My Teacher is a Rebirthed Immortal

Chapter 42 - Cruel thing

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiu Xian on campus!

The sky was crisp and moist, and one day, a coolness appeared.

When Chu Yi came to Hongyuan Building, he found that there were others here.

One of them is Wei Fu, but today he is a little daunting and he keeps silent, especially when he sees Chu Yi appearing, he stepped back instinctively.

“Boss Hong, what’s going on?” Chu Yi naturally wouldn’t think that Fan Hong would still invite foreign aid.

Fan Hong hastily introduced that his heart is also in sorrow.

“Mr. Chu, this is Mr. Wei’s master, Mr. Luo Chengfeng Luo, this is Chu Yi, we all call him Mr. Chu.”

Fan Hong played the drums in his heart. He really did not expect that Mr. Luo, who had disappeared at first, appeared in his building early in the morning. Fortunately, after understanding it, he knew that the other party was not here to seek revenge.

“Teacher Chu, hello, take the liberty to come and hope to forgive me.” Although Luo Chengfeng looked directly at Chu Yi, he had long looked at his whole body and wanted to find some clues.

The other party’s breath is calm, and his expression is naturally relaxed. Although he walks in a stable and stable manner, he has no domineering power at all.

Such a person is really comparable to the master of the martial arts level?

“Mr. Luo, hello, I really don’t know each other…” Chu Yi smiled and glanced at Wei Fu, who lowered his head quickly.

The two shook hands.

Chu Yi raised his eyebrows, although the other party was not malicious, but also tentatively, a dark moment struck instantly.

“Mr. Luo has a deep cultivation, and it is estimated that he has reached the middle level of the martial arts. It really admires.” Chu Yi’s face remained unchanged. The other party was not his opponent at all, which surprised him a little.

Because Luo Chengfeng’s talent is very poor, he can come to today, fearing that he will pay a price that ordinary people can’t bear.

This is an extremely determined person.

The other party did not hate themselves because of the apprentice’s things.

“The last time I heard about the strength of Teacher Chu, I always wanted to discuss it.” Luo Chengfeng increased his strength.

In the eyes of Fan Hong and others, it was just a simple handshake because the muscles of the hands of the two were not tight.

Wei Fu beside him was extremely nervous.

He still remembers the last time when the opponent hurt him with a cup of tea. That kind of strength is too horrible and detached, and he doesn’t know if his master is his opponent.

Luo Chengfeng’s face was more dignified, and there were layers of sweat behind him. His own strength was very fierce. It was like a fierce flood beast, rushing straight away, but it was easily resolved by the other party, and he didn’t need any force at all.

While looking at Chu Yi’s smiling eyes, he sighed: “There are people outside, there are days outside, and Teacher Chu is really a man.”

At this moment, he seemed to be much older.

I devote myself to practice, and even went to the polar region, hone my will in the snowstorm, but I never expected to lose to a young man one day.

Masters overtake tricks, clenching their hands tightly, they know the outcome.

Chu Yi clenched his fists and said: “Mr. Luo, from your energy, I saw a weather-beaten person. Maybe you can try to relax, it’s too late.”

He was only a reminder that cultivation is not the harder the better. By the time Luo Chengfeng is around, the most important thing is to cultivate the mind.

If there is a breakthrough in the state of mind, then Wu Dao Xiu Wei naturally rises the ship.

Of course, wanting to be too high is already impossible.

“It’s too short…too short…” Luo Chengfeng murmured to himself, how many roads he had walked in his life, how much hardship he had suffered, and almost died several times before he achieved what he is today.

It seems that it has become a habit to endure hardships. Even if we have money now, we still practice hard every day.

“Teacher Xie Chu’s advice.” He understood in his heart and said respectfully.

Chu Yi smiled indifferently, if he couldn’t put it down, how could he afford it, it was like a person who has been laughing all the time, in fact he has forgotten how to laugh.

When there is sorrow, there is joy, and when there is sweetness, there is suffering.

The road is simple, it seems simple, but there are a few people who can see through and do it.

“General Fan, this time there is a relentless request, hoping to bring our master and apprentice to observe together.”

Fan Hong was overjoyed, he was still asking for it.

Luo Chengfeng has been in Jiujiang for decades, and everyone knows his strength.

Coupled with Chu Yi, this time won steadily!

At noon, a group of people arrived in a tourist area in a luxury car.

There is a restaurant here, the landscape is quiet, the birds are fragrant, and the lake is quiet.

Today it is extremely quiet, because the entire restaurant is covered, even the waiters are few.

“Wealthy people will really enjoy it, and they will really pick places.” Chu Yi lamented, where he used to be qualified to come to this luxury restaurant.

And he can be sure that during the construction, he had absolutely found the Feng Shui master, even the aura is more abundant than the general place.

“With the strength of Teacher Chu, if you want, there will be a large group of people to send you such a restaurant.” Wei Fu tried to talk to Chu Yi.

“Me?” Chu Yi shrugged. For him, wealth is all floating clouds, just enough, “I’d better be a teacher.”

“Teacher?” Wei Fu stunned. He thought that Mr. Chu was only honored, but did not expect that the other party was really a teacher.

When a group of people entered, Chu Yi praised it, one step at a time, ten steps at a time.

“It seems that Hong Boss has arranged a lot of people.” Chu Yi glanced at Fan Hong.

Fan Hong felt embarrassed and touched his nose. He was seen as guilty, and he did it just in case.

“Be careful, we don’t know the strength of the other party. If it’s just a warrior, let me be the apprentice.” Luo Chengfeng said.

Although Sind Group was founded in Jiujiang City, in recent years, most of its industries have gradually moved to Jinlin City.

Jinlin City is located in the middle of Jiangnan Province, and its economic strength far exceeds that of Jiujiang City.

So even Luo Chengfeng is not sure what kind of help the opponent will find.

Although he is a martial arts master, the underground world is so huge that he didn’t really enter and didn’t know his horror.

Chu Yi and his party sat in the restaurant and waited.

Suddenly, Chu Yi and Luo Chengfeng put down the teacups in their hands.


I only heard a scream and a broken ping-pong ping pong ball downstairs, a thick blood slowly drifting.

Fan Hong’s throat tightened, and he knew that he had lurked downstairs under dozens of men. I’m afraid he had suffered an accident.

“Boss Hong, why sacrifice human life.” Chu Yi shook his head, but this was the other’s style, and he would not intervene.

Da da da!

On the stairs, sounds of footsteps came, and soon two figures appeared.

One of them was thin, with a long scar on his pricking hair, dressed in a formal attire, and this was Lin Haifeng, the CEO of Sindh.

But the eyes of Chu Yi and Luo Chengfeng looked at the middle-aged man with dark skin on one side.

I saw him fierce, rosacea, and his entire face as if photographed by shoehorns, which was both scary and ridiculous.

“Mr. Lin, this is the person you want me to deal with, and this old man has some strength, but these people are not worth me to come to Jiujiang City. It is really a small place, there are no masters.” The dark man said directly The dagger on his right hand was still stained with hot blood.

Wei Fu heard the words, and his look changed. When this person came, he insulted his master.

But at this time, Chu Yi said with a smile: “Mr. Wei, why are you staring at each other, you know, it is actually a cruel thing to look at the ugly people carefully.”

Suddenly, Wei Fu laughed: “Ms. Chu is worthy of teaching, this sentence is simply truth.”

“You say it again.” A somber tone sounded.

“Mr. Wu, please don’t be angry first.” Lin Haifeng couldn’t help but glance at Chu Yi. He has been in the rivers and lakes for so many years.

Why use the shortness of oneself to attack the enemy.

But in his eyes, Chu Yi was the only one to support the field, he cared about Luo Chengfeng!

Lin Haishan did not expect that Fan Hong really had the energy to ask Luo Chengfeng. Fortunately, he also made sufficient preparations this time.

“Fan Hong, you cut a knife on my head back then, but everyone has been competing for many years, and feel sorry for each other. If you let me cut a knife on your head today, it doesn’t matter if I give you that piece of land.”

Fan Hong sat and crossed his fingers, without avoiding: “It’s useless to say more, just follow the rules on the road.”

In a word, life and death moment.

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