My Twin Sister Was Taken as a Miko and I Was Thrown Away but I’m Probably the Miko

Chapter 66

Girls and things to do to exorcise demons 1

“- That demon has been sitting at the foot of the Spirit Tree for about seven years now”

Seven years.

I consider that the elves were tormented by that demon for such a long time that it was not much different from the time I was born, listening to Grandpa Elf–Sileva (who finally gave me his name).

Elves, because I hear that the species generally has a longer life span. Maybe seven years for the elves is a lot shorter than I think. But I still think it’s a tough seven years for something important to suffer.

If Mr. Sileva had spoken, the elves gathered on the spot would have had sunken faces.

Mr. Sileva said the elves and spirits were devoured by the demons. An important being is eaten by demons. I was relieved to think of it.

Right to my right is Raymer, the griffon I’m contracted to. And around it, so are the other covenant beasts…. Everyone is a monster. I happen to be…………, lucky I met everyone and made a deal with everyone. And I got along with everyone. I think I could be a family.

A family I met who lost a blood-connected family, unconnected with blood, even in different shapes.

But just as there are so many different people in the world, so are demons, and not all demons can get along.

“Regardless, we did not offer sacrifices from the beginning, as the demon said. We were also taking action to defeat that demon. But… we couldn’t defeat that demon.”

Mr Sileva says remorsefully. Demons the elves couldn’t defeat.

“That demon, right in front of us, ate our people. And when he said he could eat all of us at any time, he brought us a deal.”

“That demon, can you talk?

When I was explained earlier, the question arose as to whether I could talk to the demon even though I did not question it.

The demons on my contract can’t talk. I have a contract with me so I can talk to you, but does that demon mean I can have a conversation with the elves?

“… that demon has the skills to read – speak to his heart. It has spoken directly to our hearts. We can’t all be eaten. If you add it and leave it as it is, you can do whatever you want with that demon tree. You can’t leave the Spirit Tree… intact. As a result, we are… offering a sacrifice.”

Elves can’t be defeated, demons. I still don’t know how powerful the elves are. This is the first time I’ve seen the elves, and I haven’t seen the magic they use yet.

An elf, a race that is good at magic, cannot be defeated, being.

Honestly, I didn’t know what kind of demon it was.

“- What kind of demons are those that the elves can’t defeat? I hear the elves are a race that is good at magic…”

Mr. Oceanio opened his mouth. Mr. Dong, in Mr. Sileva’s words, does what he thinks.

“… eat magic, it’s a demon. It’s a plant demon, but it eats magic. Eat the magic we unleash and regenerate even if we can do something about it.”

“Want some magic?

“I’m stepping on whether everything that has magic can be food for that demon. I think that’s why I stood at the foot of a tree full of magic, the Spirit Tree…”

Spirit Tree, think about that tree you’ve never even seen.

A tree where spirits are born and spirits grow. Something very important for the elves. And the spirit who told Mr. Sileva that he should do what I said, even if he was weak. If the Spirit can defeat the demon, will he be thankful? How could you possibly ask me that?

And at the foot of a special tree overflowing with its magic, dwells what feeds on magic. From the presence of eating magic, we can also say that the spiritual tree, which is overflowing with magic, and the elf, who is good at handling magic, is the bait that I want so much that my throat is out.

“Other than magic, why don’t you use it?

I ask if we are talking about a magic eating being, if so, then we should attack it outside of magic.

“Other than magic, we don’t have many means of attack. The bow didn’t work either.”

“… so if we go with the Beasts or the Griffons, we’ll go outside?

“I don’t know.”

Elf’s method of attack is magic. Then magic eating demons. They’re too incompatible. I guess that’s why Mr. Sileva and the others were but remained. Is that a problem that can be solved if we are able to fight with a race that is superior to anything other than magic?

But, you know, we didn’t even know the elves lived here. Neither will the elves know exactly where other races live. Besides, not many of the nations of man enslave elves.

…… and most importantly, is it because everyone in this group of elves looked down on other species and didn’t come up with the idea of cooperating? Because Mr. Sileva finally told me his name too, but he said it like an inferior creature about humans. So even when I found us, it became the idea of sacrificing. It did not become the idea of cooperating.

– All the beasts were wary at first because I was human. Because I’m human. I was also on guard about Mr. Lang. Because Mr. Lang is human. But we’re getting along now. I think that’s because I got the brackets off because I’m human. Because you’re human, not because you’re me or Mr. Run– and I think it’s because you looked at me that way.

Even the elves, because they’re ”beasts” now, ”humans,” that’s how they envision it. I want to think that the Beast Man is barbaric because he only sees it in those brackets when he says that human beings exist down there. I want to believe that if we let that go, we can get along.

“… First of all, right. Let’s see what we can do with each other. Then let’s hear more about that demon again and work out measures. We have no idea what magic the elves can use. Neither Lord Sileva nor the Beasts will know how to fight. At that stage, we can’t work together on how to confront the demons. It may not be true, but I was wondering if you could tell me what kind of magic could be used to protect the precious spiritual trees and spirits of Lord Sileva.”

It was those words that Mr. Dong, who was listening in silence, finally opened his mouth and said.

– Girls and things to do to exorcise demons 1

(Maybe the divine girl hears about the demon that torments that elf. and think about all sorts of things)

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