Mysterious Awakening

Chapter 118: The Red Candle

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Miles gazed quizzically at the gleaming, rectangular golden box that sat on the table. The shimmering container attracted his attention, and with a furrowed brow, he pondered, “What is this?”

Just as he questioned the mysterious box’s contents, James, accompanied by Build and Sun, walked back over. They had come back because the price previously quoted for a certain transaction had been exorbitantly high, so much so that it seemed laughable. Recognizing the need for direct intervention, James decided to personally step in and negotiate the terms. Miles couldn’t help but feel this was the opportunity he had been waiting for.

Opening the box with a flourish, James started, “This is a groundbreaking innovation from my laboratory.” He paused momentarily before continuing, “I genuinely believe this will be invaluable to you, especially when you face otherworldly phenomena. In exchange for Frank, this is my offering. Trust me, you won’t feel shortchanged.”

Miles leaned over to catch a glimpse of the box’s contents, expecting some sort of priceless artifact. But to his astonishment, nestled within the golden container was but a simple candle. This wasn’t just any candle, though. Its intense, deep red shade looked as though it had been crafted from the essence of fresh blood.

Recognizing Miles’s surprise, James confirmed, “Yes, it’s a red candle.”

Miles’s voice dripped with skepticism. “A candle? Are you seriously suggesting that this mundane object is a worthy trade for Frank? At a glance, it looks like it’s worth mere pennies.”

Undeterred, James explained, “This is no ordinary candle. Its intrinsic value is akin to possessing the strength of five spirits. As of now, only my laboratory has the technology and expertise to produce such a marvel. Its scarcity means it’s not available in the open market, regardless of how wealthy one might be. I’ve christened it the ‘ghost candle’.”

Piqued by the unusual name, Miles pressed on, “That’s a captivating name, but what makes it so special?”

On the surface, the candle appeared unremarkable. But given James’s insistence on its value, Miles was eager to fathom its deeper significance.

James clarified, “The utility of the ghost candle is straightforward. When lit, as long as its flame remains undisturbed, it promises to shield anyone enveloped by its light from malevolent apparitions.”

For a moment, Miles seemed taken aback. “That sounds like pure fantasy.”

James acknowledged the doubt in Miles’s voice and said, “Your skepticism is expected since this is your initial interaction with the ghost candle. I won’t dally with extensive details, but know this: the candle has been deployed in three major paranormal disturbances, and each time, its efficacy was undeniable. If my word isn’t enough, then I’m afraid there’s little more I can offer. This is the pinnacle of what I can provide.”

With that, Miles found himself in deep contemplation, staring at the glowing red candle. The promise of such a powerful tool was tantalizing.

Was it truly possible for a candle, no matter how unique, to offer protection from vengeful spirits? And while James was known for his scientific prowess, he wasn’t a sorcerer. Could such an artifact truly originate from a lab?

If, by some chance, James’s claims about the ghost candle’s powers were accurate, then the possibilities were staggering. What could the future hold with such an item in one’s possession?

James detailed the capabilities of the unique item, saying, “Once ignited, the ghost candle offers its protection so long as its flame remains untouched. The person within its sphere of influence is assured absolute protection from harm.”

The gravity of James’s statement was not lost on Miles. To him, this seemed like a miraculous safeguard, potentially life-saving for anyone plagued by hostile supernatural entities.

His skepticism evident, Miles probed, “Are you certain about its effectiveness? Have you rigorously tested this?”

With unwavering confidence, James responded, “Through extensive trials, we’ve found that even spirits of the highest menace, which we classify as ‘A’ grade level, are rendered powerless within the range of the ghost candle’s light. The protection remains in effect until the flame goes out. If, after using it, you find my claims to be false, you have every right to seek retribution. I stand firmly by the fruits of my scientific endeavors.”

Miles’s gaze briefly shifted to the decapitated head of Frank resting nearby and then back to the ghost candle. Weighing the situation, he deduced that James wouldn’t risk lying at such a pivotal juncture. The ghost candle must indeed possess the remarkable capabilities that had been described.

Eager to know more, Miles asked, “How long can one expect a single ghost candle to burn?”

James answered cautiously, “It’s not easy to provide an exact duration. The candle’s burning rate is influenced by the intensity of the supernatural threat nearby. The greater the malevolence of the spirit, the quicker the candle consumes itself. But, as a baseline, you can expect at least thirty minutes of protection.”

Raising an eyebrow, Miles countered, “Half an hour seems rather brief for such a unique item. Would you consider providing an additional one?”

James clarified, “Producing the ghost candle isn’t simple. The one I possess is specifically reserved for my personal use. If you desire an extra, it would necessitate a special request. I don’t hold the power to casually distribute them. And mere association with HQ doesn’t guarantee access. You’d need a significant promotion. For perspective, even Build, standing right here, doesn’t possess the required clearance.”

Build, who had been silently observing the exchange, scratched his nose in slight discomfort. He hadn’t been privy to information about the ghost candle, let alone the procedure to acquire it.

After some reflection, Miles finally said, “Very well, we’ve reached an agreement. Take Frank.”

“Proceed with Frank to the laboratory. From this point forward, Manager Sun will be in charge of organizational matters. Ensure that trivialities don’t reach me,” James directed his security detail.

Without delay, the team, equipped with a body bag containing Frank’s severed head, swiftly exited the premises, with Captain June overseeing their movements.

Pausing to reflect, Miles mused aloud, “A ghost candle…”

He scrutinized the crimson-hued candle briefly, then secured it for safekeeping. If it truly held the power James claimed, it would be an invaluable asset when confronting formidable supernatural adversaries.

Suddenly, an afterthought struck him, and he exclaimed, “Hold on! My bag’s worth a whopping 20 million… But I suppose it’s a bit late to bring that up now.”

The roar of the transport vehicles indicated that James and his team were already on their way, leaving behind a slightly regretful Miles without his valuable bag.

With a wry grin stretching across his face, Build began, “Miles, you have a knack for diving headfirst into complicated situations. Betraying a fellow comrade, no matter the scenario, treads on murky ethical grounds.”

Expanding on his point, Build added, “Even if you disregard the broader implications, it’s vital to cultivate and maintain positive relationships with your colleagues. It’s not just about being altruistic — it’s also strategically wise. Remember, the world is round, and you’ll inevitably encounter them again.”

Miles, not one to be easily chastised, countered, “In a world rife with deceit and backstabbing, my approach is relatively tame. While some might engage in covert plots against their allies, my recent maneuvers have been open and transparent — almost divine-like in their benevolence.”

Build’s face contorted in a mix of amusement and disbelief, searching for the right words. “Let’s hope your ‘divine benevolence’ doesn’t run rampant,” he teased, “Otherwise, I’ll have a tough time defending your actions to our superiors. Do it for old times’ sake, will you?”

With a sly smirk, Miles replied, “Of course. But who could’ve predicted that Frank would become such a valuable asset? I mean, trading him for an artifact as unique as the ghost candle? That was an unexpected jackpot.”

He continued, musing, “For me, the value of Frank pales in comparison to the ghost candle. Sure, capturing a ghost might fatten my wallet a bit, but no amount of wealth can shield me from supernatural threats like the ghost candle can. It’s a no-brainer where the true value lies.”

Shifting gears, Build asked, “Have you thought about joining HQ and starting your assessment soon? I can facilitate the application process for you once I’m back.”

Miles took a moment before responding, “It’s perhaps best to hold off for now. I want to thoroughly understand James’s methodology for reviving malevolent entities. You wouldn’t want a ghost tamer who’s on borrowed time, right? And since Spear City recently gained a new City Head, I think the city is in good hands for now. Joining HQ might be overkill. I’m a local at heart and don’t feel the urge to explore unknown terrains just yet.”

Miles had managed to tame two ghosts, but he chose to keep the specifics of his techniques, especially the use of the human skin parchment, from Build. If word about the parchment got out, it could pique James’s curiosity, maybe even prompting a shift in his title to ‘Professor Skin’. Keeping the parchment’s existence under wraps was paramount for Miles.

Build, sensing some of Miles’s reservations, nodded. “I see where you’re coming from. Now that you’ve brokered a deal, ensuring the successful revival of the second ghost is indeed paramount. The risks are considerable, and I’m sure you’re well aware. But let me be clear, I genuinely hope you navigate these challenges safely.”

He then added somberly, “You should know that the laboratory’s procedures are notoriously treacherous. Failure rates are shockingly high with a mortality rate that could reach up to 80%.”

The gravity of Build’s words hit Miles. “I hope for the best too,” he murmured. “Your guidance and support have been invaluable, Captain Build. I trust you’ll have my back in the future challenges as well.”

With a genuine warmth lighting up his face, Build replied, “Always here to help. It’s what I do.”

Build, being deeply entrenched in the intricacies of their world, was well aware of the evolving relationship between HQ and Miles. Initially, joining HQ seemed to be a purely strategic choice for Miles, hoping to tap into its vast resources to further his experiments on prolonging the lives of malevolent spirits.

But the situation had shifted.

Given the current turn of events, Miles found himself in a relatively advantageous position, allowing him the luxury of time to contemplate his next move. Committing to HQ now would mean immersing himself headlong into a continuous stream of supernatural challenges. This constant exposure was somewhat misaligned with Miles’s preference for selective engagements that offered tangible rewards.

Seeking clarity on one of his pressing queries, Miles asked, “Speaking of the past, once I become a part of HQ, all my previous involvements in handling supernatural cases will be recognized and credited, won’t they?”

Build affirmed with a nod, “Without a doubt. Your interventions in the Wealth Mall and the mysterious occurrences at Yellow Hill Village will be acknowledged and documented in your official records.”

Miles’s eyes gleamed with ambition. “Good to know. I have my sights set high. Once I’m part of HQ, I don’t intend to be a mere pawn. I want to move up the hierarchy.”

He recalled his earlier interactions with James, which hinted at a structured ranking system within HQ. Ghost tamers were categorized and accorded privileges based on their achievements and ranks. Ascending even a couple of levels could unlock invaluable resources, much like the ghost candle. And beyond the allure of these tangible assets, a higher rank would inevitably bestow more authority, influence, and respect within the organization.

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