My Third Empire

Chapter 34 - Great Germany

Biquge, update my latest chapter of the third empire as soon as possible!

“You can’t afford that much money, Mr. Krupp.” Akado said with a smile.

Krupp thought Akado was joking with him, and then he laughed: “You talk about it! How much does it cost? I really want to dig you out of the National Defense Forces.”

“Because of the use of newly designed glass bottles and new production lines, the Coca-Cola Company in the United States brings me about … about 400,000 US dollars a month.” Akado stared at Krupp with a smile.

He extended his second finger: “BMW has orders from the German Wehrmacht and the U.S. Army, and there is also business on the Chinese side, with a monthly income of about $ 200,000.”

Immediately after he ignored the shocked Krupp’s expression, he continued to smile and said: “Lufthansa also owns my shares, and the Mercedes-Benz car factory is also mine. I also have a perennial in the mountain villa of the artillery tycoon Mr. Krupp Regarding the reserved room, please tell me, how much am I worth? “

Krupp smiled with some surprises and said, “You are the mysterious behind-the-scenes boss of Bailanhua Group? Oh my god, how did you find so many potential companies and then integrate them all together?”

He shook his hand and couldn’t help shaking: “You’re a business wizard!”

Akado was a little embarrassed. He would like to say to the artillery king in front of him: If you come back from 2014, you can also remember the overwhelming multinational company advertisement.

Krupp was indeed shocked by Akado today. The assault rifles, general-purpose machine guns, mass-produced cannons, simplified logistics support ideas, and the design of the super tank made Krupp think that Akado is a treasure that cannot be dug.

“Colonel Akado! I found that I have worshipped you completely! Whatever you plan to do! My Gustav? Krupp will support you in all directions and without reservation! Even if he goes to **** for this purpose Do not hesitate! “In the evening of that day, just as Akado was about to get up and leave, Krupp grabbed Akado’s hand and said with excitement:” You are the most admirable German person I have ever seen, K Krupp will stand firmly behind you and contribute all your strength to your National Defense Army reconstruction plan! “

Akado patted Krupp’s shoulder and smiled to draw a conclusion for the conversation between the two people on this day: “Mr. Krupp, the National Defense Force will also be your solid backing. Let us work together for the rise of Germany. . “

On November 13, 1923, Colonel Akado Rudolf was transferred to the president ’s office as the top liaison officer of the defense force ’s office in the president, and also served as the president ’s military affairs staff. With this identity, as a major, he began to sit at a table with many veteran generals to discuss issues, and he controlled a large voice in the IDF.

“Colonel Arcado, you seem to have a lot of thoughts lately, don’t you know what I can help?” Minister Strathman sat in the office of Arcado and asked with a coffee cup smiling, he today In the morning, when I was free, I went to the President’s Office of Military Affairs as a guest and contacted the representatives of the military I had always cherished.

“There are some Nazis in the National Defense Forces. Although their power is still weak, this sign is really disturbing.” Akado rubbed his brows and said: “In order to curb this dangerous idea, I recently fired an ensign He also warned a lieutenant that there was no faith in the army a year ago, but a year later I had to struggle to cope with the penetration of Nazi beliefs. “

Minister Streisman put the coffee on the coffee table and seemed to care less about Akado ’s worries, saying in a lazy tone: “Colonel Akado, you are too concerned about the small Nazi party, We need to know that there are still many enemies, such as the unshakable Allied Arms Control Committee. The so-called German Socialist Workers ’Party is just a small problem.”

piece of cake? In ten years’ time, you big men will be wiped out by the small problem of Nazis, and in the end no bone residue will be left! I do n’t have the kind of optimism you have, I just want to kill all the restlessness in the cradle. Akado thought angrily.

“Up to now, I have not made mistakes in my decision, so you only need to help me find a way.” Akado had to use this reason to confuse him, so as to dispel the concerns of Minister Streisman.

“It’s as if you haven’t replaced the Wehrmacht’s weapons and equipment so far, with millions of dollars in weapons purchases to build bridges and pave the way everywhere. This is what you have planned for a long time?” Minister Strathman asked.

Akado nodded: “I’m used to planning everything carefully, and then I feel the feeling of being in control.”

“It’s a good feeling. Unlike our Ministry of Foreign Affairs, we can only take orders from any negotiations.” Minister Streisman said with a show of hands.

Akado smiled: “One day, you will experience the feeling that everything is under control. Those who were once arrogant can only bend down and bow in front of you.”

“I like talking to you, talking to you always makes me very happy! Trust me, Colonel Akado, I do n’t know why, no matter how arrogant you say, I feel from your heart that you can achieve it “” Minister Strathman said.

“Achieving these things requires countless people working together.” Akado nodded. “Including your efforts! Let me think about it and see how to stop Hitler’s Nazi party from infiltrating the National Defense Force.”

“Of course, it’s very simple.” Minister Strathman said with a smile, and then raised the coffee pot to pour coffee into his empty coffee cup: “If you pour coffee into an empty cup, you will find that this is a Very easy thing. “

He filled it with coffee, then looked at Arcado, and continued to pour the coffee into the coffee cup, let the coffee overflow the coffee cup, and let the coffee flow into the tray under the coffee cup: “But if you want a full coffee It is very difficult to pour coffee in a cup. “

“What do you mean?” Akado’s eyes lit up, and there seemed to be an idea flashing in his head, but he didn’t catch it.

He had to admire these political dignitaries, who seem to have an intriguing head by nature. Although Akado has historical experience and scientific and technological predictions of previous life, he can solve many problems, but in terms of politics and scheming, it is indeed not as good as these monsters.

Seeing Akado not speaking, Minister Strathman laughed: “Colonel Akado, don’t worry. After all, you are a soldier, there may not be so many twists in your stomach.”

He knocked Erlang’s legs and said casually: “The German team has never allowed faith. A few years ago, you were only loyal to the emperor. The current national defense force is only responsible to the government. Their beliefs are missing! It ’s very easy for the Nazis to enter the defense army to occupy such a blank area of ​​faith. If we find new beliefs for them, then it will not be easy for the Nazis to penetrate the IDF. “

“New faith?” Akado nodded, then shook his head again: “Sikter will not allow this.”

Minister Streisman laughed: “But Colonel Akado Rudolf allowed it! With your secret support and secret development, it will definitely develop much faster than the Nazi Party which nobody supports and can only develop in secret. “

Akado is silent. This temptation is indeed very large. If he establishes a party and then uses this party to control the National Defense Army, then the first can let himself firmly seize the command of the National Defense Force; the second can prevent Hitler ’s Nazi party from The unrestrained expansion and development of the National Defense Forces.

“Dang, Dang, Dang.” A knock on the door rang, interrupting Akado’s thoughts, and Geer walked in. Li Zhenghui reported: “Colonel, Mr. Gustav Krupp visited.”

“Exactly! Listen to what Mr. Krupp said.” Akado stood up with a smile.

Minister Streisman followed and stood up: “I didn’t expect the colonel to have a friendship with Mr. Krupp, and I increasingly feel that following you is the right choice.”

“I didn’t expect the minister to be here too, haha.” Krupp saw Streisman when he walked in. The two shook hands, and then Krupp said with a smile: “It seems that Akado is busy with corrections , It ’s not the right time for me to come. “

“No! It’s the right time for you to come.” Akado waved his hand and said, “We are discussing something, and you come to listen to it, and take a look at what you stand for and what we discuss.” “

“Then I’ll listen.” Krupp said with a smile, and sat on the sofa with Minister Strathman, and listened to Akado recounting Minister Strathman’s ideas.

“This incident has another benefit! Colonel Akado Rudolph, you have many friends and followers. They are no longer confined to the same place of the National Defense Forces. There are high-level officials of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Arms dealers like me, there are the National Defense Army, there are businessmen, and politician officials, you need, or we need an organization to connect us all! Make this group stronger to maintain the collective interests of our group. “K After listening to Akado’s narrative, Krupp nodded and agreed: “We need such a group.”

Two days later, Krupp packed a small hotel in Berlin and held a private party in it. There were more people than Krupp had imagined, because it was not just businessmen, soldiers, politicians, Officials also include scientists, engineers, and nobles.

Akado came to the stage and gave a speech. The content was very brief. There was only one sentence: “We are here today to prepare to revitalize Germany with our lives. Welcome to join the German Party!”

On this day, Akado was elected as the chairman of the Grand German Party, and the main members of the Grand German Party included Akado ’s secretary and guard Geer, Guderian, the major of the Ministry of Defense Transport, the head of the 103rd regiment Hulk, the 105 regiment Long Kruzer and other soldiers; also including Krupp head of enterprise Gustav Krupp, Mercedes-Benz car company executive Karl Benz, Bavarian Machinery Manufacturing Co., Ltd. executive officer Gammel Kastingoni, Bai Lanhua Group Vice President Reinhardt and other businessmen; as well as famous scientists Einstein who defined the theory of relativity; and politician officials such as Foreign Minister Gustav Stellesman.

At this moment, the Great German Party was formally established. As soon as it was born, it became a powerful group because of the background of the participants.

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