Mystery Case Tracing [Criminal Investigation]

Chapter 39

Chapter 39 Incident

When Qi Chuchen arrived at the address provided by Gao Rui, the scene was in an old-fashioned residential area. As soon as the car entered the gate and turned a few turns before driving, I saw a lot of people downstairs from a distance. Qi Chuchen randomly found an empty space to park the car, jumped out of the car and quickly walked closer to the unit door. Pick up the cordon.

“Brother Qi.” The guard policeman stretched out his hand to lift the cordon, and handed his glove, shoe cover, and mask with the other hand.

Qi Chuchen took it and put on his gloves while walking. He strode two ladders and made a few steps to the door of a residential building on the second floor. At this moment, the entrance door was wide open. Qi Chuchen put on the shoe cover and put the mask in his pocket. Inside, walked in.

Zhang Chao had already arrived to check with Gao Rui inside and outside the room. Gao Rui saw Qi Chuchen coming in and greeted him after a while, “Brother Chen, come here first.”

There was a low-wattage light bulb hanging in the room. It was better to turn it on than if it couldn’t be turned on, and it was still dim. Qi Chuchen followed Gao Rui to the door of the bathroom. The forensic doctor was already busy, squatting in the bathroom spraying solutions, dripping reagents, and extracting traces. Standing at the door, Zhang Chao turned his head and looked up and down. Qi Chuchen didn’t speak, and continued to turn his face to see that the doctor was busy.

This is the bathroom of a typical old-fashioned house, with a small area and no external window. The walls and floors are covered with cheap white tiles. On the inner side is a squatting pan. A shower is hung on the wall. Two or three plastic basins, large and small, are stacked together and leaning against the wall by the door. Now the walls, shower handles, and several basins have dried up blood.

Qi Chuchen withdrew and asked, “Where is the corpse?”

Zhang Chao pointed to the outside living room. Two people walked to the living room. Zhang Chao stood in front of the refrigerator, gave Qi Chuchen a look, and opened the two doors of the refrigerator at the same time with both hands: the refrigerator compartment and the freezer compartment were all full…

“What about the head?” Qi Chuchen glanced around and found no key parts.

The freezer compartment has not been completely defrosted, and there is an unusual smell coming out of the refrigerator compartment. Qi Chuchen tried his best to restrain the surge in his stomach. Although this kind of fragmented scene was not the first time I saw it, he still needed to adapt every time he saw it.

Zhang Chao spread his hands, “Preliminarily determined that he is not in this room.”

Zhang Chao closed the refrigerator door. The two went through each house and checked again. The house layout is two rooms and one living room, basically without decoration, white walls and concrete floors, the rooms are large and one small. The doors are all old-fashioned wooden doors. The entrance door has an anti-theft door. The door is first through the kitchen. The kitchen is placed on an old-fashioned stove. A wok and a small pot, the sink is made of white tiles made of cement bricks, and a plastic basin is placed inside; a wooden cabinet serves as a cupboard, on which are two old-fashioned metal-shell thermos bottles, and a handful is placed on the ground next to it. Electric kettle, a larger aluminum pot.

After the kitchen is the living room, the living room is not big. There is a three-seater sofa, a wooden coffee table, no dining table, and two wooden chairs against the wall. The paint is mottled, and there is an old refrigerator in the corner. From the living room to the bedroom, go through the bathroom first, and then the two bedroom doors, one large and one small, are adjacent to each other; in the large bedroom there is nothing but a bed and a wardrobe; in the small bedroom there is a small bed, a desk, a wardrobe, and a desk. There are a lot of books on the stack, the closet is open, there are books on the stack, and a few old girl’s clothes are hanging.

Looking around, the family’s financial situation has a preliminary conclusion.

In the large bedroom, the closet was empty, everything was turned out and piled on the floor, and the sheets were also lifted up, obviously being turned over.

After checking around, Zhang Chao said, “I will stay here and continue to observe the medical investigation. Go downstairs and ask who has been found.”

Qi Chuchen turned Gao Rui and went downstairs. Next to the unit door, he saw two policewomen looking after an elderly woman in her sixties. She carried a plastic bag with some vegetables in her hand. Qi Chuchen walked up. Before, took out his police officer ID,

“Hello, Auntie. What is your name? Did you find it? Do you know the dead in the house?”

Auntie squeezed the cup in her hand,

“My name is Liu Sulian. My husband lives in this house. I didn’t dare to see the dead one. I don’t know if it was him.”

“You didn’t live here? How did you find out? Who told you to come over?” Qi Chuchen continued to ask.

“My mother is not in good health. I have been living with my mother for the past few years, in that building over there.” Liu Sulian turned and pointed to another building with the same appearance in the distance.

“I don’t usually go back here. Yesterday I received a text message from the power bureau that the power bureau did not pay the fee and the power was cut off. This morning, the power bureau sent me a request to settle it as soon as possible. I went to the power bureau to ask after I bought the vegetables in the morning. I learned that the electricity bill has not been paid this time and the electricity has been cut off. I made up the electricity bill. The staff said that the call would normally be available within two hours and asked me to see for myself. Why didn’t I pay the electricity bill when I’m not at home. I walked into the house and turned on the light and there was no electricity. I smelled something weird. I wondered if something in the refrigerator was broken, so I opened the refrigerator door…” Liu Sulian couldn’t say anything. Now, keep drinking water.

When Qi Chuchen saw this, he stretched out his hand: “Can you show me the phone? How much do I owe for the electricity bill?”

Liu Sulian took out the phone and handed it over.

Qi Chuchen took it and turned it over. The Electric Power Bureau fixedly issued a payment notice on the 28th of every month, and the system would send another short message if the payment was not paid for a week, until the power outage notice. Qi Chuchen flipped through the text messages for more than a year, and found that there were occasional reminder text messages that had not been paid for a week. Most of them only had one reminder of the payment amount in the current month.

Qi Chuchen returned the phone to Liu Sulian, “How do you usually pay for electricity?”

“It seems that you can pay on your mobile phone. There is a supermarket nearby and the bank can pay for it. I usually go to the bank. If there is a power failure, none of these places can be paid to the power bureau, so I ran a big circle this morning.” Liu Sulian Reply.

“Do you usually pay the electricity bill in this house or your husband?” Qi Chuchen asked.

“I can’t live here. I don’t care about it. I have paid the bill today. One is here to see if the call is coming, and the second is to ask him for the electricity bill to replenish me. Who knows… Comrade police officer, who is that inside? “Liu Sulian’s mood has calmed down at this moment, and her words are more agile.

“The identity of the deceased cannot be determined for the time being. Is there anything special on your husband’s body? For example, birthmarks, scars, etc.” Qi Chuchen asked.

When Liu Sulian heard the scar, he said hurriedly: “There is something, his right hand is here.” Liu Sulian stretched out her left finger and gestured with her right index finger. “This finger is missing a short section. It was cut by a machine tool in the factory.”

Qi Chuchen stretched out his index finger and compared it with Liu Sulian to estimate the length of the injury, and confirmed that the knuckles were not missing. Qi Chuchen nodded.

“Do you have any children, where are you?”

“There is a daughter who is studying in Longdong City,” Liu Sulian replied.

“Hurry up and notify her to come back as soon as possible. There is something wrong in your house. No matter who is in it, this is not a trivial matter. I don’t think you are young anymore. Ask the child to come back and take care of some things and communicate.” Qi Chuchen said sentence.

Liu Sulian stunned and replied, “Okay, I’ll call the child in a while.”

Qi Chuchen saw that the forensic doctors came down to the car with a bag of things. It was estimated that the inspection above was almost the same. Turning back, he said to Liu Sulian,

“Well, call the child back as soon as possible. Don’t tell others about today’s affairs. If someone asks you, you will not be able to say clearly. You will need your cooperation in the follow-up. You leave the information and call my colleague to register.”

Qi Chuchen patted Gao Rui, motioned Gao Rui to continue recording, and turned around and went upstairs again.

The forensic doctor has completed the investigation and went downstairs. Zhang Chao was still upstairs with a few people, when he saw Qi Chuchen come in and beckoned.

“What did you find?”

Qi Chuchen followed Zhang Chao in the house, “The husband and wife have a bad relationship and have been separated for a few years. The deceased is most likely the owner of the house. Liu Sulian said that the owner of the house’s right index finger is missing. Can you see it?”

Zhang Chao nodded, “That’s basically it.”

Qi Chuchen frowned: “Dead for at least five days and frozen like this will definitely affect the forensic doctor’s judgment of the specific time of death. We only have to visit nearby residents to see what we found, and we can understand more about the speculation.”

Zhang Chao took Qi Chuchen through the door again, pointing to the anti-theft door and the wooden door lock, “There are no signs of damage to the two doors, and the normal way to enter the house. You should know the deceased, or have a legitimate reason, such as maintenance. ”

He walked to the toilet, signaled Qi Chuchen to stand in, and then closed the toilet door. “The living room, kitchen, and bedroom are all clean, with blood stains in the toilet, and behind the toilet door. This is the scene of the corpse. There were no fights and signs of struggling all the way. When the deceased was brought to the toilet after being controlled, or brought to the toilet after death, this one looks back at the medical report.”

Two people stood between the doors of the two bedrooms, and Qi Chuchen glanced at the situation of the two bedrooms: “This person should be very clear about the situation in this house. I just asked. They have a daughter who is studying in Longdong City. This small bedroom should It was a girl who lived there and there was no trace of rummaging, indicating that the murderer felt that there would be no valuables in the girl’s house. The large bedroom was all turned over. It is estimated that no one is sure if anything was lost.”

Zhang Chao nodded, and the two went downstairs and began to wander around the residential building.

The residential buildings in this community should be more than 30 years old, and each building looks exactly the same and has seven floors, and the two buildings are more than ten meters apart. There are a dozen buildings in the community, as well as a semi-abandoned unmaintained basketball court with a lot of green coverage, mostly trees that are inexpensive and easy to care for. After walking around, basically no cameras were found, and the entire community was a blind spot for surveillance. There is a fence around the community, but it has been in disrepair for a long time, and part of it has collapsed and turned into a low wall, which can be easily turned over.

Qi Chuchen stopped a passing aunt, “Auntie, hello, do you have property management?”

The aunt gave him a vigilant look, “No, you can ask the guard if you have something to do.” She left without looking back.

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