My system chooses to create an entertainment empire by itself

Chapter 150 The Nightmare of the Melon Group

Chapter 150 The Nightmare of the Melon Group

The facts were indeed as Cen Feng expected, many of the audience present were amazed by the words.

You must know that this world is not the one where the previous life liked to use ancient poems to accompany the music. The rhyme of this world is preserved.

Let’s talk about the previous life, if you know that this word was written by modern people, many people will be amazed.

"Does anyone have anything to say?" Kong Xiao asked after waiting for a while.

He first set his sights on the judging panel. Of the one hundred people, there shouldn't be only one speaking.

Under his gaze, a middle-aged man standing in the middle stood up: "I speak more directly.

I think this song by Yan Zhi is not worthy of lyrics. This ancient poem is an excellent poem even in ancient times, but this song is not an outstanding song in today's world. "

"Is there any more?" Kong Xiao asked after seeing this person choke out a sentence similar to the previous one for a long time.

"No more." The man thought for a while, then shook his head.

It's not that they couldn't find the points to comment on, but it was nothing more than the shortcomings of finding the song, but since the song is used to accompany the lyrics, those shortcomings are also allowed. After all, this program is a week to write songs, so they can't be too demanding.

It's impossible for them to praise Han Yue's dancing beauty, they still have to be serious.

Since no one responded, Kong Xiao had no choice but to invite Cen Feng to the stage. He still wanted to find a few more people to talk to. Otherwise, it would not be worthwhile to play three songs for this show. At least it would take nine to ten minutes.

Cen Feng still has ten people in his hands. This is both an advantage and a disadvantage. The advantage is that the stage is more selective, and the disadvantage is naturally that the more people there are, the more likely problems will occur.

What he brought this time is a song that he should have already written, and it can even be said that he plans to release it soon.

His songs this time are better than the previous ones, but the stage gap is also obvious, and there are many flaws in the running-in of ten people.

But even so, it is still refreshing with the outstanding songs, at least from Yan Zhi's point of view, the overall performance is stronger than the previous ones.

It seems that he intends to kill them all, and directly eliminate Yan Zhi and Che Yun.

"Old Cen, you are so cruel. It seems that I am an eyesore here and you want to get rid of me." Che Yun joked. She rarely spoke before, but now it may be because of the last scene. Her words A bit much.

The jury also gave a very high evaluation here. When Cen Feng came here, they had a lot to say, such as how good the song is and how well it is sung.

Like Yan Zhi, it's hard for them to say it. They can't think of any words to praise it, and they can't criticize anything else. It can be good if it's good, or bad if it's bad.

"Then the only one left is Coach Che." Kong Xiao didn't say much. He calculated the time and the jury said a lot. This one was very qualified and could be released.

"Oh." Che Yun seemed to be sighing, she also knew that this was the last match, so she also prepared her own inventory.

But she knew that she would lose, because the quality of her song was not as good as Cen Feng's, so what could she do, she came here just to compare herself, and it's not like she didn't know that she couldn't compare with Cen Feng.

She walked onto the stage and glanced sideways at Yan Zhi. This guy seemed to have a chance to win.

She doesn't know what will happen to Yan Zhi's final votes, because she hasn't seen anyone use words as a magic weapon in the competition. Although she appreciates it very much, she just doesn't know what the audience thinks.

Yan Zhi listened to the song at ease in the audience. To be honest, he didn't think he would definitely win the first place.

Li Bai's poems are not the bold and unrestrained poems he is best at, not the kind of "Will Enter the Wine" that can be very emotional just by reading it.

Probably because of the possibility of the last game, he also became as casual as usual.

On the Internet, without knowing when, three poems appeared on the Internet.

I don't know if there is a driving force behind it, the hot search is almost airborne.

No. [-] on the hot search list——Qingping Diao.

Lin Ziru had just finished refreshing the hot search list, and as soon as he refreshed it, the number one spot immediately changed.

A trending search that she hadn't seen just now parachuted to number one.

"Let me go, how dare you buy something so obvious from a hot search? Let me see who it is!"

Hot searches like this kind of shopping are usually piled up slowly with money, usually in a row of more than a dozen jumps, but such airborne searches are usually done by inexperienced people.

Of course, there are also people who don’t buy hot searches and are airborne, but those are usually suppressed hot searches, usually the kind of black material that can’t be suppressed by public relations and then airborne.

But Lin Ziru is sure that this is not a big melon, because she has been in various melon groups all year round, and she is there wherever there are melons.

No, as soon as she entered, she saw Yan Zhi's name.

"It really is him, this guy is here to buy Hot Search again."

She was in the melon group, and she knew his name, known as the prince of the Internet. After several generations of inspections, this person not only controls Bot, but also controls the entire platform. As long as there is an internet connection, he controls everything.

Last time, a guy made up a melon in the group, made a rumor, good guy, his account was blocked as soon as he posted it, and news came in ten minutes that the police had arrived at home.

Since then, no one in Gua Group dared to spread rumors about the prince, not even Gua.

Who dares to touch this shit.

It's very common to make up melons for attention like this in the group, and I don't usually see any celebrity discovering them, unless the melon was used by the opponent or it was real.

But this one, rumors spread all over the Internet, it is said that not only their melon group, but all the major groups exploded.

I heard that since this master appeared, the Internet environment has improved by half, and those marketing accounts have become more cautious, professional black fans were directly hacked to clean by this master with iron and blood.

As long as those professional black fans are a little bit related, such as mentioning people who have worked with Yan Zhi, they don't mention Yan Zhi, and they are directly sent to the police station.

In short, this is the scariest person on the whole network.

Lin Ziru originally wanted to talk about the airborne hot search to the melon group, so that those people might tell her about this person's meme, and it is possible to make up a meme if there is no melon.

But seeing Yan Zhi's name, she immediately dismissed the idea.

If this is said, the team is probably gone, and she will immediately become a sinner through the ages.

You know, the first rule of their group is that it is forbidden to talk about Yan Zhi.

When she was flipping through the blog post, she suddenly noticed those three poems.

"Is Qingping Diao a poem? Is it also the lyrics?"

She couldn't help but read all three poems.

After reading it, she read it again, and was a little surprised: "This was written by Yan Zhi."

This popular marketing account only posted a 3-minute clip with some flowers, so it looked like it was recorded.

But she wanted to see the original film more.

Since she is the person who is on the front line of eating melons, she is also an expert in searching.

She quickly found the variety show segment, and then watched the entire segment. When she saw the ink dots on the screen, she couldn't help admiring.

It was beautiful. To be honest, she didn't focus on Han Yue, but looked at the poem on the screen and marveled.

The more she watched it, the more she liked it, and she began to search for stories about Yan Zhi on the Internet.

In the past, she only thought that this was a perfect character created by marketing, but after she had an opportunity to fall in love with him, she suddenly felt that it was really perfect.

Not long after, she turned on her cell phone and made a call.

(End of this chapter)

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