My Years As a Car Dealer

Chapter 86

Chapter 84: :Yousaythatyoulov…

Chapter 0084: Yousaythatyouloverain

Mu Qingzheng was thinking hard about how to translate, but Jiang Fangyan suddenly disrupted his thoughts. She swayed the majestic mountain in front of the moon, swaying from side to side, and immediately couldn’t stand it. , snorted softly twice, and instantly her pretty face turned red.

Mu Qing panicked and pushed Jiang Fangyan away, got up and ran into the bathroom in the conference room…

“Hey, sister, cousin.” Jiang Fangyan raised her arms and looked at the distant back of her cousin, lost and uncomfortable.

As time passed, Zhang Chen, standing proudly on the high podium, felt that no one should be able to translate it.

His smile was bright, but it was full of contempt and ridicule, and the corners of his mouth rose, strangely cold.

The more Jiang Fangyan looked at Zhang Chen’s smiling face, the more she wanted to slap him, but she couldn’t translate it, and she couldn’t express her anger. In the end, she lowered her head weakly, and a deep sense of frustration welled up in her heart.

Outside the door, Wang Qiang and others observed all the movements in the conference room through the crack of the door. The little boy and Jiang Fangyan couldn’t answer the question, and their collapsed appearance made them go crazy.

Little Hippo, Little Hippo, do you have today too?

Wang Qiang and the others finally vented the stagnant air in their hearts. They felt refreshed, and every breath of air they breathed was sweet.

Mu Qing finally came out of the bathroom, with a stern smile on his face without the slightest expression, and returned to his seat, restoring the image of the group’s cold president.

“Sister, look at Zhang Chen’s shyness, take out your housekeeping skills and cut him.” Jiang Fangyan approached her cousin, pointed to Zhang Chen in the distance, and urged Mu Qing to avenge herself.

Mu Qing expressionlessly rejected his cousin’s request and said quietly, “Give it up, I can’t think of a suitable English translation either.”

“Don’t tell me that, I’m not convinced.” Jiang Fangyan pouted her little tiger teeth, very unconvinced, not willing to be defeated by Zhang Chen, she suddenly remembered, “You can’t just let him test us, we also make it difficult for him. .”

“That’s right!” Mu Qing suddenly realized that he really wanted to test how high Zhang Chen’s real level was.

With the support of her cousin, Jiang Fangyan instantly gained confidence. She stood up with her head held high and shouted at Zhang Chen, “We have a question, do you dare to translate it?”

Zhang Chen despised Jiang Fangyan, a happy man, with his own system in hand, who gave you the confidence to believe that he could win against me?

“Sister, Zhang Chen has accepted the move, let him be quick.”

Under the urging of Jiang Fangyan, Mu Qing coldly said the exam questions that required English to Chinese translation:









Mu Qing’s voice was clear and pleasant, and he spoke very fast. Those who are not good at English have not heard the first few sentences clearly, but President Gao Leng has already finished reading them.

As a result, not counting the dozens of children who were lost in confusion, 70% of the people in the conference room couldn’t hear it clearly. Looking at Mu Qing in front of him, they couldn’t lift it up in shame.

The rest of the people who understood it actually understood that the English that Mu Qing read didn’t have so many uncommon words, and could even be said to be extremely simple.

It is precisely because the sentence is simple and easy to understand that it is more difficult to translate it.


The translation is too straightforward to show the level.

The translation is Taiwen and crepe, and I am afraid that it will deviate from the original meaning and make others laugh.

Jiang Fangyan’s English was not good, but she heard Mu Qingnian’s words and remembered that it was an English poem that her cousin liked very much.

When my cousin is free, I often try to translate it into Chinese. However, after trying it many times, it is either too tacky or too different from the original author’s original meaning, and finally gave up painfully.

Jiang Fangyan foolishly believed that the translation of her cousin with such a high level of knowledge was not perfect, and Zhang Chen’s translation must be even worse, and she might not even understand the original meaning of English.

“Hahaha, Zhang Chen, you can admit defeat happily, this girl can let you go.” Jiang Fangyan pinched her waist with both hands and shouted at Zhang Chen, happily unable to find Bei.

Zhang Chen was not angry, and responded to the little girl with a smile: “What if I could translate it?”

“It’s useless to translate it. The translation has the original artistic conception, not just messing around with words.” Jiang Fangyan pouted and despised Zhang Chen, “If your translation can satisfy this girl, I will give you a salary increase every time. The hourly make-up fee is three thousand Chinese dollars.”

Three thousand Huaxia coins an hour?

The price given by Jiang Fangyan scared everyone.

The executives in the back widened their eyes in shock and breathed excitedly.

They are the top executives of Jiang’s Group or Sihai Group, and their annual salary is over one million. Calculated by hour, their salary is far below the standard of 3,000 Huaxia Coins per hour.

Wang Qiang and the others outside the door were completely dumbfounded. Two thousand Huaxia coins per hour was already a sky-high price. Now the little rich woman directly quoted the fantastic price, she couldn’t believe her ears.

“I’m going to die, I’m going to die.” Wang Qiang and the others’ eyes fluttered, patted their chests, and admired the generous little rich woman. They suddenly remembered that Zhang Chen’s English level was only over CET-6 and wanted a perfect translation. It is almost impossible to produce the English poems that Mu Qing recited.

Wang Qiang and others came to their senses, Jiang Fangyan painted them a big pie with diamonds, and they couldn’t eat it, which was somewhat regrettable.

Wang Qiang and the others, and the remaining 30% of the executives, exhausted their brain cells and pondered painfully. Here, Zhang Chen gently began to read:

“My dear drizzle, the rain falls and the umbrella is opened.

You love the bright sun, and seek the cool when it is sunny…”

Zhang Chen’s voice was not loud, but it was cadenced, and with his unique voice, it was very attractive and immediately attracted everyone’s attention, and listened to him quietly.

“You pity the breeze, the wind blows and closes the windows.

I am good to you, why does my heart hurt. ”

Zhang Chen’s translation tends to be antiquated, and the words and sentences are equally simple and easy to understand, and there is no pretense of esoteric falling out of the book bag.

But the rhyme is catchy, it sounds very comfortable, it gives people a comfortable feeling, and it sounds great.

Everyone was immersed in the beautiful words and couldn’t extricate themselves, even Jiang Fangyan, the little rich woman who loved to make trouble, didn’t make a fuss.

Jiang Fangyan was extremely depressed, and her cousin, who was proficient in four foreign languages, couldn’t figure it out. Zhang Chen was able to translate it so perfectly. It was unreasonable.

The people who were completely convinced instantly felt the breadth and depth of the Chinese language. In comparison, what English was weak.

A perfect translation means that they can get a job of 3,000 Huaxia Coins per hour. Wang Qiang and several people outside the conference room were immediately dumbfounded. The smiles froze on their faces, and it took a while for the petrochemical to react.

“Long live.”

“Zhang Chen, you are amazing.”

“Brother, you are too rude.”

Wang Qiang, Wang Longfei, Hou Lei, Jijie, and Ah Hu rushed into the conference room with their arms raised, and rushed towards Zhang Chen who was standing on the high podium.

“Zhang Chen, I love you to death.” Wang Qiang and the others stepped forward to give Zhang Chen a bear hug.

Zhang Chen broke free from Wang Qiang’s arm, and smiled and avoided Hou Lei’s stinking mouth: “Stop, stop, I won’t slap Gao Ji.”

“My dear drizzle, the rain falls and the umbrella is opened.

You love the bright sun, and seek the cool when it is sunny.

You pity the breeze, the wind blows and closes the windows.

I am good to you, why does my heart hurt. ”

Sitting in his seat, Mu Qing looked at Zhang Chen on the podium, silently reciting the verse translated by Zhang Chen, and his heart turned violent.

At the banquet last time, Zhang Chen was able to accurately translate the French spoken by Clementi, and she was amazed at that time.

Mu Qing felt that Zhang Chen was not one of those laity people who were slandered by others.

Now Zhang Chen has shown his attainment in English, which makes Mu Qing somewhat surprised and amazed.

“Pleasure value from colleague Mu Qing: 100”

“My heart is full of wounds, and my face is bloated and fat.” Zhang Chen’s excellent and perfect performance slapped his face. Jiang Fangyan looked up at the ceiling at a forty-five-degree angle, silent tears, and touched her little face with burning pain.

She couldn’t figure out why other people were so good, but she was such a failure. She sighed uncomfortably: I remembered running under the sunset that day, that was my lost youth.

When Zhang Chen came back to class, he did not expect such a result.

Now that he has won a big victory, he has severely humiliated the little bastard, and Zhang Chen ignored Jiang Fangyan and shouted for everyone to go out to eat and drink.

Seeing the backs of Zhang Chen and the others leaving, Jiang Fangyan stomped her feet angrily, turned around and grabbed Mu Qing’s arm, and acted like a spoiled child: “Sister, Zhang Chen and the others are going to play and don’t call me, woo woo…”

“Okay, don’t think about playing anymore, let my uncle arrange the time and place for make-up lessons.” Mu Qing said that after leaving his little cousin, he left blankly.

“Sister, you don’t even help me, woo woo…” Jiang Fangyan lowered her head and wiped her tears with the back of her hand, suddenly realized something, raised her head sharply, she was stunned for a moment, and then smiled.

Zhang Chen called Xin Zhao, Xue Feng, Sophie, and Manager Wang and a group of colleagues from the Four Seas Auto Shop, and they all sat lively in the mutton soup restaurant at the east gate of the Teachers College.

There were too many people, but Zhang Chen did not let everyone separate.

Three large dining tables were put together in a rectangular shape, six hot pots were brought up, plates, tableware and chopsticks were placed together, and everyone sat around.

Speaking of today’s class, Wang Qiang, Wang Longfei, and Hou Lei blushed with shame, shouting that they didn’t expect Jiang Fangyan to invite dozens of children to make trouble.

Fortunately, Zhang Chen’s translation of English poems calmed Jiang Fangyan, brought face back to everyone, and raised the cost of supplementary lessons to 3,000 Chinese dollars.

“Is Zhang Chen’s English so slippery?” Wang Keqiang and others adored their eyes full of little stars.

“Pleasure value from colleague Wang Keqiang: 2000”

“Pleasure value from colleague Zhang Hu: 2000”

“Pleasure value from colleague Fang Wu: 2000”

“Pleasure value from colleague Wang Qi: 2000”

“Happiness value from colleague Hao Qiang: 2000”

“Pleasure value from colleague Tang Hongbo: 2000”

Eating mutton and drinking cold beer, the atmosphere at the banquet was very lively.

Sister Ji held the box of beer and found people to drink one by one.

Sister Ji has a really bad temper. If you want to drink alcohol, you have to drink it. If you don’t drink it, you won’t give me Chen Shengnan’s face.

Everyone was really unbearable after being filled with bottle after bottle by Sister Ji. In order to prevent himself from being drunk again, Zhang Hu hurriedly asked Sister Ji to start the live broadcast.

Sister Ji was drunk, and when she heard the word “live”, she immediately regained her spirits, took out her mobile phone with trembling hands, and opened the live room after a long time of clicking.

In an instant, countless fans flooded into the live broadcast room. Sister Ji didn’t live broadcast for two days. The fans shouted and fired at her:

“Local tyrant chicken, do you have bird flu? How long has it been since the live broadcast started?”

“Curious, how did you appear on my grandpa’s watch list?”

“Sister Chicken, I didn’t tell you, since you signed the contract, you’ve been a little off. Otherwise, Yanyue Dao, Yuxi, high-voltage lines, etc., just come here?”

Sister Ji remembered that she is now the contract anchor of Dirty Broadcasting, and she must arrange live broadcasts according to the regulations every day, and cannot be as loose as before.

“I’m so excited these two days, and there’s something going on in the hotel, so I forgot about the live broadcast.” Sister Ji explained with a smile to the fans.

Most of the fans understand Jijie’s character and express their understanding. A small number of fans are reluctant and still condemn Jijie:

“To be honest, is there a live broadcast platform looking for you, tell me, how much did they give you? We will give you double the dirty broadcast.”

“Everyone, let’s go. Sister Ji is dead. Small things burn paper, and big things call the soul.”

“Sister Ji died quite peacefully. Everyone came here. Don’t light up the incense, spit and leave.”

“I wipe, it’s not over yet?” There are more and more barrages ridiculing Jijie. In the past, Jijie can’t see it, pretending to be stupid and not asking.

Today, Sister Ji is I drank a bit more, and the cow’s temper also came up. She rolled up her sleeves to her shoulders, and grinned and scolded the prickly fans.

Neither side gave in to each other.

Zhang Chen panicked, grabbed the phone in Sister Ji’s hand, and begged Xin Zhao, Ah Hu and the others helped Sister Ji to rest.

Facing the phone, Zhang Chen explained to the fans: “Jie Ji’s Tiandi Hotel has been doing good business these two days. Jijie is so busy that she didn’t mean to neglect everyone.”

Zhang Chen’s appearance quickly diverted everyone’s attention, and the barrage filled the entire screen:

“Stroking Zhang Chen in the front row, begging for **** fans ah ah ah ah ah ah.”

“I’ve been waiting for Zhang Chen for two days, and I finally saw my husband again, huh huh.”

“Zhang Chen is my husband, and you are playing a tribute.”

The atmosphere in the live broadcast room was high, and the system even prompted one reward after another:

Someone offered a kitchen knife,

Someone offered a piece of brick,

Someone took Jin Kelai and smeared the face of the anchor Jijie,

Suddenly, a loud noise sounded in the live broadcast room, and the screen of the entire live broadcast room was shaking, so frightened Zhang Chen almost threw his phone out.

Later, Zhang Chen realized that this was a new special effect added by the dirty broadcast. When there is a big reward such as a nuclear bow, the mobile phone screens of the anchor and all fans watching the live broadcast will all have special effects prompts that shake.

Nuclear bow list?

Zhang Chen and all the fans were stunned. When the system prompted them, they found out that it was the filthy rewarding madman “Nicholas Irelia Otto Apokalis” who came to Sister Ji’s live broadcast room.

Immediately after, Sister Si Si typed out the word “Zhang Chen” and appeared in everyone’s sight.

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