My Third Empire

Chapter 1240 - Everyone\\\'s fate

Biquge, update my latest chapter of the third empire as soon as possible!

After dropping the bomb, all German planes began to steer quickly, and then they flew towards the distant coastline, with no feeling of nostalgia. The Japanese anti-aircraft artillery on the ground looked at each other, wondering what it was for so many planes flying here.

A black dot gradually approached the ground. It descended slowly over the city of Akita. The parachute was pulled away with the drag, and the entire bomb descended more slowly. In response to the anti-aircraft warning, some curious Japanese civilians looked at the strange object that landed slowly and made a buzzing comment and discussion.

Then, a ray of light that seemed to be the new life of the world instantly enveloped everything, along with the increased temperature and the light that pierced everything, the nearby city streets and buildings, and the people who looked up and looked up at the sky. Was evaporated.

The earth is boiling, and a huge explosion destroys all the objects that try to stop it from raging, including hard walls, ground, trees, and other things-Akita City takes only one second, one-third of the center It became nothingness, and half of the rest became ruins of nothing.

When the German pilots were horrified to see the white clouds in the sky behind them changed their shape because of the explosion, they only knew how the bomb they just dropped had the power to destroy the world. Some people are continually rowing crosses, while others are meditating on passages in the Bible.

After 22 days, the second atomic bomb exploded in the Niigata area of ​​Japan, completely destroying this not huge city. What is even more shocking is that the power of this atomic bomb is even greater than the first explosion in Akita. For a time, the whole world lived under the terrible nuclear shadow of the Third Reich.

Although it has strengthened its air defense forces and tried to appease its own nationals, Japan still cannot effectively intercept German fighters and bombers coming and going at 10,000 meters. Even if there are Japanese aircraft that can rush to this height for interception, they still can’t fight the ta-152 and the more powerful me-239.

So soon after Akita became a ruin, the Japanese base camp once again received the news that Niigata was razed to the ground … Everyone no longer clamored for poisonous revenge, all that remained was unlimited silence, and a few stubborn military countries Maniac madman, knocking on the table and shouting at the shriek of the jade broken battle.

On October 8, King George VI announced his abdication in Canada and became a US citizen. The British government in exile in Canada officially announced its dissolution. Northern Britain became the only government in the world to legally represent Britain and was recognized by other Commonwealth regions.

On October 12, the US representative arrived in Israel, then moved to Berlin, Germany, and submitted a request for peace talks to Germany. The peace talks between the two countries officially began. One day later, on October 13, China officially announced its membership of the Axis Powers.

The wind blew across the vast lawn, and with a trace of coolness drilled into the collar of the man. In Siberia, in October, it seemed to have felt a cold prelude. A German soldier carrying luggage stood there, at the end of his arm, a beautifully made prosthetic palm.

“I said, you don’t want to see me that way?” The man with a prosthetic limb was not far in front of him, and the man who was packing up his suitcase said with a smile: “What? I think I am a useless disability, Want to get rid of my burden by yourself? “

“William! I know you are a qualified soldier, and I fought with you for countless nights.” The man who organized his suitcase raised his head, and the thin stubble on his face concealed his truth. Of age. The wind and sand on the battlefield made him look old-fashioned, but this did not cover up the fact that he was not yet thirty years old.

He tightened the rope that fixed the mouth of the bag, and then pulled a knot skillfully. He continued: “Because you are my friend, it is too important for me, so I want to leave you here, war. It ’s over, William, really, it ’s over! “

“What about you? What are you going to do? Go to Daxing’anling to collect soil products?” William smiled and took a step, standing in front of the man who was not tall, but abnormally strong: “You are my friend, too My comrade-in-arms! If you keep me down, it is better to smash my head with a pistol. “

Borol, who was already the head of the German paratroopers, carried his parachute and suitcase, and finally did not hold his face, showing his white teeth: “Then go! Let ’s go to the Far East together to see those Japan People are better, or the paratroopers I brought out are more powerful! I heard that they will not surrender? “

“Really so coincident?” William Donner froze, then looked at Borol, proudly said: “We German paratroopers, neither.”

“Woo …” A long whistle sound echoed over the small station. Soldiers wearing black SS military uniforms, carrying their bags, boarded the train that had filled the sides with steam. Most of these soldiers are around 30 years old, all equipped with beautifully shaped mp-45 new assault rifles.

While the grenadiers boarded the train, a flatbed wagon was dragged behind the train, one next to the other, next to a tank covered with canvas. The crew members were finally checking whether the cables securing the tank were There is a problem.

“I said that it was really uncomfortable to spend the night on the train again.” The gunner of the tank leaned on the canvas, reflecting the huge and heavy weight of the tank. From the outline point of view, it is not a leopard tiger tank, but a modified Tiger King equipped with infrared night vision searchlights.

While the driver roasted his lunchbox with an alcohol stove, he showed an expression of memory. He looked at his captain and said with nostalgia: “Remember? At the beginning, we had so little canned food. Let ’s eat compressed biscuits! Now that we have real beef and vegetables, it ’s good! “

The young captain ignored the noise of his men. He just looked at the sky in the distance, and he didn’t know what he was thinking. This big boy, who was not even 20 years old, was wearing a diamond sword knight iron cross medal on his neckline. Various medals worn on his chest layered like fish scales, proving the school officer on his shoulder The rank is hard to come by.

“Back then, Commander Carter took our group into Poland … Rennes, I … many people. As a result, you either left or died, leaving me alone to the Far East. Now I’m going for you Continue fighting, wait for me! Lie down in the grave and wait for me, or stand in your hometown and wait for me, and wait for me to meet you with honor. “Marcus whispered quietly, and after talking about it, he was serious Turned around and scolded his men: “Check me carefully! This is the most powerful tank in the world!”

In the far-distance broadcast horn, German repeats again and again: “The train to the Nomenkan area is about to start! Please be careful!

The war seems to be far away. After all, the peace talks between the United States and Germany are nearing completion, but everything around them is still stubbornly insisting on the scene of the war era, just like the stubborn old man is not willing to change with the changes of the times. .

From time to time, you can also see the submarine rising to the surface of the Atlantic Ocean, and a ship sailing towards the European continent under the bath of the sea breeze. Its speed is not fast, because this two-year war has ended on this land, there are no deadly torpedoes, no fighters passing by, and the rest are only scarred people to adapt to their new Life.

A man with a gullied face carrying a pale yellow leather suitcase. He was wearing a decent suit, but the expression on his face could not tell his current mood. The sea breeze blew on him, making his clothes tremble, but he was still standing like a sculpture, standing still next to the railing on the side of the ship, watching the sea in front of him.

The war is gone, or for this man, he does not know whether the war is gone. He has several names, and he has even forgotten his original name. But he clearly remembered many things, those that happened around him, that belonged to his story, that belonged to his own war.

Once, he had a boss, and it didn’t matter what the name was, but that person had a very famous codename called “Poison.” Code-named “Beggar”, he squatted beside the poison’s residence to cover the boss lurking in the heart of the enemy.

But on that day, the poison died, right in front of him, the death was ugly and humble. He continued his mission, took over the poison spy network, and worked diligently until two days ago. Now that the war is over, he, a spy who has been approved to retire, can finally take a look back at his hometown.

The people around you are no longer deadly enemies. You do n’t have to pretend to be another look every day to deceive all those who pass by you. This feels really good. It makes people feel so much about the upcoming peace. A trace of longing.

But what made the beggar happy the most was that he was finally able to return some of the relics left by the poison to Berlin, Germany-this is a mission, a mission that he must accomplish is more important than life. As a spy who has been lurking inside the enemy for a long time, there are too many things more important than his life. This feeling makes the beggar feel at ease and allows him to stand there and let the sea breeze blow his cheeks.


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