My Upgrades Are Invincible

Chapter 165

After a couple hours of marching through the forest and finally exciting the forest closer to Orleans we entered a flatter series of plain and neared the town of La Charite a major town that had a road that could lead us straight to Orleans and cut down our travel time by allowing us to skip through having to go through a lot of brush.

"Well shit..." I grumbled seeing the burnt wreck of the former town I then turned on my wrist communicator and called out. "Romani, any life signs anywhere?"

I asked for Romani as he was instead of being the Director of operations was instead in charge of scanning our surrounding area.

"No life signs... But be careful as there is a faint Servant signature a decent distance away from you." Romani said promptly.

As we were speaking and seemingly somehow sensing our presence a number of undead zombies rose up from the rubble of the town and began running at us.

"Everyone fan out a bit and clear out the zombies so we can gather some supplies that haven't been destroyed. Ashwathama, you post up on that building that has a bit of view and watch out for that Servant signature, should they appear hostile deal with them as you see fit." I ordered with the Archer servant nodding and picking up his master in one of his muscular arms.

"Ha! I knew you weren't going to be all bad to work around after seeing you fight those Wyverns. Alright, but don't cry if I smash that Servant to paste before you all get there!" He yelled before his eyes glowed, and he growled as he drew strength from his inner rage and with a leap, he jumped a hundred plus meters while carrying Pepe onto the building I pointed out.

As the other masters fanned out to look for supplies to bring them to me so I could stuff them in my space ring Jeanne however was stock still looking at the town's devastation. "It was most likely "me' who was behind this tragedy..." She said weakly as she stared at the ground.

I couldn't help but sigh as there was no easy way of saying something like, 'this was obviously a fake and you would never do something like this.; That would ring hollow in lives already taken by someone or something that actually was a twisted copy of Jeanne.

"She will be dealt with... I promise you that Jeanne D'Arc." I swore as I patted Jeanne on her shoulder as consolation but before I could give more attention to her the surroundings was overtaken by a series of harsh explosions.

"Multiple enemy Servant signatures are approaching your position at high speeds! Are they all Riders for goodness' sake!" Romani cried out and even as I compartmentalize his warnings, I was already looking towards the explosions and saw the Ashwathama was throwing his Chakra into the air colliding with a series of balls of mana that exploded on contact with his Chakra.

"Five Servants incoming brace yourself!" Romani cried out but already all the other masters had arrayed themselves around me and I was really all that afraid as besides Hinako Akuta's Servant Wang Liang we had a strong list of Servants that could solo any of the enemy Servants especially with how the enemy Servants were 'enhanced' with Madness Enhancement, a Berserker Class skill that would take away the Servants sanity in return for greater physical abilities.

The group of enemy Servants confidently made their way into the ruined town square, and I could recognize a good number of them as they stood in front of us.

I easily noticed Vlad Tepes, with his odd spear. Carmllia with her thorn covered armor and mask covering her slit eyes. As well as Martha with her large cross tipped staff and her cleavage exposing dress that certainly didnt fit her status as a saint. Second to last was their trap that I couldn't remember the name of, and I would be fighting as I would be immune to his charm/mind control nonsense.

Lastly was the big bad herself. Jeanne Alter strode over to us without any sort of fear of our collection of Servants as she was completely mentally fixated on Jeanne as approached her doppelganger.

Jeanne Alter was rather similar to our Jeanne and was wearing similar style clothes but instead colored black and had grey hair and yellow eyes in comparison to our Jeanne's sunny blond hair and sky-blue eyes.

"Should we just attack?" Morgan asked me quietly as she leaned into my back to obscure her words so the enemy Servants couldn't even read her lips if they wanted but they instead seemed just as fixated on watching Jeanne and her Alter square up against one another.

I grasped her hand kinda nudged its Vlad as he was arguably the biggest threat and then I muttered. "Have Saber help as well." I ordered and she squeezed my hand in confirmation and I could feel her Berserker blood lust start to bubble to the surface as she did her own method of communicating with Artoria on going for a swift strike of Vlad Tepes.

"Who knew such a thing could happen..." Jeanne Alter mused aloud before breaking out into hysterically laughter for a few moments and even needed to use her large flag to steady herself as she seemingly lost her breath in her insane laughter.

"Please someone douse me with water. This is bad. It's just awful, I think I am literally about to die of laughter!" Jeanne then turned slightly and looked off in the distance. "Hey Giles, you think... Oh never mind I didnt bring Giles." She mused before shrugging and zeroing in on Jeanne again.

"I am Jeanne D'Arc. The saint devoted to France... The other me." Jeanne Alter said proudly pointing a finger at Jeanne.

As Jeanne blustered about how it wasn't true and more importantly why had Jeanne Alter attacked the town and killed all its town people.

"Huh... You must have become stupid when you became a Servant. Whether it be politically, economically or other methods they simply take entirely too long to complete my desire."

"And what is the grand desire of a psychopath like you." I said dryly taking Jeanne Alters attention away from Jeanne and focusing her yellow eyes that clearly showed her insanity as she grinned at my question.

"Why of course my goal is quite simple... I wish to eradicate all France. I shall kill everyone who speaks French, I shall burn every French city to the ground, I will be fucking killing everyone who has eaten a damn baguette in order to wipe out the very concept of France from this planet!" She cried out hysterically with cursed black flames curling around her flag.

She then whirled back on Jeanne. "Not that you would understand my desires for vengeance you stupid little holy virgin, at how we were betrayed by our own people, being burnt at the fucking stake for witchcraft when I couldn't even use fucking mage craft to being with!" She roared at Jeanne, but I could see her mood for insane ranting was receding as she took a deep breath and her gauntlets creaked as she stared at us.

As Jeanne Alter went onto call Jeanne the worthless remains of her once innocent and naive self, she ordered her Servants to attack us.

"Huh. So, did Giles convince you to jump on his tentacle dick? Or are you still the hopeless 'Virgin' just like ours" I said putting emphasis on calling her a virgin.

Not only did our Jeanne freeze and grow a massive blush at my words the enemy Servants all paused as Jeanne Alters face froze, losing her insane bloodlust for but a moment as she blushed in embarrassment.

"I am going to eat your heart, you bastard!" She screamed and dashed towards me with her sword drawn and covered in her black cursed flames. I space skipped to meet her hastily moved over sword with my own flame covered sword with an explosion occurring at our collision beginning the brawl between the Servants with Jalter's Servants being basically outnumbered two to one or worse.

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