill as much as you can. After this village, there is absolutely no shop!

As Xue Shao's warriors stood up, all the white horse soldiers entered the manic state, and then roared the white horse's vow toward the tangent of the parliamentary guard.

[No one is faster than us, Li Tiao can definitely hear that he will run faster than any other legion, and the strength of both of us, even if they cannot be completely destroyed, it is enough to devastate! 】 The moment Xue Shao's horse's hoof fell to the ground, Xue Shao made up his mind when the hurricane rose.

Although the combat effectiveness of the Parliamentary Guards is very weak, no matter how weak it is, its defensive strength is definitely at the top of the dual talents. With the resistance of the soul of the army to resist death, if there is a kind of high-caliber blessing of the army, directly There is no way to kill.

Bai Ma Yicong hurried away from the tangent position under the condition that Xue Shao did not hesitate to bear part of the loss, he almost cut the circle of the tangent position almost instantaneously. Although the blade is inevitably broken when it is cut into the opponent's shield, it is cut continuously. Under the attack, the soldiers of the Parliamentary Guards suffered a fatal attack in an instant when the shield was forcibly cut open.

Trying to turn the horse's head and sweeping it again from the new tangent position, the knife is like water and the blood is splashing, and the powerful fighting ability of the white horse is really displayed when he is willing to bet on his own speed and life.

At the moment of high-speed slashing, it was determined that the opponent's attack could not be avoided. Then deflect the horse's head directly in the direction of the attack. Although it was almost mortal, the strong inertia at the moment of turning the horse's head was hitting the white horse righteously. At the same time, the remaining power poured into the opponent is enough to sink the opponent's front.

After all, the extremely high speed is also a manifestation of strength, as Ju Yi told Gao Lan when he was called back, when Bai Mayi ’s soldiers were conscious of death, as long as they were in close combat, they were enough to die. Pull the enemy together to die in an instant.

For the white horse to sag, the incomplete front is enough for the comrades behind them to instantly launch a deadly attack.

Under this kind of fighting at all costs, Xue Shao created a very good record in a very short period of time. The loss ratio between the two sides is almost one to one. Here I have to say that although the parliamentary guard is weak, it is also in the army. Counting in the soul, even if it is weak, it will not fall to the point that it is not even a double talent.

What's more, the military soul itself is the strength of the organization and the guarantee of morale. After falling for hundreds of people in a short time, the soldiers of the parliamentary guard not only did not collapse because of it, but the formation was naturally downsized under the continuous hacking of Xue Shao. , To ensure its own overall defense.

That's why, even if Bai Shayi led by Xue Shao never attacked the opponent with his life, he only scored a one-to-one record. With the guarantee of the powerful organization of the opponent, even if it is the White Horse, it is difficult to play a higher battle. Loss ratio.

"Ah, you are looking for death!" At this time, a white horse Yi Cong who had killed hundreds of people on the horizon, under the leadership of Benito, went crazy to prepare to continue to attack the parliamentary guard. Xue Shao rushed away.

The kind of fearlessness and fearlessness all indicate that Benito rushed over to change his life. Xue Shao glanced at the violent Benito over there, knowing that he could not waste time on the other party, he directly ordered to continue Attacks on the parliamentary guard.

Benito's moment was almost divided. When Bai Mayi rushed from the circle formed towards the central parliamentary guard, Benito roughly estimated the speed of both sides, and then extended towards Xue Shao's attack position. The line washed away.

Not alive, this wave of fighting the elite cavalry, but also to cut off the white horse Yi from the waist, holding this idea, Benito directly canceled even the wind power talent, desperately speeding up, as for the attack, Attack a ghost and hit it!

Although Xue Shao played against Benito, but compared to Benito's calm state before, this time he entered a mad state, Benito's performance completely exceeded his own estimates, and Xue Shao did not hesitate to lose. Under the circumstances, he cut through the circle formed by the parliamentary guard, took away the soldiers again, and continued to rush toward the front by relying on inertia.

Benito, who roared and roared in the front, did not slow down directly. Like Baima Yicong in the battle between Yuan and Liu, he used himself as an arrow and slammed into Bai Xueyi who had not been able to complete the deceleration towards Xue Shao after cutting the parliamentary guard.

The kind of speed that has completely exceeded the limit, even if Bai Shayi led by Xue Shao has already possessed a dexterous talent, he can't avoid the face of the Roman Jingqi who was rushed to the side.

At the moment of contact between the two sides, the crisp gaba sounds in the battle array were not interrupted, and even the swift and violent white horse was knocked out laterally in this way.

At that moment, all the pawns who were in contact with each other suffered a fatal blow, whether it was the person who hit the person or the person who was hit.

This is the last trick of the fast white horse. Although Benito does n’t know these things, but hitting it directly in anxiety does not avoid it. It really exerts the strongest effect of the fast white horse. At that moment, everything hits the opponent. All the soldiers were killed.

At a speed of nearly one hundred meters per second, a car accident occurred, and it would be strange if the car was not destroyed.

Almost in a breath, Benito's elite cavalry had only a dozen lucky people who had not been hit or hit the enemy and survived. The other soldiers had already died in the previous wave of car accidents.

The same is true for Xue Shao's white horse, except for the cavalry who did not hit the person or was hit by the others, the others were all destroyed. Before that, there were more than a thousand white horses, which fell directly to hundreds. This number has no threat to the parliamentary guard.

"Hurry up and retreat. I have notified the other legions to come and protect you." Benito pointed at Xue Shao with a sword with one hand. When he rushed to Xue Shao's battlefield before, he was also wiped by Bai Mayi. After a moment, the bones of his right arm had been broken.

Xue Shao looked at the chaotic battlefield, where the blood flowed into the river, where the white horse was bathed in blood, and his heart was chilling. He finally understood how fear that other soldiers would be annihilated by a person in a flash would give other lives. When Ma Tau looked at that place, there was obvious panic on his face.

I have palpitations. I really have palpitations. Before that moment, no one ’s life was in his own hands. As long as he hit someone, he died when he was hit. There is no extra choice. In this moment, half of his comrades fell down. Fear, lingering in the heart of the white horse.

Even Xue Shao, who has been through a lot of battles, is inexplicably frightened and has to stop and adjust his current state of mind.

However, at this time, the cavalry of several other Roman legions had appeared on the west horizon, and the white horse Yi Cong led by Li Tiao also appeared on the north side. Xue Shao couldn't help but sink in his heart. The place where the collision occurred.

Then he glanced coldly at the parliamentary guard, and made a mistake. If he knew it would be the situation, Xue Shao would never try to attack the legion.

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