My Wife is Obviously a Queen But She is Too Virtuous

Chapter 40 - The feeling of that night is back

“I, I am not, I am not, you talk nonsense!”

   Lin Yao hurriedly bit her lip to prevent the corners of her disobedient mouth from rising again.

   “But I remember my sister’s face was the same as yours when she was in love. She now has three children.”

   Fangfang touched his chin and opened his eyes wide, showing that he was not so easy to fool.

   “I’m very happy, but that’s because…”

   Lin Yao’s beautiful eyes rolled round and round, and finally found the explanation

   “I am so happy because I finally found a good song. Well, that’s it!”

   Fangfang wondered “Really?”

   Lin Yao nodded affirmatively, “It’s really real!”

   After she said, she pushed Fangfang, “Let’s go, we have a tight time for singing.”

   “Oh, okay.” The assistant was successfully fooled.

   “Oh!” Because he walked too fast, Lin Yao’s left ankle was unbearable, and there was a piercing pain.

   “Sister Yao, slow down.” Fangfang hurriedly supported her.

   “Fangfang, don’t tell others about my injury later, I don’t want others to think I’m too squeamish.”

   After getting in the car, Lin Yao urged.

   “Okay.” Fangfang agreed.

   Then, under Lin Yao’s repeated urging, the driver took the risk of speeding and drove more than 20 kilometers from the hotel to the old city in less than fifteen minutes.

   When the nanny car arrived at Fang Xiaole’s rental area, he was already waiting by the roadside, carrying a guitar and a backpack on his shoulders.

   Lin Yao quickly rolled down the car window and waved to Fang Xiaole, “I’m sorry to have waited a long time, the car drove a little slow.”

  Master driver “?” I’m almost driving into a Need for Speed, are you still too slow?

   “It’s okay, I just came out.”

   Fang Xiaole said politely, and got into the car after the side sliding door of the nanny car opened automatically.

   The nanny car has three rows of seats, Fangfang is sitting in the co-pilot, Lin Yao is sitting in the second row alone, Fang Xiaole thinks it’s better to avoid suspicion, and then he intends to go to the third row.

   “Fang Xiaole, did you bring the score? Let’s start practicing now, and I will trouble you to teach me.”

   Lin Yao said suddenly, and moved her buttocks to the side to make room for Fang Xiaole.

   Fang Xiaole didn’t think much about what she said. After thanking her, she sat down next to Lin Yao and took out the written score and lyrics from her bag.

   Next to his body, a masculine masculine breath penetrated Lin Yao’s nose, her cheeks were slightly red, and her heartbeat accelerated.

   In order to cover up her gaffe, Lin Yao turned her head and looked out the window.

   Is that where he lives?

   seems to be quite shabby.

   Lin Yao secretly read Fang Xiaole’s information and knew that he had rented a cheap rental house in a small community in the old city.

   At this time, looking at the dilapidated gate of the community through the car window, and the crowded and old residential building inside, Lin Yao bit her lip and suddenly felt a little distressed.

   “Lin Yao, are there musical instruments in the practice place?”

   He heard his voice in her ear, Lin Yao retracted her gaze and replied softly

   “Yes, we practiced in that studio. The instruments and equipment are all complete.”

   “That’s good, let’s practice a cappella first in the car, and then we can combine it with other instruments there, do you think it’s okay?”

   Fang Xiaole was a little excited, remembering that when he was studying in the music school on the earth, he wandered around in the ocean of music every day. It was really enjoyable.

   Lin Yao felt Fang Xiaole’s pleasure, and practiced with him very seriously, secretly looking at his face from time to time.

   Somehow, she thought he seemed to be more handsome when he sang.


   “There is a beautiful encounter on this roof~”

   “Singing your song on the roof~”

   “On the roof with me, my love…”

   The gentle and deep singing voices are intertwined and blended, flowing gently in the spacious carriage, even without the accompaniment of musical instruments, still straight into the eardrum, refreshing.

   After the two sang it again, they couldn’t help but smile at each other.

   The feeling that night seems to be back again.


   “Wow, that’s great!”

   Fangfang couldn’t help but clapped his hands. “This song is really good, and you both sing so well with Sister Yao and Assistant Fang.”

   Fang Xiaole wondered, “But don’t you think my voice is not bad?”

   “I didn’t pay attention to this.” Fangfang tilted her head and thought, “Anyway, I just think this song is very good. It would be better if you add the accompaniment!”

   Lin Yao smiled and looked at Fang Xiaole, and blinked a little mischievously, as if to say you just watch me.

   Fang Xiaole smiled and shook his head, still not confident in his voice.

   Fangfang thinks that they sang nicely, one is that the melody of this song is classic, and the other is that Lin Yao’s voice is mellow and graceful, which greatly conceals the shortcomings of his broken gong voice.

   But if this song is sung by him alone, it can only be described as “Ghost Cry and Wolf Howl”.

   The two practiced together again, and Fang Xiaole sang and told Lin Yao some details.

   I don’t know if this song is particularly compatible with Lin Yao, or Lin Yao’s musical savvy is too high. When the nanny cart reaches the singing field, Lin Yao has basically grasped the essence of this song.

   Before, Fang Xiaole thought that Lin Yao was just born with a good voice, and belonged to God to enjoy food, but she did not expect that she was also quite accomplished in understanding music.

   Beautiful personality, strong professional ability, such a perfect girl, it is no wonder that people are jealous.

   Fang Xiaole thought of Lin Yao’s various “dark materials” on the Internet, and now it seems that they are all rumored by competitors.

   It’s not easy for this little Fang Xiaole looked at Lin Yao’s profiled face with her head down and singing. She has a soft silhouette and a serious expression. She has a trace of pity in her heart, but she still admires and admires more.

   Squeak, the nanny car stopped.

   Fangfang turned to the two and said, “Sister Yao, Assistant Fang, here we are.”

   “Oh, okay.” Fang Xiaole quickly looked away, and answered as usual.

   “Let’s get off the car then.” Lin Yao winked at Fangfang. It was inconvenient for her to get out of the car, and she needed help.

   Fangfang knew, got out of the car quickly, waited for the sliding door to open, and helped Lin Yao out of the car.

   Fang Xiaole couldn’t help but laugh, and it turned out that the female stars are more or less contrived, like Lin Yao with such a good character, he still has to put up a score when he gets off the car, and asks an assistant to help.

   The three of them all got out of the car, Lin Yao quietly signaled Fangfang not to support herself, pointed to the small building in front of him and smiled and said, “The recording studio is inside.”

   “Let’s go, then, I haven’t played the piano for a long time, my hands are itchy.” Fang Xiaole looked forward to it.

   “Yeah.” Lin Yao agreed softly, leading the way.

   After walking for a while, Fang Xiaole suddenly felt that something was wrong. Lin Yao, who was still smiling sweetly just now, suddenly became silent, and deliberately walked ahead, as if deliberately keeping a distance from herself.

   Fang Xiaole scratched her forehead. Could it be that what I said just now made her unhappy?

   It’s just that he can’t see at this moment, the forehead of Lin Yao who is walking in front is covered with fine beads of sweat.

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