My Upgrades Are Invincible

Chapter 167

For a moment I looked at the still lightly shocked at the teleportation forms of Jeanne and Morgan, but I knew that Morgan was the more... Volatile woman at the moment. Jeanne was feeling depressed and lost while Morgan was feeling a Berserker class enhanced rage that was frankly understandable.

Knowing that a Noble Phantasm was a crystallization of a legend and knowing that Artoria's Noble Phantasm disregarding its once fairy forged nature and Morgan being the queen of the Fae. Excalibur Morgan had no other purpose but to destroy and corrupt all that its energies touch and had Morgan's name attached to it.

"Morgan... Artoria's Excalibur was the result of the Zoroastrian's god of the, All the Worlds Evils being forced into the blade corrupting it, plus the Morgan of her timeline unlike you, was rather unstable mentally and brought down the kingdom Artoria made." I explained and Morgan's face froze at my words.

Morgan seemed to withdraw her emotion's and regain her regal queenly demeanor. She visibly took a deep breath before speaking coolly. "Having my name used in such a tool that only brings devastation is... Unsettling to say the least but should your explanation that an Evil God truly cursed her, and the sword, is the truth. Then there is not much I can say as even I feel my emotions being pulled around by my Madness Enhancement skill let alone a god messing with her mentally."

Morgan frowned before shaking her head and sighed. "I knew when you summoned me and warned me about her, that you weren't lying about her going to bring me some form of stress. But once again as your Queen and Wife I promise that I will loyally protect you so long as you do not bring shame to me." Morgan said causally before she patted me on my shoulder. "Jake I will not attack that little girl Artoria for insulting me... However, I admit that I may begin bullying her for every moment I see that accursed blade, now go comfort that little blonde French girl that's staring at the ground like a child that accidentally ruined dinner."

Now in the modern times in a suburban home ruining dinner isn't an offense worth more than a scolding if it was an accident but back in the old days a kid ruining their peasant family's dinner was in for a modern day's world record of an ass whooping. Think about your mother and Father working their farm or trade all day from dawn to dusk and the soup they let simmer for the whole day that was going to feed your large family for a few days was thrown onto the ground and wasted.

Your ass wasn't going to be able to sit for a week if your father didnt slap your ears into the shape of cauliflowers...

I walked over to Jeanne who was still staring forlornly into the now clear sky that had cleared up from the massive battle that dyed in the colors of Excalibur Morgan's light. "Jeanne what are you thinking?" I asked softly as I stood beside her and stared up at the massive ring of light that made up Ars Almadel Salomonis.

I couldn't help but wonder how long it would take me become or make something as powerful as that Noble Phantasm. The Grand Casters Noble Phantasm was a massive ring of light that could stretch to warp around the Earth and the ring of light was made out of millions of individual strands of light each as powerful as Excalibur's full powered beam being sent.

Solomon's Noble Phantasm literally torched the planet's surface wiping out the conceptual existence of humanity and only Chaldea with how it was hardly attached to the surface Texture of Earth allowed it to escape being destroyed as well.

Goetia the demon god consisting of all seventy-two Demon God pillars that is the enemy of the world of FGO was laughably overpowered in the grand scheme of things and despite my sword hitting the Starlight tier I knew that Noble Phantasm's were of a higher tier and only my space skipping could give me a slight edge though in practically all other things I was bar far weaker in terms of strength and potential destruction with how he could call upon his demon god pillars to fight me.

After a few minutes of us standing in silence Jeanne finally spoke. "With that Jeanne dying... I don't feel complete, nor have I regained my power as I should have. Whoever created her must still be around I suppose." I nodded to her explanation as for one I knew that the insane Giles still had the grail which was propping up this Singularity.

I softly dropped my arm over her shoulder and pulled her in for a side hug as I spoke. "Jeanne we only have a couple bigger battles to go I bet. We deal with the dragons that the bad Jeanne summoned or created then we will deal with whoever created that corrupted version of you... Then this will all go away like a bad dream." I said softly as I grimaced at the knowledge that this, bubble in the timeline will be erased once we take the Grail that is propping it up.

Well better than dealing with the knowledge that I would destroying whole worlds like in the Lostbelts and instead with these Singularities we aren't killing these people and instead are just returning the worlds history to what it should have been in the normal timeline.

"Thank you, Jake." Jeanne muttered and then she wrapped her arm around my chest giving me a squeeze before she stepped out of my hug.

"Alright well let's get going before the others try to mutiny." I chuckled as me and Jeanne made our way back to the destroyed town of Lyon's and the rest of my party.

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