My system chooses to create an entertainment empire by itself

Chapter 174 Hamlet

Chapter 174 Hamlet
Ji Yongxi flipped through it casually, and looked at the layout inside based on his experience. It was also a strange poetic language. This seems to be Yan Zhi's style?

"I'll tell you the truth, no matter who you hire to play this role, it's almost impossible to perform in a public performance for a year or so. It's better for you to grind slowly. Of course, if you lower the standard, don't say it."

Yan Zhi said slowly.

This play is Shakespeare's most famous play and holds a pivotal position in the history of literature.

In previous lives, the West often liked to make some rankings, and Shakespeare was often ranked first in its literary history.

This play is not like "A Midsummer Night's Dream" where there are three male characters. The protagonist of "Hamlet" is Hamlet, an absolute core.

Hamlet is timid and cowardly. Ordinary characters may turn black and become fierce for revenge, but he is different. He hesitates in revenge, which leads to the birth of his tragedy.

Unresolved again and again, constantly repeated weighing, his thoughts are constantly changing, thus extending the endless surprises.

Perhaps in mainstream values, this person should be firm and decisive.

But it is undeniable that this is also a kind of person, even most people, most people are not firm people.

And not everyone has been firm all their lives, and has also wavered.

Therefore, everyone is Hamlet, and everyone is not Hamlet.

This is an extremely complex character that has not been fully understood in previous literary history. Many literary writers and critics have continued to study it and formed multiple schools.

It is also known as "there are a thousand Hamlets in the eyes of a thousand viewers".

Of course, the original words of this statement come from Shakespeare.

In short, this role is extremely complex, and I didn’t even understand it in my previous life. This makes it very difficult to play this role well, and it is almost impossible to perform it perfectly.

If the role is not a young one, Yan Zhi doesn't have to be like this. Unfortunately, after this period of training, young actors are not much better than Geng Chen.

It's better to let Geng Chen and this character wear out slowly, not to mention acting skills to the point where they can be screened.

"Really?" Ji Yongxi looked at Yan Zhi suspiciously, and put away the script: "I'll take a look first before making a decision."

Yan Zhi also knew that it couldn't be that simple, he said before he left: "You will know after reading it, it's a proud work."

Geng Chen stood by the side all the time, not knowing what to say, until he walked out the door before saying "thank you" solemnly.

Then he started to talk about how he kept the role very proudly, calling his hard work a talent, not mentioning his hard work at all.

Wait until Yan Zhi and Geng Chen leave.

The three little old men asked Ji Yongxi one by one: "Director Ji, show me, don't be so stingy, I want to come out and act in this drama."

"Yes, Director Ji, I know Yan Zhi very well. Didn't you see that he was chatting with me just now?"

"Director Ji, please save a place for us in this "Hamlet"."

Ji Yongxi glanced at these three old guys, they were old acquaintances, these three used to act in dramas, but now the three sit together every day to brag.

"Let's have a look again." Ji Yongxi only said a word.

At night, after summing up the shortcomings of the first rehearsal, Ji Yongxi let out a big breath and yawned.

"Well, the five-day holiday is going to be shortened a bit, and there are a lot of problems."

Probably other people didn't think that Ji Yongxi would secretly shorten his vacation.

He couldn't use the computer well, so he used a pen to mark the areas for improvement on a small notebook. Just as he was about to turn off the desk lamp, he saw the play Yan Zhi handed over.

"Want to take a look?"

He also wanted to see where Yan Zhi's self-confidence came from.

After reading the first page, he simply commented: "The lines are good."

But as he continued to read carefully, he couldn't help but frown.

"Will the audience like this kind of protagonist?"

Fortunately, the excellent lines allowed him to keep watching, otherwise he would definitely not want such a person to be the protagonist.

As he continued to read, he began to think about this character.

As a director, he naturally has to pay attention to the image of the character, and often when he sees a character, it will appear in which direction the character can be played.

But he has no idea about this character. Thinking about it, he thinks it is extremely complicated, but it seems not so complicated.

"It's strange, it seems that it can be excavated from any angle."

He started to excavate the figures, but he found it strange during the excavation. He could dig from several angles, and the digging seemed different.

For example, if he digs from one angle, he will find that this cowardice is not annoying, on the contrary, he is a little forced, but from another opposite angle, he is extremely annoying.

Ji Yongxi started scratching his head. If he didn't feel that there was nothing wrong with the character's image, he would definitely feel that there was something wrong with the character's portrayal.

After continuously digging for traces, he didn't know how many hours, his brain was so painful that he couldn't hold on anymore.

"No, go to bed. Let's see tomorrow."

When he was sleeping, he couldn't help thinking again in his mind, and he thought of another angle.

It seems there are still angles that can be explored?
Hey, strange, it seems to be different.

I don't know how long he tossed and tossed, but he finally couldn't bear it and fell asleep.

And this will torture him for a long time.

This is also a normal phenomenon. Shakespeare has studied something that has not been studied for hundreds of years. How can he figure it out overnight?

With the opening of the play "A Midsummer Night's Dream", drama also flowed into the literary world.

Because of Yan Zhi's fame, whether they feel disparate and contemptuous, or think they are geniuses, they also started to watch this script.

For the general public, drama is difficult to understand when reading the text, because drama has no action at all, only dialogue, and everything in it depends on thinking.

The creation of drama itself is not for the public to see. Drama is equivalent to a script, just like the script of a TV series. What is shown to the public is the final film.

The script is only equivalent to one part of it. The difference is that drama is also a kind of literature.

This time, some playwrights gathered around a teahouse to enjoy Yan Zhixin's play, and they didn't know what kind of style it was, so they needed to read it together.

"This is the first time our little genius has written a play, everyone, remember to be merciful after watching it." Lou Yubin said eccentrically.

"Didn't Ji Yongxi use his script? That should be okay." Another man named Li Podi said.

"Oh, you don't understand. Ji Yongxi has paid more and more attention to conflict in recent years, so it's not necessarily good." Lou Yubin said.

Tong Zheng was also one of the people this time. He couldn't stand Lou Yubin and said directly: "Okay, aren't you just afraid that other big stars will steal your job with their fans? To be honest, I watched it earlier. You write well."

(End of this chapter)

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