My Upgrades Are Invincible

Chapter 171

Unfortunately, with the literal Outer God bearing down us, we didnt get to have the usual nice and emotional goodbye with Jeanne and the native Servants we should have and our landing back in Chaldea was equally uncomfortable with our souls being shoved back in our meatsuits.

Becoming violently ill was the most common symptom of the result of tunnelling through space and time in the partially forming reality marble of an Outer God. But there were outliers like Kadoc vomiting a tiny still living star fish and Fujimaru who could only taste grilled squid whenever she ate or drank anything.

"So, what are you guys' planning on doing with these grails anyway?" I asked after I handed the Orleans one to Da-Vinci who put it beside the Singularity F one in a safe that was made out of enchanted obsidian and other materials that would deliver a curse that could even kill a Servant after Nero and a couple of the more... Unstable Servants made references to 'borrowing' the grails for some experiments.

"We plan on safely ridding our world of them in time as we have determined there to be a total of seven Singularities which threaten the Human Order of Earth but in the meantime I have repurposed them to act as batteries to further fuel Chaldea so Servants can use there mana more judiciously and more importantly reinforce the wards that keep Chaldea tethered to this timeline and not be thrown into the void of the Sea of Imaginary Numbers."

Remembering the relative bits of Nasuverse Lore, basically with this entire multiverse being a series of simulations, the Sea of Imaginary Numbers represented the sea of code that made up the programing that held up the Nasuverse where timelines like FGO and Fate Stay Night were basically isolated programs within the computer that was the Nasuverse.

I decided to just ask frankly as I really wanted to fuse a grail into both my sword and my armor as such a thing would definitely be beyond the Starlight tier of items my glasses could read.

"Da-Vinci in the name of strengthening myself is it possible I can get a couple of the grails we come across or even those right there? We haven't had any problems yet?" I asked

Da-Vinci quickly shook her head, but she quickly explained as she clapped her hands on my shoulder and maintained eye contact. "Jake for these first two I have to say absolutely not as shown by our enemies summoning Outer Gods to impede us, we need to take into account that Chaldea itself may be attacked and these grails are needed to fuel the wards protecting the hope of humanity."

"But the grails we get after these two you can have, as should anything be able to get past these two reality warping devices that infinitely power wards then it's likely such an adversary can get past even more grail powered wards in any case." The great inventor consoled, and I nodded in understanding before I asked the next pressing question.

"Well... How long till the next Singularity is locked onto?" I asked curiously and Da-Vinci's face twitched.

"Hmm. Thats a difficult question as we obviously are still repairing equipment and with all the master's except for you and Hinako Akuta suffering Outer God exposure even we were to lock onto the next singularity in the next five minutes we will not invade it for another month to make sure our affected master's don't grow tentacles or simply go completely insane at the sight of the Outer God."

Smiling at the information that I would have plenty of time to do my own thing I decided to go back to my room to go talk to my Servants. I was honestly considering just heading back to Danmachi to spend some time with Hestia and such before I continued maybe even with Hestia herself and go on a little vacation away from any meaningful fighting.

But before I risked my life telling my three mentally disturbed Servants, I was going to possibly leave them here in Chaldea for a couple weeks while I ran off, I decided I should at least give Olga a heads up that I was going to disappear so she didnt completely freak out.

Though pretending I was just playing hide and seek with no one able to find me for a couple weeks would be especially hilarious as we have a number of proud casters here who would be pissed if I was actually able to 'hide' from them. Morgan would undoubtably snap my legs though... Just to make sure I didnt escape or make a fool out of her again.

Knocking onto the door of Olga's office I heard her tiredly call for me to enter. "Yes, Jake what do you need as you can see, I am currently swamped with filling out detailed reports as to what occurred in the last Singularity."

Olgas once pristinely styled white hair was currently a mess as it looked like she literally just woke up from a power nap from her offices side bedroom and didnt even bother to really fix up her appearance. Whelp here is to be adding to her stress...

"I wanted to give you a heads up that I will be leaving Chaldea for a couple weeks during downtime before the next Singularity. I have friends and family, like elsewhere in the Reverse Side of the World and rather than sitting here on my thumb I will be back home."

Olga Marie Asmleit Animusphere stared at me as though I was speaking Latin to her. "Earth has been incinerated... There is no one else on the planet Jake. I am sorry for your loss but you cant go home." She said obviously trying to console me who she saw possibly went insane at the loss of my family with the Outer God meeting pushing my thoughts to the extreme.

"Director... Just because the humanity on the surface world has been wiped from history doesn't at all mean that the sub textures of reality such as the Reverse Side and even the Singularities no longer exist. Hell, I am sure that the Wandering Sea branch of the Mages Association is still around as its technically a sub texture as well, so you may get Da-Vinci to focus on creating some form of communication that can reach them."

The Director of Chaldea who was a well-educated Magus couldn't deny my claims as the Wandering Sea was literally in a separate dimension so even if the surface of the planet was scoured by the 'mysterious' ring of light orbiting in the sky. The Wandering Sea should be just fine.

"In any case you are leaving especially is inappropriate as you are one of our greatest chances at saving humanity... I mean other than Kadoc all the other masters have a great number of issues which could make them flounder in the face of adversity whether it be a personality, competency and uhm racial issue." She said weakly as Akuta was literally a Vampire fighting for the survival of humanity.

I couldn't help but sigh and brush my hands over my face as her feelings at my leaving were more than reasonable. But in the end, I as a multiversal hobo went were I pleased.

"I apologize but I have my loved ones waiting for me to return. I will be back in a couple days and don't worry I won't do anything to get myself killed while I am gone. If anything, being around a bunch of Berserker's is a much greater threat to my health." I said shrugging and Olga couldn't deny that at all as she had read plenty of reports about Berserker class Servants snapping and killing their masters when they accidently hit their berserker button.

"Fine! But you must check in every week and three weeks from now you will need to stay here until we leave for the next singularity lest you miss it." She practically ordered but I could she was grasping at straws in order to keep me attached to this dead ship called Chaldea when I could just leave so causally and return.

And proving her desperation to keep her most competent, not mentally disturbed and not a Vampire, savior of humanity she took a deep breath and spoke with complete seriousness with a dark blush coloring her face. "Once you get back, I will need to discuss with you something very important. I believe that the union of our bloodlines will ensure great offspring and to be frank I wish to tie you to Chaldea with a Geases backed marriage on my end to you lest you decide to abandon us."

For a moment I wanted to just laugh in her face as it was just another white/silver haired woman that wanted to knock her up but then again she was at least being upfront about it and honestly with my talent and the Magi mindset this world had, I was literally a perfect specimen to add to a bloodline with my weak divinity that came with my level five Falna that practically made me a demigod in the eyes of the Servants of this world at least.

Not to mention honestly can you disdain a beautiful woman who you know hasn't been touched by other men is offering her body and heart in order to survive the equivalent of the Titanic sinking with Chaldea. It's just pragmatic and everyone wins.

"Look. You just gave me a number of things to think about, but a marriage is completely off the table as my patron is Hestia, and she is a Greek goddess... She will break you if she thinks you are trying to take me away from her. I will be back in a week and don't worry I will be informing my Servants about my leaving so Morgan doesn't destroy Chaldea." I said stepping out of her office with the door closing behind me as I began walking to my room.

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