My Upgrades Are Invincible

Chapter 132

I quickly flew at a low attitude to hopefully avoid the Archer Servant Emiya's detection and I recalled during the anime that they originally were dropped in the business district and only had to jog a street or two over as they could hear the fury of a scorned Tsundere.

"Trash! How dare you get the dust of your skeleton on me!" I heard faintly in the distance as I entered the business district and then a series of purple flashes erupted and reflected into the sky.

'Probably the girl shooting Gandr curses or whatever variant of curses her family uses.' I thought as I dropped between the buildings and saw the woman, I literally barely had to look for barely holding on as a group of dragon tooth warriors which were more durable and mobile skeleton soldiers attempting to skewer the woman on their bone weapons.

Even as I negligently sent a space blade through the dragon tooth warriors that were too close to Olga and engulfed the others a good distance away from the young magus, I had to note that this wasn't the game version as skeletons were the cursed remains of the people who died in this latest catastrophe and were barely functioning zombies.

No all the people of Fuyuki seemed to have been turned into dragon tooth warrior's... Well other than the mass of statues that were scattered around that I noticed when flying over here which was obviously the corrupted Lancer Medusa's doing.

"Who the hell are you!" Olga demanded as she stomped towards me in high heels of all things.

Olga was a rather beautiful woman all said with her white hair, amber eyes, sharp nose, and medium size curvy body. She was wearing a black and yellow dress shirt that hung past her thighs and her long shapely legs were encased in reddish orange tights.

But she was a tsundere through and through, I noted as the girl poked my armored chest and demanded to know my identity and whether I was a Servant.

A large explosion cut her blabbering off before I could simply throw her over my shoulder and fly back to Ritsuka and Mashu,

I whirled around to face the explosion and low and behold I saw the Archer Servant Emiya fleeing from where he was apparently held up in atop a radio tower which was currently covered in purple flames.

"No arguing for right now. We need to reconvene with the other master and her servant." I ordered and Olga's face twitched at my no-nonsense tone. So, disregarding the womans squawking in outrage at my audacity I picked up Olga in a princess carry and flew off confident with how Caster had blasted Emiya that the archer would be too busy attempting to find a good new position to shoot me and Olga out of the sky.

"Get us out of the air you buffoon! Archer is going to kill us dammit!" She shrieked and I was this close to stopping this metaphorical car and tanning her hide...

"If you don't have a scooter or motorcycle replacing the stick up your ass then shut up... We can't be spending time on the ground with the likes of Lancer Assassin or Berserker running around who we could just run into." I explained and then dove as I recognized the house, I dropped Fujimaru and Mashu at. "Plus, we are right here anyway..."

Even if she was annoying at the moment I still didnt drop her on her ass or anything when we landed, still didnt stop her from giving me a dirty look as she stomped into the large house though.

I went inside the house following the woman and saw that Mashu had awakened and was currently eating a sandwich right next to Fujimaru who shyly waved to me as Olga took in the house we were holding up in at the moment.

"Great... So, the master is the new fool who fell asleep during my speech!" Olga complained seeing that the master in question was Ritsuka Fujimaru who literally did fall asleep during her speech but there were extenuating circumstances honestly.

Which I attempted to explain. "Director, Mrs. Fujimaru here just went through the training simulator at the time and hadn't recovered from that as the other employees were trying to rush her, the second to newest person recruited at the last moment through to join in the Ray shifting."

Olga's face went through a number of expression's as it was literally impossible for people to maintain full consciousness through ray shifting which the training simulator, they used on her did do a simulated form of which and it would obviously affect the person greatly for the first time.

Basically, she had no right to be pissed at the person who went through the equivalent of extreme G force training and then losing a shooting competition as she was in no shape to be running around the halls of Chaldea which is why she collapsed on the ground and was found by Mash and Fou.

'Speaking of which... Where is that little walking disaster?' I thought looking around to see if the half squirrel and dog looking creature was hiding in plain sight or something.

But nope couldn't see it.

Welp a sealed 'Beast' is just wandering around this Singularity, unless it's avoiding my sight with me being a foreign entity and all.

"Well at least Mashu is doing well." Olga said trying to find a bright side to things as she took in the Demi-Servant form of Mashu in all her perverted armored glory.

I mean really, her legs were basically bear with her only greaves that covered her shins and feet to enhance her kicking, and her chest armor literally bared her whole stomach and only covered her breasts.

"Olga maybe you should give a refresher course to Fujimaru, she hadn't had enough time with her just arriving at Chaldea to learn about the distinctions about Servants." I said and then I saw Mashu wilt as she obviously got the wrong idea of what I meant. "Mash I don't mean you are lesser or anything in comparison to other servants, but you obviously are going to need some training to use the power of the Heroic Spirit that you have merged with." I consoled her and she nodded understanding already that as a Shielder class servant that she wasn't going to be the one who cut down Fujimaru's foes realistically.

"Ah Hem." Olga cleared her throat and then proudly put her hand to her side as she raised a hand in front of her and went onto explain the classification of Servants. "Alright first of all are the most popular knight class servants which fall under that aegis of Saber, Archer, and Lancer classes with each having there advantages with Saber's being sword users who commonly have strong magic resistance and powerful Noble Phantasms, as a whole. Lancers are almost always about speed and decisive strikes to defeat an enemy, but are commonly plagued by terrible luck. Archers are typically long range fighters who wield powerful Noble Phantasm's that will either lock onto a target or simply explode on contact, causing massive devastation."

She then went onto explain how Casters were mages or great scientists who could change the area around them by making it 'their territory' as well as with the help of other resource's use their magic to create great advantages should they have the time to setup.

The Riders were people that used mounts to attack others from atop them and typically always had powerful Noble Phantasms.

Assassins were obviously people who were 'famous' for killing people discreetly and getting away with it.

"Soooo what's a Noble Phantasm really?" At that Olga choked on the water she was drinking after her rant explaining all the 'common' classes and boy I am curious to see her reaction to all the other weird classes like Pretender or even the Femme Fatale class that only Tiamat as far as I knew held.

"Didn't that training simulator teach you about that!" Olga grunted as she patted her chest to get the water down.

Fujimaru helplessly shrugged. "No the simulator only showed me how to 'direct' servant's in combat." Yeah good luck ordering around Heroic Spirts in the middle of a battle like it was a Pokémon battle...

Olga just facepalmed as she groaned. "That simulation was only supposed to get you used to the sight of Servant's fighting so you didnt freak out in your first battle. We have long since given up on attempting to order a Servant around like they are common familiars."

Yeah, like how they couldn't make Galahad submit and be fused into their Homunculus children like Mashu and the other ones they made that failed and died horribly.

That and the other Servant they summoned, Da, Vinci is a massive troll so ordering her around is an effort in futility.

"Alright Fujimaru. Now Noble Phantasm's are the crystallization of a Heroic Spirits legend for example if King Arthur was summoned, he would obviously be wielding Excalibur, right?" She explained and I had to hold back my snickers at how good old Artoria could fit damn near every Servant Class.

We settled in a bit more explain some more stuff to Fujimaru then finally before we were about to move on and find the magic leyline running through this city of Fuyuki and a hologram appeared next to Fujimaru.

"Finally, we managed to connect to you guys!" A voice cried out and finally the image smoothed out to show a salmon haired colored man wearing the Chaldean uniform with some color differences and looking completely exhausted.

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