My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 42 - Clean up zombies

The hotel has an elevator and is an independent power supply system. It is now fully functional, but Anyang dare not use it, but chose a more secure staircase.

After all, the elevator is too unguaranteed and uncontrollable. If you go to a certain floor, the door will be completely zombie.

Anyang took out his mobile phone and glanced at it. The data above was 4/5000. Put down the mobile phone and continue to go down by the light of the emergency light.

Has a long way to go!

He doesn’t know where the hotel’s warehouse is, so what is lacking is food. The snacks and biscuits in the hotel can be filled in the stomach, but they can’t be eaten. There is also food in the portable space, but it can only be used as an emergency.

In the final analysis, he was not in the last days for survival, but for tasks and an independent second system. This is different from everyone in this world, and different purposes create different ways.

Fortunately, the other subsystems are almost completely independent. To affect each other, communicate, and even connect, they need to shuttle the mobile phone through the time and space in his hand. After all, the mobile phone is the main system, or the central system, with the ability to adjust other systems, but other systems It is just a component with independent functions. From this point, he has the initiative.

So don’t worry.

There is a small supermarket next to the hotel, there should be a lot of things, such as vacuum-packed chicken legs, trotters, beef jerky and the like, as well as ham sausage, bread, instant noodles, and high-calorie chocolate, candy …

Anyang had been optimistic in the suite as early as possible. There were not many zombies wandering on the street during the day, especially at the door of the hotel. Today, there are fewer than yesterday, but he is afraid to take risks. He needs to inquire about the situation first.

At this time, he was wearing a camouflage combat uniform that rushed out of the Amazon world, and at his feet was a pair of tactical boots. Not only was he light in movement, but there was no sound when walking.

Suddenly, there was a creaking sound in front of me, as well as the sound of chewing and swallowing, accompanied by an unconscious growl, which made the scalp numb in this dark corridor.

Anyang hid behind the corner and looked forward. He saw a fat zombie turned his back on him. In front of him was a body wearing a mini skirt and black stockings. The temperature was high in summer and the body exuded a strong stench.

“Creak … croak …”

The zombies are still taking care of themselves, and they seem to be chewing the woman’s bones.

Anyang approached quietly, holding the sword in both hands.

The zombie seemed to hear or smell something, and the movement suddenly stopped, turning his head to reveal a greasy face and a fang.


Hands up and down, very accurate!


A head rolled to the ground, but its roar spread in the silent hotel, and a stone stirred up thousands of waves, and there were countless roars from the corridor or room below, making it seem to be in the zombie’s old nest. shudder.

The figure of three heads appeared suddenly underneath, and as soon as he saw him, he fluttered up like chicken blood.

Anyang looked around and made the best judgment quickly. The corridor was narrow, and his skill could not be displayed even if he was good. It must not be suitable for close combat with crazy monsters such as zombies.

He just wanted to take out the pistol, but he gave up the idea and turned to hold the sword.

Because the three zombies did not rush up together, this gave him the opportunity to show the operation.

It’s time to test the technology!

Anyang’s hand holding the sword was trembling slightly, the arm muscles were bursting, and the lean upper body muscles were bulging, becoming stronger.


A neat vertical split, splitting the head of the first zombie in half, the dark red smelly blood spurt out.

The second and third zombies walked almost side by side, with blood on their teeth.

Anyang fiercely withdrew the sword, kicked with a full body of strength, kicked one of the zombies back, and rolled down the stairs.


Followed closely, he knelt sideways to avoid the claws of the third zombie, slashing his hands vigorously with a slash, and then swinging it out horizontally, cutting his neck.

He was relieved, and his tight nerves relaxed.

As for the remaining zombie, it is no longer a cause for concern.

Anyang took a deep breath, took off the crystals in the brains of these zombies, glanced at the body of the woman who had eaten the brain and upper body, and quickly walked down.

From the current point of view, the intermediate cold weapon mastery is good, and twice the brain power of ordinary people is also very useful, especially the reaction power, which makes him particularly handy in combat.

He has only now discovered that these monsters are not as terrible as imagined, and it is still easy to deal with just looking for the correct method. They are not only afraid of death but also advantages and disadvantages.

At this time, roaring sounded on every floor. I do n’t know how many zombies were kept in the room. The whole hotel was like a huge prison. Anyang’s scalp is numb while walking, and he always feels that zombies will jump out of the wall.

Just walked down the stairs, and met another corpse that was chewed, **** flesh.

He frowned and walked away quickly.

Until he went down to the bottom hall of the hotel, he found zombies, a total of two security guards and two female counters, and a pile of **** bones in the center of the hall.

Four-headed zombie!

Fortunately, the space in the hall is enough for him to display. The outbreak speed of male zombies and female zombies is definitely not the same. It can still be solved by distance.

If Anyang thought about it, he no longer hesitated, suddenly bowed his waist, and rushed towards the two female zombies like a cheetah. Turn off her head.

Twice the speed of ordinary people is really extraordinary!

Until then, the two male zombies did not react, and suddenly flew at him.


Anyang clenched the sword, 2.0’s brain speed was running fast, and the reaction force was fully utilized. A sprint forward, a quick mistake and passed the zombie, and the sword has been cut in an excellent way.


The first zombie fell to the ground.

Anyang was relieved and greeted the second zombie.

Continue to kill in one blow!

In the case of one-on-one, the zombies are far inferior to him in all aspects, and there is no threat to him.

Anyang took down the crystals of the four zombies one by one. The data on the mobile phone was already 12/5000. He stood in the hall and took a breath, but inadvertently saw the waist camouflage clothing broken.

His face was suddenly pale!

when did it happen!

Is it just now?

Was caught in the camouflage suit in the battle with the zombies, is it not to pass by with death!

Anyang looks dignified. It seems that his own technology is not at home, he can’t compete with one enemy, and he must be more careful in the future.

Crept to the door of the hotel lobby, walked out against the wall, and quickly walked down the stairs without seeing the zombies.

It was not until he passed through the greenery that he brought to the entrance of the hotel, and the guards at the entrance were killed with a thunderbolt. After seeing through the window of the guard house, he saw several zombies floating on the street.

Is blocked by a telescopic iron door, and these zombies are not easy to come in.

If he takes out his pistol, or kills these zombies again, he is afraid of attracting more zombies, so he has to sneak his head out to observe the environment and make a long-term plan.

His eyes suddenly lighted up, and he saw a black backpack on the ground with a pile of vacuum-packed cooked food and meat products, and salt-baked chicken legs spilled all over the ground. It seemed that someone had fallen down in a hurry.


God help me too!

The zombies on the streets were already sparse, and there was a lot of chaos when the cataclysm occurred. There are many vehicles parked in front of the hotel gates, which can be used as bunkers, which is a perfect opportunity.

Don’t even take the risk to go to the supermarket!

Just think about it, Anyang quickly turned over the telescopic iron door, and the cat walked over, picked up the cooked food on the ground and began to pack it in the bag. After a while, he took the backpack and left.

Shake the sleeves without taking away a cloud.

Walked through the park-like hotel environment and came to the entrance of the lobby of the accommodation building, but a window upstairs suddenly opened, frightening him.

A handsome woman leaned out of it and shouted when she saw him.

“Hey, hey, sir help me!”

Anyang stunned, stopped and glanced at her.

“Are you also a survivor?”

“Yeah, yeah, I’m starving to death. Can you give me something to eat?”

“Forget it, there is nothing to say.”

Anyang shook his head, took two chicken legs out of the backpack and threw it up, no longer ignored her, stepped straight into the hall, and went upstairs.

Drew out the room card, but he suddenly froze when he passed the corpse of the cleaner.

If he remembers correctly, the hotel cleaners seem to have a universal room card on them, which can open every door!

An Yang slammed his head, how to forget this stub ~ ~ In this way, he still needs to venture to the supermarket, so many rooms in the hotel, even as long as instant noodles, vacuum food, etc. It must be enough for him to eat for a month.

So he stubbornly bowed down with nausea and finally found a blue room card. He found a door and brushed it, and it rang loudly and opened.

There are no zombies and no one in it. It is an empty suite.

Anyang walked in directly, threw the backpack on the sofa, and returned to the original room to move the scraped food over, which was considered to have moved to this room.

“His ……”

A bag of roast chicken was taken apart.

In the afternoon, a silhouette plate sat in front of the floor-to-ceiling window, holding two crystals in his hand.

“Call …”

Anyang slowly opened his eyes and spit out a cloud of air, curling into a ball and condensing in the air without dispersing.

Crystallization can indeed help cultivation, but the effect is not as great as imagined, much better than cultivation alone in the park, if the number is large, the effect may be better.

“Forget it, or the mission is important!”

Anyang put away the two crystals, picked up the universal room card and walked out of the room, clenched the sword and started to clean the zombies in other rooms next to each other, and also collected the food in other rooms next to each other.

At night, this floor has been cleaned up.

There are not many suites where people live. Only four rooms have zombies, all of which were killed by him.

At this time, the data on the phone has become 23/5000.

Until the last room was cleaned, he found a survivor ~ ~ welcome book readers to visit, the latest, fastest and hottest serial works are in ~ ~ mobile phone users please read.

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