My Upgrades Are Invincible

Chapter 176

At that point it was a free for all as all the Familia members joined the largest pool and we began throwing water constructs and other things at one another.

If anything, once Giyu was thrown into the pool by Bell and Gyomei he was a terror with his water breathing as he made large water constructs with some spirituality to them like sharks that would swim atop the water and that had its form hardened so when the sharks rammed into someone it actually had more than just the weight of the water smashing into you.

But in the end, I reigned supreme in the water park battle as I only had to mildly drown all my opposition besides Giyu who I couldn't deal with at all so it was decided I would be the emperor of Atlantis and he would be my silent king in the dark that I would confide in and finally feel true love between the two of us...

"Haruhime stop your fantasy's!" I yelled as making the kitsune yelp and stop her perverted mumbling.

"Jake, I think we had enough fun for now let's go get a hotel for the night, so you all go hunting knowing we are safe in a secure area." Hestia said as she and Freya finished bagging up all our stuff.

"Who is going to stay with our goddesses?" Bell asked and Haruhime and Lili quickly volunteered as they were kind of tired and didn't want to be wandering around Tokyo through the night.

I then checked the map of Tokyo I picked up and remembering the massive, abandoned mall/convention center that was on the river which Kaneki was tortured at during the end of the first anime.

"I have the location of it and by the time we get there it will be dark." I said as I drew the map aside as it had no further use especially with the fact that I highly doubted I would come back to Tokyo Ghoul ever again.


After Hestia and Freya were put up into a nice hotel with Haruhime Lili and Syr staying with them, our party of monster slayers included Bell, Ryuu, and the Hashira's and myself.

To say the Hashira's were ready was an understatement with how we walked the somewhat untamed path towards the convention center fully armed.

"I will go make a scene to hopefully gather their attention, but if you see someone with only one glowing eye and you aren't Bell run away as one-eyed ghouls are too dangerous for you guys to fight solo." I explained as although I doubted Eto or Kaneki was going to be here but either way, I refused to allow my Familia members to die because they got cocky and decided to run off solo.

I can be cocky because I have super enchanted armor and my sword can radiate flames hotter than the surface of the sun with soul destroying properties... Even Eto and her insane regeneration can do nothing if her soul is being burnt to ashes.

Likewise, Bell could fight solo as he has become a master of aerial combat with his Insect Glaives that I had fused to be even stronger and with Hephaestus's help I gave the weapon a conceptual piercing ability that coincided with an enchantment that stopped said piercing wounds from healing.

I then dashed forward towards the front of the building and as I pulled out my sword, I was wreathed in flames that melted the bullets that came from shadows inside the building's second floor, finally as I smashed my sword into the metal grate, they put in front of the building's first floor main entrance, I caused a massive explosion of flame that sent a massive plum of black flames into the sky and destroyed the front half of the building.

"Ghouls! I have come to prey upon you in the name of humanity!" I roared causing the air in front of me to vibrate due to the mana I used to strengthen my voice.

"Die human!" A ghoul cried as he unburied himself from some of the which saved him from being rendered into ashes by my initial bombardment.

The ghoul ran at me clad in a dusty red cloak and a ghoul mask I didn't bother pay attention to as I spun around doing a brutal whirlwind kick that would have made Rock Lee proud and the head of Ghoul practically exploded sending blood and other remains flying.

"Come Ghouls! I will feast upon your fear! Watch as this puny human breaks you over his knee tonight!" I called out and I smiled as I recognized Bell's mana in the distance as he obviously began fighting someone.

My taunts proved fruitful when the Ghouls rushed towards my location with their various Kagune's active but with the way I could destroy those weak ones with my bare limbs I I only threw the ghoul corpses into my space ring to hopefully mass fuse their Kagune's into something decent.

And my wish for a decent opponent was answered finally as someone who I actually was interested to see confidently walked around the corner.

"Hmm your name was... Actually, never mind it doesn't matter." I muttered as the blond ghoul with a red mask covering his face approached me with blue flames growing beneath his feet.

"Hey, I got a question? Why is it every fucking time I find someone to fight of note, they are all either immune or have some bullshit resistance to fire." I asked tiredly making Tatara pause as he took me in and then just to match my opponent, I wreathed myself in flames.

"I have no clue what you mean, and it doesn't matter..." Tatara said as he wreathed himself in the armor of his Kakuja and approached my own flame covered surroundings.

"Yeah, well hopefully your flames will add something to my blade." I said almost boredly but grinned as we in unison dashed the final dozen or so meters away from one another and met in a titanic clash of flames destroying the surroundings and I could feel my peak level five stats struggle under the weight of the inhuman monster's pillar of kagune he was swinging around.

But if anything, his flames were fully overpowered by my own with my own flames beginning to peel off chunks of the armored Kakuja. Tatarra was a great warrior but after several exchanges of blows I managed to shatter the massive pillars he had attached to his arms on his armor and then stabbed into the neck of armored form of Tatara and I poured such a strong outpour of flames into his body that the eye holes and mouth of the armored form began expelling my black flames.

"This world wasn't ready for a real predator of monsters." I said as I jerked my sword further upwards before with a grunt used my full strength to spin my blade in a cutting motion to decapitate the armored head of Tatara leaving his head to fly off.

"Your head isn't that useful." I muttered as I began pouring flames onto the head and just as I thought the insane regeneration of ghouls was already working to seal the wound around his neck but in the end if a Ghoul was fully decapitated and they didn't have an ability to clone themselves they couldn't fix themselves as the body wouldn't know how to reattach their heads.

'Thankfully killing these ghouls will give me the final bit of Excellia I needed to hit level six.' I thought as I dashed forward deeper into the building and killed every single ghoul that came in my way regardless of whether they begged for mercy, cursed me, or even offered to turn in their friends' locations. I just silently cut them down and continued on in my grim quest to rid this world of a bit of its filth.

Likewise, once I ran into Shinobu she was showing her reputation as a Hashira was no joke as she used the insanely toxic sword, I fused for her to kill any Ghouls she ran into and I found her as I followed the screams of a ghoul with a strong Kagune that allowed the ghoul to launch itself and it had managed to avoid a decapitation from the Demon Slayer but by the time I reached the screams I saw Shinobu just leave the Ghoul behind as the entire chest of the ghoul was already melting into a putrid mess from the single cut she landed on the ghoul's shoulder.

"There is so many of these vermin... How does this Japan still stand with these many ghouls in one place." She asked obviously disturbed and I didn't blame her as in her Demon Slayer world very rarely would Muzan allow Demons to make other demons so there was a very finite amount of them and even at the final battle where Muzan called upon every one of his demons it still wasn't close to the same number of ghouls our group had found.

"These Ghouls can breed and make humans into their own species." I answered warily as I felt Bell's mana flare in his battle before petering off into only using smaller amounts of it infrequently. 'Bell must have won his fight.' I thought as Shinobu stood off to my side as we traveled the long central hallway of the convention center.

"Where are the others?" I asked but I was cut off as the glass above our heads shattered and I could only frown seeing duo that dropped down before us.

"Eto Yamashiro and... Noro?" I said cocking my head to side a bit as I honestly couldn't remember the name of the silent abomination that stood beside the One Eyed Owl King leader of the Ghouls.

"You killed my best subordinate." She seethed as her form under her completely covered bandages violently squirmed as her flesh was changing to change into her Owl form.

"Yeah... I killed him. Why shouldn't I have? He was a monster... Just like the twisted little girl before me." I said as I stood in front of Shinobu as I squared off against the two of them.

"Shinobu keep the chaff from interfering, and should they make a move on you they have potent regeneration especially that freak of there." I said as I maintained eye contact with the silently writhing form of Eto.

"I am going to break every single bone I can before I slowly eat you over the course of a month. I will keep you in constant agony for the rest of your soon to be horrible life." Eto swore as steam encased her and finally a large arm swung out from the steam and with a roar, I sliced off the arm of Eto's Owl form.

But by the time I dashed forward the arm I cut off had already regrown even violently bursting through the burned flesh my flames caused to reform.

"Die." I said simply as I space skipped through the swinging arms of the massive One-Eyed monster and even slid under a hail of crystals that she shot me as my teleportation stabbed my sword through her singular large eye.

'A sword through your eye and into the brain isn't enough?' I thought before I kicked off the form of Eto with my sword and I realized that Eto was more likely curled up somewhere in the elephant sized form and was piloting the beast like a titan shifter would in AOT.

I space skipped ahead as the eldritch mouth with too many damn teeth of Noro attempted to eat me as I was thinking of how to deal with Eto.

While I began to space skip around to deal with the wide-reaching effects of Noro's pillar of flesh with a massive mouth on the end of it that was his Kagune I had to also deal with Eto who had already regrown her eye and was shooting a hail of razor-sharp exploding crystals at me that would throw me around when they hit my armor.

But just as I thought more of my teammates began to pour in with Gyomei and Giyu taking the central exit and Bell standing on the roof looking in through the windows they dropped in through.

"Jake allow us to take the one with the monstrous mouth." Ryuu called out as she swung the blood off her wooden sword after she entered and saw the entirety of the Familia's watching me trying to kill the two super regenerators that I couldn't put down as they would cover one another and by the time I got pushed away from dealing a lethal blow they had already regenerated limbs and or even their entire heads would reform when I stabbed my blade in and violently detonated my flames.

"Fine!" I said honestly annoyed as although I could run circles around them, I couldn't land a killing blow with how their excessive regeneration literally outpaced the soul burning effect of my sword. "

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