My Third Empire

Chapter 22 - Soviet tank

Biquge, update my latest chapter of the third empire as soon as possible!

In fact, the Soviet industry at this stage, especially the heavy industry, has not yet ushered in a period of great development. The lack of American and British help and its own little development time have allowed the entire Soviet Union ’s industrial level to be described as backward.

So Akado came first this time to find out, and the second was just to see if there was any way to hinder the Soviet Union ’s development of its own heavy industry. After all, this will be one of Akado ’s strategic goals in the future. Akado certainly hopes here The easier it is to conquer, the better.

Akado ’s journey began in this period. The Soviet Union was unable to produce its own tanks during this period. The so-called Soviet tank force was composed of seized French Renault light tanks and textiles. It was small and tactically backward.

However, compared to Germany, this is already a very powerful armor force. In the imitation factory of the Renault tank, Akado watched a craftsman modify the parts with a file. There was an unspeakable clumsy feeling.

“We don’t have a large machine tool, and we can only repair the damaged parts of the tank manually by the workers. The workload is very large and very slow.” The head of the factory, a young guy said to Akado: “I heard that Germany wants to Help us? Can you give us a brand new machine tool? “

“Ten! We will disassemble ten machines from the Krupp factory and ship them secretly! The latest! The most sophisticated machine!” Akado said to the young factory manager with a smile.

“Thank you! Thank you! German friends! We will never forget your contribution to the Bolshevik cause!” The young factory director extended his palm full of oil: “My name is Valshilevski! Nice to meet you!”

“Write down! Find a way to deliver ten machine tools to them, no! Twenty!” Akado said to the next Geer: “Directly dismantled from the Bavarian engine factory and the Krupp factory! We will not treat the Soviet Union badly friend!”

Geer kept a pen to record, and some did not quite understand why Akado had to dismantle those advanced machinery to give to the Soviets, but he did not speak according to the rules of his profession.

Varsilevsky took Akado ’s hand excitedly, with tears of excitement hanging around his eyes, and did n’t know what to say. Twenty state-of-the-art machine tools were simply unimaginable assets in the Soviet Union. If all these machine tools were handed over to this factory, Valshilevsky was even confident to double the tank production speed of the entire Soviet Union.

Lieutenant Colonel Polov was very satisfied with the Germans ’attitude and efficiency. He also showed the generosity of the Soviet military for this cooperation:” Lieutenant Colonel Akado, you are really a friend of the Soviet people! I think today After your visit, you are invited to have a drink at the bar! How can you not drink vodka in the Soviet Union? Are you right? “

He then came up with a document: “We have marked a place for the National Defense Forces to train and train personnel, located about 220 kilometers southeast of Moscow, named Ripatsk.”

Then he spread out a map on a table and pointed to a place and said to Akado: “It’s here! It’s very close to Moscow. Students can take time out to Moscow on vacation. The location is a forest, hidden and safe! “

“Very thoughtful! Lieutenant Colonel Polov, according to the cooperation agreement, we will establish a pilot training base here, if you are interested, you can also send people to study inside!” Akado nodded.

Polov agrees happily: “Of course! We are of course interested! But the specific matters require the Air Force personnel to negotiate with you. I am only responsible for drinking with you! Hahahaha.”

“I need to go to the bathroom. Is there a bathroom here?” Akado asked politely.

“Of course!” Said the director of Valshilevsky. “I can take you there. It’s hard to find there.”

“Oh, our Lieutenant Gore is curious about how the crane works here. When I go to the bathroom, you can show it to him.” Akado took a step and then backed away, pointing A crane on the roof not far away said to others: “I’m out of company first.”

As soon as he entered the bathroom, Akado changed his expression. He carefully pushed open the squatting door of each toilet, and made sure that there was no talent in the entire toilet to look back and looked at the director of Vasilevsky and asked: “You put I came here, what is it for? “

“Your” beehive “has approached me!” Director Valshilevsky said excitedly: “He said that if he wanted revenge, there was only such a chance! He said that you are coming to the Soviet Union this time, let me find a way and You meet alone! That ’s why I shook your hand hard three times! ”Unlike outside, he speaks German, and Akado can understand what Valshilevski said.

He glanced nervously at the direction of the toilet door, and then said again: “I have a dozen friends. Everyone had a very good life. The revolution destroyed everything for us! I wasn’t originally called Valhirevs. Kee, my name is Jacob. “

Akado didn’t say a word, just stared at the raging Varsilevsky in front of him, and when he said a lot, when he noticed that the stop was wrong, he said: “I don’t know who of us will bring the beehive Coming to the Soviet Union, but I did n’t bring that kind of thing. What you said just now is like a code for a spy. I really do n’t know what you ’re talking about. “

The beehive is indeed a Gestapo lurking in the Soviet Union. It is also an important part of the tack plan. It can even be said that the agent named the beehive is one of the several senior spy leaders deployed by the German Wehrmacht in Soviet Russia.

However, Akado was not stupid enough to be led by a person who met for the first time with just a few words, he could not admit that there was such a beehive, nor could he admit that he had anything to do with spies, Even in Germany, it is not easy to admit, not to mention the land in other countries.

“Tukachevsky sent you? Or was it just that Lieutenant Colonel Polov sent you to test me? I came to the Soviet Union to negotiate for the Wehrmacht, not to engage in any espionage!” Akado despised Smiled and said.

“You have to believe me! Lieutenant Colonel Akado! Please!” Varsilevsky begged in despair.

“If, I mean if, what you said is true, not your kind of fantasy, then I suggest that you go to the beehive you said, it is useless to find me. Because the beehive I told you , It doesn’t matter. “Aka said mostly jokingly:” Don’t be so rash next time. “

“I’m sorry, Mr. Lieutenant Colonel, I understand.” Varsilevsky was not a fool. He knew that this time he had indeed taken the risk. He wanted to avenge the Soviet regime and wanted to gain power and money, so Came to find Akado bravely for identity and power, but Akado didn’t promise him anything.

He told Valshilevsky tactfully that he should go to the beehive instead of confusing to find Akado himself.

“What’s the offense? The director Valshilevsky offended Lieutenant Colonel Akado?” Lieutenant Colonel Polov pushed the door open and walked in, with one hand helping to unlock the buttoned pants door.

He found his conversation with Valshilevsky? This was the first reaction in Akado ’s mind, but he immediately quelled the shock, because there was no loophole in his words. Even if Polov wanted to catch people, he could only catch Valshilevsky, and he had nothing at all. relationship.

“The factory director Valshilevsky just hurried to take off his pants and almost sprayed urine onto my pants!” Akado said with a smile.

Varsilevsky was also taken aback, and found that there was nothing abnormal on Polovsky’s face, and then slowly recovered the tension on his face, taking advantage of Akado and Polovsky. When laughing, I adjusted my emotions.

Then he scratched his head a little embarrassedly: “Drinking too much water in the morning, I accompanied everyone to visit all morning and held it for a long time.”

Polov laughed again, standing in front of the urinal to make it easier, with a comfortable expression on his face.

Akado knew that in 1921, the Soviet Union was secretly developing the T-18 light tank. Although it was still three years away from the successful development, at this time under the leadership of Tukhachevsky, the Soviet Union was indeed in Secretly developed his first tank.

If the momentum of the Soviets ’self-development tanks is not contained, then around 1939, the Soviets will develop advanced t-34 tanks, and Akado knows that once the t-34 is mass-produced, the German armored forces The advantage will be weakened, and the loss of valuable tank pilots will multiply.

Therefore, if the development and production of new tanks such as the T-34 can be delayed to a certain extent, then Akado expects that the World War II launched by Akado personally before and after 1933 will be a full victory for Germany. end.

However, the idea is conceivable. To complete this huge idea, at least it has to go through countless details. Now the National Defense Force is working hard, then Akado knows that the “Pluto Plan” needs more effort, and the action of the tack needs more effort. Row.

This is also one of the reasons why Akado did not directly refuse Valshilevski to come to surrender. Akado could not refuse such a huge temptation. If Valchilevski became the nail of the IDF in the Soviet factory, then Akado had greater confidence that Soviet tanks would never leave their own production workshop.

The three walked out of the bathroom together, teased each other and returned to the visiting team, continuing to discuss the backward factory workshops in Russia as if nothing had happened. But just as a group of people pointed at a yellowed drawing, a young voice rang from behind, and everyone looked back in surprise at the young man who said: “How can you make Germany People come to this secret military factory! “

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