My Three Wives Are Beautiful Vampires

Chapter 1040: A Thought That Can Cause Treason.

Chapter 1040: A Thought That Can Cause Treason.

While Victor, Haruna, Scathach, Rose, Morgana, and Kali were training, his family was not idle. Each member was perfectly fulfilling their roles to ensure the upcoming short-term and long-term objectives for the Emperor.

Due to the work efficiency of all the members, the situation quickly turned in their favor. They moved from the second most revered religion to the first in a matter of hours. The following days were spent establishing 'bases' and ensuring that this new influence was not hindered by other supernatural beings.

Although most supernatural beings did not interfere with the actions of the blood god's religion, a few braver [foolish] ones tried to play it safe to prevent the increase in influence, but as expected, such tactics had no effect.

The God Emperor commanded, and his orders were absolute; nothing would stand in the way of progress.

This overt movement of the Emperor's forces might seem merely an increase in the influence of the Blood God's religion to the less experienced. However, the ancient and wise gods, especially the Heavenly Father, Sucellus, and Shiva, understood very well that this was just the beginning of a cold war.

They had seen similar movements in the past and knew that a being as powerful as Victor would not be satisfied until he had everything under his control. The assembly of supernatural beings was now merely an obstacle to the Emperor.

They understood that the Emperor would not rest until he was the only force in control of everything.

An act that honestly, they felt a bit envious of. 'They' being Shiva and Sucellus, with Sucellus being more obvious than Shiva, who was very good at hiding his inner desires.

All gods who command pantheons or have some influence have at some point in their long existence thought about being the god who controls everything; it's just a natural thought process.

But they never had very powerful subordinates or tools capable of accomplishing such a feat without losing much in the process. The political scenario of the past was also chaotic when most of the pantheon was active at full strength.

A scenario that changed with the destruction of the Chinese pantheon at the hands of Diablo, the Greek civil war, and subsequently the conquest of the Egyptian pantheon and the remaining Greek forces by the hands of the Emperor.

The gods realized too late that they had missed a great opportunity to increase their own power and influence due to their 'passivity'. They were so used to dealing with beings who played the power game for thousands of years like Diablo that a new, more talented player took all the good things for himself.

The Dragon Nest not only had the remaining forces of the Greek gods but also those of the Egyptian and Norse gods.

It's no secret to anyone that after selling the resource-less lands of the Norse pantheon, Hela took refuge under the Emperor's wings.

After the biggest coup in history, she fled the consequences by staying under the Emperor's protection.

Hela did not just sell the lands of the Norse pantheon, she sold barren lands completely devoid of resources and population, despite the influence gained by the dimension being good, the entire pantheon was completely unusable for a few thousand years.

They were completely deceived! Thinking about this made Shiva utterly furious, and to be honest, it was his fault for not seeing through the illusion caused by Hela, using her time divinity.

When he came to find out about the coup he had suffered, the woman was already inaccessible to him, which made him quite angry, even though he didn't show it outwardly.

After this failure, Shiva tried to 'negotiate' once more for the Arcane lands, which had become very valuable thanks to a portal opened to a new world rich with resources to exploit.

Both the Celtic and Hindu pantheons tried every method possible, except for the most drastic one which was invasion, but stubbornly the witch did not give up... Instead, she went and spread her legs for the Emperor!

The Arcane lands were an opportunity for resource exploitation, and now these lands were in the hands of the Emperor... The man took for himself yet another new opportunity.

The whole situation was extremely frustrating; wherever they decided to expand, the Emperor was already there taking possession. His subordinates were just too competent, which was both annoying and enviable!

In turbulent times like these, the need for a wise and powerful leader becomes apparent. Despite being God Kings, Sucellus does not have full control over his pantheon as he pleases, after all, there are factions within his pantheon.

A similar situation occurs with Shiva, though in his case, it is more a result of his own inaction. With his popularity and power, if he decided to move, only Kali could oppose him, something Shiva knew would never happen since Kali was on the side of his pantheon.

At this point, he could only blame himself.


Garden of Eden, the former home of Lilith, Eve, and Adam.

"So it begins, huh..." An old man spoke as he calmly sipped his tea. After a sip, he smiled contentedly and returned to observing the beautiful landscape in front of him.

"Yes, Father... All the invisible and visible forces of the Emperor are in motion, as we speak, they are setting up bases all over the planet, they are even acquiring lost territory for themselves."

Lost Territories.

That was the name given to lands that were once countries but were destroyed on judgment day. Over the years that followed, few beings really expanded into these territories; most of the land remained completely uninhabited.

There are several reasons for this. First, the miasma from demons completely corrupted the lands to a level that not even the gods could fully eliminate the toxicity.

Second, and more importantly... The mortal population greatly decreased across the planet. Countries vanished from the map, supernatural races were wiped out, on judgment day, a significant blow was dealt to the planet overall.

And only recently, thanks to the Emperor, all this is being restored, the planet has never been so clean; all trash in the seas and radioactive waste buried in the land were completely erased from existence, the planet was 'clean' from humanity's filth once again.

"Wrong, my daughter, those bases already existed, they are just revealing now that the opportunity was given." A white power emanated from the finger of the Heavenly Father, and soon an image appeared in front of the two, the image was of the upper body of the dragon seen from the earth's viewpoint.

A being so immense that they could not see its full size.

"The appearance of the dragon caused a collective shock among all the beings on this planet." The Heavenly Father sipped his tea again while smiling contentedly, he looked completely at peace.

"It also marked the beginning of a new era, the era when all humanity would have a single ruler, the Emperor of Humanity."

Ariel just looked at the dragon with a neutral expression, but her inner turmoil could not be hidden from her father. Ariel still couldn't associate this dragon with the noble vampire who had once saved her in the past; the leap in power was ridiculous.

It was as if she had slept and awakened thousands of years in the future or something, only to discover that she was wrong and only a few years had passed. She wasn't wrong or crazy, that man was just highly abnormal.

"I see your troubled heart, my daughter, express your feelings to me."

"... I'm sorry, Father. It's just that I simply can't understand." Ariel spoke without expressing herself well. She 'understood', she was not a woman to ignore reality, but sometimes, reality was so ridiculous that she couldn't help but question it.

Victor Elderblood, as he is known today, has that effect on people.

"Victor is... An anomaly." There was no better way to start explaining to his daughter than with those words.

Ariel looked at her father with an attentive gaze.

"He became the Progenitor of Vampires at a time when there already was a Progenitor of vampires. Initially, I thought his existence would be erased by the primordials, after all, he broke the balance and the rules of existence merely by existing."

"But that didn't happen... In fact, I was wrong from the beginning, his initial status as a vampire progenitor was just his initial state of development... He needed to become a vampire progenitor so that he could later become a new race of dragons."

"... Father always told me that the universe has strange ways of 'balancing' itself." Ariel said. "Were you talking about that?"

"... Maybe... To be honest, I don't fully understand this matter either."

For all intents and purposes, Victor should have been eliminated, but that didn't happen. He managed to survive and develop until the point where he awakened his own divinity and became a god of Negativity, representing all the gods who use negative energy from the cosmos.

Whether they are gods of the lower, middle, or high sectors, they all answer to Victor now.

'Not to mention that he also holds the Divinity of Begin, which only ranks below the divinity of Positivity... He is indeed a god of chaos.' The Heavenly Father knew that this title he gave Victor as the god of 'chaos' was just a label to symbolize that he exercises two opposing forces in the form of divinities, something that has never happened before.

'If he were a god of chaos, he would be the leader of our cosmology, and the primordials would be his subordinates.' He thought to himself as he continued to drink his tea.

"An anomaly that had time, and opportunities to grow, that's how I categorize Victor." He sipped his tea again. "There just aren't enough adjectives to express his existence, genius, monster, anomaly, he is all of that. Victor is in his own category of existence."

Ariel remained silent for a long minute. "... It's no use thinking about it now. We can only speculate about his existence, the only ones who really know who he is are the people closest to him, his wives."

"... Something you should have become if you weren't so puritanical." The Heavenly Father pointed out while sighing.

"Father!" Ariel shouted while blushing deeply, what did he expect from her!? She was an angel! Not a demon!

"Honestly, it's times like these that I wonder why I didn't intervene directly with the demons in the past, if I had conquered them, I would have children with an incredible son-in-law now."

"W-What-..." Ariel just looked at her father like he had grown a second head or something. 'Did he just say he wanted female demons as daughters? Huh!?'

"But instead, I have this..." The heavenly father just sighed, he regretted now putting so many restrictions on his creations, if she was more open with her desires, Ariel would have already approached Victor, and he I would have an incredible son-in-law.

'Wait a sec... Lilith and her daughter are his wives too, and Lilith's daughter is related to my son... In other words, by that logic I have an incredible son-in-law! Thank you, Samael, you were useful once in your life.' He nodded satisfied, but then he became depressed again, because he understood that although he was his 'son-in-law', his demonic daughters were not exactly his 'daughters', and were just creations. from him.

The heavenly father looked at Ariel, and just sighed again.

...Somehow, Ariel really wanted to attack her father now, a thought that is considered treason.

Ariel's wings flickered between pure white and black for a few seconds, she did her best to calm down, breathing deeply, she asks.

"Are we not going to do anything in this situation?" She asked.

"Hmm…" The old man stroked his white beard as he thought.


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