My Vampire Harem Will Dominate Everything

Chapter 325: Truths And Lies

The night was quiet as Maya slipped through the halls of Hyde's mansion, her footsteps soft against the stone floors.

She took care to make sure the coast was clear, moving out just as dawn approached. This was the specific time when most vampire's guards were lowered. For them, it was the end of the day.

She skipped through the dark corridors, avoiding the gaze of any of the Countess's attendants or guards.

This wasn't about the fact that she was going out. She could go out if she wanted to but this meeting was a secret.

She couldn't take the risk of the Countess assigning someone to follow her on a whim. The recent death has everyone on edge.

For now, she needed to get out and get in before anyone noticed her absence.

When she finally reached the edge of the grounds and called the wall, she glanced around for one final time before teleporting away.

The only witness to all this was a street cat, lounging at the top of the wall.

Maya appeared in an empty hall, the kind used for grand plays and performances.

The curtains were drawn, the stage bare and silent. The empty chairs were like dark watchers, each one of them facing her like she was the performance.

She looked around the shadows that clung to the edges of the room, making the area feel dark and foreboding.

Maya exhaled sharply, her nerves on edge. She wasn't alone.

In the far corner, where the light barely touched, a figure stepped forward.

Avenger, the masked killer.

Their dark cloak moved silently as they crossed the room, the iron mask covering their face casting eerie reflections in the low light.

Maya fought to stand still as Avenger walked forward only to stop a few feet away from her.

Their androgynous voice was cold, cutting through the silence like a knife.

"Why didn't you tell Ezra Matten about the movement?" Avenger asked, their tone measured, almost calm. But Maya could hear the signs of the storm brewing underneath.

She swallowed, trying to keep her voice steady. This wasn't what she had signed up for.

"If I had spilled the beans, I would've been killed on the spot before I could finish speaking." She replied, her words coming out in a rushed whisper as if trying to stop the non-existent eavesdroppers from listening in.

Avenger stepped closer, their presence imposing as the shadows seemed to ripple around them. "Liar."

Maya's body tensed at the movement.

"We fucking told you." Avenger continued, their voice darkening, "Ezra Matten is strong enough to protect you from Countess Lana in that moment. You would've been safe if you had spoken."

Maya took a step back, her mind scrambling for a way out. "I couldn't take the gamble." She said, her voice desperate. "Lana… Lana would've killed me the second she suspected. I had to protect myself."

Avenger's iron mask reflected the dim light as they tilted their head, their tone chillingly calm. "Do you think I believe that?"

Maya took another step back, her throat dry, panic rising in her chest. "Please." She whispered, her voice trembling. "Please, Avenger. I couldn't risk it. You know that."

But Avenger wasn't swayed by her argument.

Slowly, methodically, they began walking closer, their every step echoing in the empty hall.

The shadows behind them shifted and if Maya had noticed, she would have been terrified.

The shadows were not actually shadows but a black mass of familiar mist, solidifying to become a black zone, sealing them inside.

There was no way out. Continue your journey at M V L

Avenger came to a stop just a few feet from her now. Their presence was a dark omen and if Maya had a human heart, it would be beating as fast as it could right now.

Avenger's voice lowered, almost soft as they spoke. "There's a way you can redeem yourself, Maya."

Maya stared at them, her mind working, trying to figure out what they meant. What was the other way?

Avenger's next words were calm but filled with an underlying menace.

"You're going to go to the peacekeeper HQ. You'll tell Ezra Matten about the movement, about what you've seen, and the truth."

"You'll tell him about the deaths and the lives. The truth and the lies. That… is your redemption."

As Avenger spoke, Maya was shaking her head frantically, her eyes wide in horror.

"No… no, I can't. He'll- he'll kill me. Just like the last woman who tried to tell him the truth. You- you saw what happened. Killed like a dog in front of the HQ itself and even Ezra Matten was just a walk away. I can't go back.

I won't."

Maya trembled, remembering what had happened and how she had lied to cover it up.

If she went to Ezra Matten, she'd be the next dead vampire and another witness would take her place to cover up the crime.

Avenger stared at her for a long moment, their silence suffocating.

Then, with a slow shake of their head, they spoke, disappointment evident in their tone. "You've disappointed me, Maya."

Maya frowned before her eyes widened in realization.

The Avenger's tone had been final and they weren't known for their mercy.

She took a step back, her instinct screaming at her to run, to escape. She gathered her vitality, trying to teleport out but it fizzled out.

Panic filled her as she tried again, her body remaining rooted to the spot.

Her eyes widened in terror as she looked around, her eyes snapping to the edges of the room where the black zone had fully sealed them in.

She was trapped.

"No…" She whispered, backing away in desperation. She knew she was no match for Avenger.

Avenger took one step closer, the black zone moving closer and tighter around them.

Their voice was smooth, almost kind as they said, "Thank you for your sacrifice."

Maya froze in utter terror. She realized what was about to happen, but it was too late.

She barely had time to scream.

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