My WeChat Lian Yaojie

Chapter 1367 Eyeless Tarantula

Chapter 1367 Eyeless Tarantula
Everyone hastily turned their eyes away.

It turned out that there was a change under the originally quiet mine.

It was as if there was a creature stirring inside.


Ye Fan felt a familiar smell.

Could it be that a monster was bred in it?
His eyes lit up, and he quickly opened his spiritual consciousness to check.

And the movement is getting stronger and stronger.

So much so that the entire mine shook violently.

Lu Yuancheng panicked.

There can't be anything wrong here, otherwise all the hard work that has been poured into it will be wasted.

he shouted loudly.

"Protect the machine, it doesn't matter if you die, don't let the mine collapse."

Liu Ruyan sneered and said, "Boss Lu really cherishes the workers. The lives of the workers are not as important as the machines. It's ridiculous."

Lu Yuancheng knew that she was insinuating himself, but he had no time to refute, so he focused on watching the movement in the distance.

And the next second.

The ground was completely broken, the ground shook, and a chasm exploded underground.

A transparent tarantula emerged from the ground. It was huge, with eight legs as big as two people.

The legs are thick and spiny, with three claws at the end, strong and powerful, and they are also shining with sharp edges.

It's just that the only difference between it and a tarantula is that it has no eyes.

Everyone was frightened by the terrifying monster and started to flee one after another.

Even Lu Yuancheng began to swallow and smear, terrified.

On earth, when had he seen such a terrifying creature.

Liu Ruyan also hid behind Ye Fan in fear, and asked in a low voice.

"What is this? It's scary."

Ye Fan frowned.

"It should be an eyeless tarantula. The only difference between it and ordinary tarantulas is that it has no eyes."

"This thing is very poisonous. It can jump, move quickly, and has a fierce personality. You have to be careful in a while."

He continued to observe.

See the eyeless tarantula thoroughly with golden eyes.

Ye Fan was overjoyed.

He actually found a demon pill in the abdomen of the tarantula.

Exactly the kind he devoured before.

got rich.

Judging from the aura of the eyeless tarantula, its strength should be around the early stage of the Golden Core Realm, and it is still in the realm of a junior monster.

At the beginning of spiritual wisdom, but the mouth can not speak.

This kind of monster can only be controlled unless it is placed in the demon world. If it is placed in the human world, it will only cause cholera.

So Ye Fan has murderous intentions in his heart.

"Master Du, you must protect me."

Lu Yuancheng was so frightened that his whole body trembled, his legs went weak.

"Hmph, it's just a monster, so there's nothing to be afraid of."

Master Du took a serious tone, took out a talisman from his bosom, chanted a few incantations silently, and hit the void directly.

The talisman turned into a stream of light and rushed towards the eyeless tarantula, sticking to its body, and exploded suddenly.

"Boom boom boom!"

The loud noise scattered dust and smoke around it.

"Did it work?" Lu Yuancheng asked in surprise.

But the only answer to him was a cry of pain.

The explosion startled the monster who was still in an ignorant state.

It immediately entered a state of rage.

Wait for the dust to clear.

The eyeless tarantula was unscathed, but the hairs all over its body stood on end.

"Come on, hurry up."

Lu Yuancheng pushed several guards around him forward.

But one of them was pierced through the heart as soon as he touched the hairs of the eyeless tarantula, and then his body began to turn black, and he vomited black blood violently, and his body was poisonous.

"Lu Yuancheng is a pig, attacking the monster first angered him." Ye Fan said calmly.

"Then what's next?"

"It depends on luck."

Ye Fan continued: "The violent monster will attack indiscriminately. If he comes to us first, we will deal with it. If Lu Yuancheng is killed first, we will watch the show."

"We won't be so unlucky."


The eyeless tarantula felt the threat from Lu Yuancheng.

The eight claws exerted force at the same time, and suddenly jumped into the air, and they came in front of Lu Yuancheng and others in an instant.


He screamed in fright and ran away crazily.

"Master Du, stop it for me, you must stop it."

Master Du's face was ugly.

He also didn't expect that his attack just now couldn't cause the slightest damage to him.

Immediately, he said in a deep voice.

"You guys hold up for a while, I want to recite mantras to accumulate strength."


Several guards drew their swords and went up.

The sound of "jingling" sounded.

The shell of the eyeless tarantula is so hard that ordinary swords can't harm it at all, but the number of guards is getting less and less.

Lu Yuancheng watched from a distance, hating that iron cannot be made into steel.

"Are you all trash? You can't even deal with a beast."

"Why hit its shell, hit its weak point, the belly, under the belly."

Common sense tells him that a spider's weakness is its abdomen.

But right?

Obviously not.

One of the guards even inserted a long sword into the place where the eyeless tarantula spins its silk, but it didn't help, it only irritated the tarantula even more.

It began to thin out the spider silk, and many people were bound by the spider silk, and even moving became a luxury.

Ye Fan sneered aside.

"Ruyan, did you see that? No matter what you do, you need knowledge."

Leo Raven agreed deeply.

"I don't even know the weakness of the spider. The spider's eyesight is not good. Stop releasing the breath, so that it can avoid it without perception."

"And the spider has muscles in its knees. Its function is to bend the legs, but it can't move in the opposite direction to straighten the legs. It's fine to run in the opposite direction. Why fight it head-on."

"A gentleman sees the same thing."

These two camps are completely two worlds.

The two of Ye Fan still have time to discuss the shortcomings of spiders.

On the other side, more than half of them were killed and injured, and almost the entire army was wiped out.

And this time.

Master Du finally completed the forward swing of the spell.

The aura emanating from his body was cold and strange, and endless resentment hit and surrounded the entire eyeless tarantula.

It froze for an instant.

not moving at all.

"It's done!"

Master Du was overjoyed.

"Hmph, under my spell, let's see how you make mistakes! You beast, don't take your life."

He called out his natal weapon, which was a long stick, but with several skulls hanging on it, it was eerie.

Ye Fan could see it clearly.

His profession should be a mage, moreover an evil mage.

All the magic skills are used, but it is a bit disgusting.


Master Du hit the eyeless tarantula on the head with a stick.

Suddenly, its head sunken into a big pit.

The great pain woke it up from its obsession, and it roared again.

Running towards Master Du, he began to spray venom crazily.

The latter quickly unfolded the spirit shield to protect himself in it.

"So tough? I didn't even die under one blow with all my strength."

Of course.

The disadvantage of slow monster cultivation is very obvious, but the advantage of strong body is also obvious.

Not to mention that his realm is lower than that of the eyeless tarantula, even if it is equal, he cannot easily break through the opponent's defense.

Unless, of course, he can find the life gate of the eyeless tarantula.

But no one could see it except Ye Fan.

The eyeless tarantula attacked Master Du.

The latter is very difficult to deal with.

Ye Fan curled his lips: "Oh, I'm still a little clumsy, otherwise with the strength of the eyeless tarantula, I can take down that Master Du in two or three hits."

"Ye Fan, aren't we going to help?"

"Help for what? Except for those workers, everyone around Lu Yuancheng deserves death. If we save them, within 10 minutes, they will become our enemies and turn swords against us."

What Ye Fan said was the truth.

I had to do it just now.

He doesn't believe that if he saves them, they can get better?
Wolves don't change gender.

It's the same with people.

But Master Du couldn't hold back anymore, he shouted loudly.

"Liu Ruyan, aren't you Wu Zun? Hurry up and help."

"If you don't come over, I'll have the guards kill all the workers."

He immediately found Ruyan's lifeblood.

She could let Lu Yuancheng die, but she couldn't bear to see innocent workers die.

Seeing her appearance, Ye Fan sighed slightly in his heart.

Poor Heart of Mary.

It can only be someone else's handle.

"Forget it, you stay here, I'll go up and have a look."

Ye Fan shouted loudly.

"I'll help you."

The golden hoop and stick appeared, mixed with his majestic spiritual energy.

all of a sudden.

The entire space is filled with gorgeous colors.

The momentum is like a rainbow.

But Master Du was still struggling like that, without any relief.

"Ye Fan, can you fight well? Don't be fancy, why waste your soul energy for color? Do you want to role-play fireworks?"

Ye Fan smiled slyly.

"Oh, I'm so sorry, I have to be handsome in the way I fight."

"This is my usual style. If you are not satisfied, then I will go down."

Master Du clenched his teeth, trembling with anger.

But he couldn't let Ye Fan leave.

Maybe sometime I can help him share some of it.

It's just that he's kind of weird.

Why did the two attack at the same time, and the eyeless tarantula only killed him, not Ye Fan?

Ye Fan is proficient in the art of poison control, and also practiced the infinite demon way.

There is a trace of monster in the spirit.

The eyeless tarantula thought Ye Fan was the same kind.

Naturally, it will not attack easily.

What's more, Ye Fan didn't fight hard, he was just scratching his itch, and he didn't threaten it at all.

compare to.

Master Du wants its life.

If you don't kill him, who will you kill?
Seeing that Master Du was starting to get hurt, Lu Yuancheng panicked.

He called guards and put a knife on the worker's neck.

"Ye Fan, why don't you hurry up and fight me with all your strength, don't think I can't see your little thoughts."

"Tell you, if the spider can't be killed, I'll take all the workers to the funeral."

Ye Fan smiled coldly: "What's none of my business?"


Lu Yuancheng didn't expect that Ye Fan was also a hob.

It seems that we can only target Ruyan Liu.

Visible line of sight shifts.

But he didn't find Liu Ruyan's whereabouts.

What about people?

"Are you looking for me?"

Liu Ruyan suddenly appeared and grabbed Lu Yuancheng's neck with one palm.

"I have never seen such a despicable person like you, killing innocent people for your own life!"

"Let go of the workers, or I'll crush your neck."

Lu Yuancheng didn't believe that Liu Ruyan dared to kill him.

"Hmph, pinch it if you have the ability! Anyway, someone will be buried with me."

"If I die, none of these workers will survive, and my father will avenge me."

(End of this chapter)

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