Mythical Version of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2123: Let you operate indiscriminately

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While Xu You and others were thinking about how to pick up the Romans cheaply, the Battle of Great Britain has made a strategic breakthrough. In short, the three barbarians lie down.

The problem of disgusting the Romans for hundreds of years was a strategic breakthrough in this wave. The Romans hit the penultimate home of the Germans and Celtics.

From the northern part of the Alps, we hit the sea and reached Great Britain, and finally defeated the three barbarians in Great Britain, that is, the north of England.

During the First World War in Great Britain, the three barbarians were indeed banned. The Japanese gods worshipped by the Germans, the mythical heroes of the Celtics, and the epic poems of the Slavs, almost all the three tricks were taken out.

It is a pity that in the face of the army dominated by the weakest and strongest legionary legislators, the chariot controlled by Severus has no use.

The Slavic epic poems greatly enhanced the strength of the pawns, the heroes sung in myths and epics, and the bravery they represent, the wisdom they represent, the wars they encounter in myths, and the glory they have achieved All turned into blessings and blessings on the pawns.

Celtic mythical heroes were called out of the mythology to directly recover the tribal leader Gaolin who ransacked Rome more than 500 years ago and burned the city of Rome.

The Germans took out the ring engraved with the Lun letters for the sacrifice, and attached the mythical Japanese **** to their strongest under a large number of blood sacrifices.

However, this did not help. The powerful increase of the Slavic poems of the Slavs was almost completely defeated by the Army Soul Legion, the upper legislature.

As the weakest army soul army legion, the parliamentary guard can't even beat the dual-talent Xiliang Tieqi, but as the auxiliary army soul army legion, its terrible auxiliary ability almost collapsed all the legions. This is also more than ten years ago. During the Roman War, the Huns, who were restful mercenaries, must die as an important reason for the legionary legion of the Parliamentary Guards.

The Xiongnu Imperial Guard, as a legacy of the Legion of Souls, has the greatest significance of inheriting dual talents for large-scale inheritance. Of course, its own combat effectiveness is also somewhat weak, but no matter how weak it is, the Legion of Souls.

As the Romans asked, how many supplies did the rest of the people take and asked to move the three army soul corps, we Romans doubled.

How much material did the rest of the people give at that time in order to invite the army of the Huns and the Roman Parliament Guard desperately?

In fact, in that war, the Huns were also forced to do so, and they would not attack the Roman Parliament Guard. There was no way to fight this war.

Because the Roman Parliament Guard is a special type of army soul army like Wei Qing ’s guards, its significance is not how strong its own combat power is, but the command blessing of the big army during the battle.

The Huns have a deep memory of Wei Qing, so they can find the problem at the moment when the Roman Parliament Guard debuts, otherwise, the wave of Huns will definitely lie down.

At that time, Wei Qing ’s personal guard regiment had double combat ability, but the blessing effect was extremely terrifying. For every general in our army who could command 1,000 people, the combat strength of our army ’s headquarters would increase by about 4%, and that of friendly forces would increase. Two percent.

Generally, the Wei Qing will bring 100,000 troops, the combat strength of the headquarters is 400%, and the friendly army is 200%. More importantly, this effect is also effective for the Army of Souls. conquer.

The Roman Parliament Guard also belongs to the special attribute Army Soul Legion of this large army battle. Although the wave of the Huns forcibly blasted off the Roman Parliament Guard and did not dare to wait for the other party to show the effect, but the approximate blessing scale of the Huns also already has guess.

This is also the reason why the Huns in the back are not willing to seduce the Romans, because the small legion won not have much benefit, and the big legion battled, and the Roman parliament did not fight.

In fact, the Huns did not make any mistakes. The blessings of the Roman Parliament Guards are indeed very powerful, and like other blessed Legion of Souls, the larger the scale and the more people, the stronger the effect of our blessing.

For each additional legion at the same level as the Parliamentary Guards, each legion can basically receive blessings by the number of legions at the same level multiplied by 5%, and for each additional low-level legion, each legion will receive the number of legions at that level multiplied by 10% , Plus the previous level to get blessings.

Simply put, the Roman Parliament Guard brings a Legion of Souls and a three-talent. These three guys will all receive about 15% of the blessing. Then if they take five more double talents, each of the five double talents will get a hundred. Sixty-five percent of the blessings, together with eleven single-talent elite regiments, each single-talent elite regiment will receive 175 percent blessings.

Faced with the effect of this violation, the Slavic poems of the Slavs did not show their due effect at all, and they were blown away by the Roman Parliament Guard with a group of youngsters.

This is why it is clearly the Army Soul Legion, but it is not included in the sequence, because compared to the ability of the Parliamentary Guards, other legions really need to be younger brothers to receive benefits.

As for the Celtics' completely deadly behavior, the recovered Gao Lin was directly dismembered into pieces by Sulinarari.

Originally, Severus had intended to forgive the Celts' guilt, prepared to kneel down the three European barbarians completely after this battle, and then gain their loyalty to continue to strengthen the strength of the Romans.

As a result, in the face of Celtic's lifeless recovery, Gao Lin killed the Roman capital and burned all the veterans who had not left the Roman city. Even Severus needed to take care of Rome. Human mood.

More than one hundred parliamentary veterans were killed in the city of Rome. After the killing, they were humiliated, and then the Celtics looted in the city of Rome, and finally set fire to the city of Rome, leaving the Romans with a ruin. Then he began to siege the surviving Romans on Mount Capitolin. After seven months of siege, the Romans on Mount Capitolin were almost eating.

When the two sides finally negotiated, the Romans compensated Gao Lin for 1,000 pounds of gold, and ceded the plains in northern Rome to the other party. This is what Gao Lin did.

After doing such a big thing, Gao Lin was fortunate not to be retaliated. He stepped down from the position of the chief of the Celtics and died.

The Romans were bitter about this matter, but there was no other way. When the Romans could get revenge, Gao Lin didn't know how many years he had died.

When Caesar's Battle of Gaul killed the Celts like chickens, Gao Lin's body was estimated to be almost gone. In short, the Romans hated the guy the most, but the hatred had never been reported.

As a result, this wave of Gaolin's call came out of myth, and the Romans were all "I'm going, what kind of operation?"

Since there is such an operation, you are still a hero called out in mythology, that is to say, you are Gao Lin himself, at that moment the Romans were all angry and excited.

Sulinarari personally rushed up and cut Gao Lin into pieces. More than 60,000 Celtics were elite. Except for hundreds of people who escaped, all the other captured were hacked to death, and then in Celtic The fairy lake of humans has tensed these tens of thousands of people, and finally filled the lake of fairy with the ashes!

Severus could not stop this kind of thing. The Romans ’patriotic education was still very powerful. The Celtics summoned Gao Lin not only did not give the Celtics terrible power, but also did not give the Romans a shock. The Romans were violent.

As for the Germans, as well as the Slavs, facing the violent Romans is not an opponent at all, the sun **** or something, since Sulinari shot, then it will be solved together.

Facing two masters at the same time, evading the German gods while dismembering Gao Lin, randomly shuttled between the gods and epic heroes, and easily split Gao Lin into pieces until Gao Lin died, facing The two masters were besieged, and they were wrapped in a white silk from the Central Plains of Sulinarari, even one blood spot was not splashed.

Even after easily killing the high-level epic hero Gao Lin, Sulinari's hairstyle and clothes were not messy at all.

"Surrender." Sulinari, who was carrying a knight's spear, didn't look at Gao Lin, which had fallen into a lump, but just calmly looked at the German master who was attached to the mythical Japanese **** in front of him.

The opponent itself is a master of breaking the world. After obtaining the possession of the Sun God, the strong is terrible, but it does not make any sense. No one can beat him. The strongest in Rome, even if it was five or six A high-level master siege, he can also be defeated without injury, powerful or not in front of him has little substantive significance.

"Why are you so strong!" Sun God looked at Sulinarari madly.

"No, you are too weak." Sulinarari said in a lost tone. "Serving or surrendering, as a carrier that is leaned over, it has the power of a demigod, and a strong body can burst out all Inner gas, but you are really weak. "

"Go to death!" Rishen exploded his power in a frenzy, and the power of bursting the world and pushing the extreme internal energy to the limit made everyone burst his eyes.

Sulinari, who was carrying a knight's spear, gently shook his head, facing the terrible attack of the sun god, but just stepped freely and walked past the sun god, just like a stroll, like a slow, fast, casual cross. , Never looked back at the German gods.

"I said, surrender or die." Sulinari slowly walked back to the formation, and then the sun **** in the sky suddenly fell, and the Germans had already been about to collapse. The fall of God is a thousand miles away.

"You're still so strong! Is there really an opponent who can beat your opponent in this world?" Severu's close guard Aristonos watched the two killing generals without even clothes. Bloody Sulinari said with a tangled expression.

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