My Summoner Can Learn Skills

Chapter 28 Provocation

One hour.

two hours.

four hours...

Six hours passed, from evening to midnight, there was no movement.

Most of the villagers couldn't bear to sleep anymore. For the past month, almost all of them were in fear, and they were under unimaginable mental pressure.

With the Abyss Knight guarding them that night, many people instinctively felt at ease and slept more peacefully than before.

What are you thinking? Seeing that Chen Gou was in a daze, Dong Li put away the strange magic book in his hand and asked.

The Book of Strange Demons is not thick, but it records almost all the demons that have appeared in the Canglan Continent. He tried to find clues from it before, but naturally there was no result.

I'm thinking about how this kind of demon exists.

Chen Gou had just searched his mind for the movies and TV series he had watched, and he had a vague feeling that this mysterious demon should exist in his memory.

It's just that I've watched too many movies and TV dramas, and there are countless monsters and ghosts that have appeared in them, and it's a bit old, so I couldn't figure it out for a while.

It doesn't matter what method it is, as long as he appears, it will definitely leave traces!

Dong Li snorted coldly: In short, no matter how much it costs, I will find him out and kill him.

This was the first mission for him and Chen Gou to join the Abyss Knights. The reward was small, but the face was big.

Failure of the first mission will have a very negative impact on their status in the hearts of the bosses of the headquarters.

Chen Gou didn't speak. He was not as obsessed with things like face as Dong Li, who was afraid of death.

I do not know how long it has been……

Ah...don't come here!

Go away!

Suddenly, a sleeping villager in the east let out a shriek.

Chen Gou was facing this direction, and he had noticed it from the beginning.

I saw that the middle-aged villager sat up suddenly from the ground, scratching his chest and neck with his hands desperately, tearing the skin without stopping.

Soon there was a bloody mess.

And always keep your eyes closed, like sleepwalking.

Chen Gou hurriedly summoned the goddess of dawn, and a solar flare fell on the villagers almost instantly.

But the villagers didn't wake up, screamed even more frantically, and tore hard, but there were scars burned by the sun on the surface of the body.

The power of the light system cannot be expelled?

Chen Gou's heart sank, the solar flare didn't have any effect.

This means that the mysterious demon is either powerful enough to ignore the solar flare, or the body is not nearby.

Or, it itself is not strong enough to ignore the skill of the law, but the attack method of solar flare cannot hurt it.

Chen Gou prefers the last one...


Suddenly, two bloody arrows shot out from the villagers.

One is the heart, where there is a big hole as thick as an arm, and the heart bursts for no reason.

One is the throat, the carotid artery and the trachea were torn apart by the villagers themselves!

In the blink of an eye, in less than a minute, a living adult man died strangely on the spot.

Silent as death!

Everyone's face was ugly, looking at the corpse quietly lying in a pool of blood in fear.

There was a creepy smell in the air, and the villagers were terrified.

It's definitely a mental bewitchment, otherwise why would he commit suicide? A member of the wildfire team affirmed.

Shut up! If he was bewitched to commit suicide, how would he explain the hole in his heart?

Dong Li's tone was cold, he was in a bad mood, and felt a deep provocation and contempt, the other party was simply unscrupulous!

It's an illusion!

Chen Gou affirmed, and then asked Dong Li to wrap his arms around his neck from behind, pretending to be oppressed and suffocated.

If someone attacked like this from behind, ordinary people's reaction could only be to crazily tear like this. The longer the suffocation, the more crazily the tore, and that person can also pierce the heart from behind.

Chen Gou turned the body over, and sure enough, there was also a blood hole in the back and heart.

It's still the same question... how does the illusion cause scars in reality?

Then someone needs to experience this illusion, wake up alive, and tell us what happened!

Chen Gou squinted his eyes and examined the five members of the Wildfire team... Only the awakened ones could survive that kind of phantom attack.

A demon hunter who wanders on the edge of life and death, who doesn't have an instinctive perception of danger.

Feeling his gaze, they all backed away immediately.

But there is one exception, and that is their young female captain.

My innate skill is the soul link, which can connect my soul to another person and perceive everything he has experienced, but my soul will also suffer the same attack as his.

What do you want? Chen Gou said in a deep voice.

I want the promise of the two knights!

The female captain looked at Chen Gou: The Wildfire team will become the subordinates of the two adults, and will be protected in the name of Abyss Knight.

No! It's too dangerous. Didn't you see the horrible scene just now? It's just you before it's too late!

Yeah, Angelie, so what if it succeeds, these two knights are too young...I'm afraid they won't be able to give us what we want.

The team members were shocked when they heard the words, and hurriedly advised the captain not to be impulsive, and even accidentally said something that shouldn't be said in front of the Abyss Knight.

Don't worry, this matter is done. As long as you don't seek death yourself, we can still promote you to a gold-level demon hunting team within five years.

Dong Li activated his mana, and a phantom of a golden lion suddenly appeared behind him.

People from the Azlan family!

The members of the Wildfire team exclaimed, and their attitudes changed subtly.

A young abyss knight and a young abyss knight with the background of the Azlan family are two completely different concepts.

Never mind, I've made my decision.

Angeli made a decisive decision and said, Please two knights make an oath, and Angeli will gamble with her life.

Don't make it so tragic. The situation is not as dangerous as you think. The bodies of awakened people are much stronger than ordinary people. We have enough time to save you.

Regarding the joining of the Wildfire team, it doesn't mean that they can ignore it after making an oath and accepting it.

Knight oath is responsibility!

In the future, the Wildfire team will provide some help for him and Dongli to perform tasks or become stronger, but they also need to help the Wildfire team solve problems when they encounter a crisis.

In short, it is equivalent to the existence of a knight retinue.

Almost any abyssal knight can't do without such a crowd behind him.

Next, after the corpse was carried away and cleaned up, everyone waited again.

The villagers had just experienced a horrible accident, and they lost all sleepiness for a while, and their hearts became more frightened and even desperate.

Even the knights of the abyss can't protect them. Is there really no way out for Baishi Village?

The villagers stared and scanned their surroundings vigilantly.

Three or four hours passed, no one fell asleep, and the demon did not come again.

Seeing that the sky was about to dawn, it was still quiet in front of the church.

Chen Gou gradually had some ideas in his mind.

At least two people died in the past few days. It is impossible to suddenly reduce it tonight, but the attack did not happen again, so...the demon must meet certain conditions to kill people, and this condition has not been met yet!

What will this condition be?

Chen Gou glanced across the faces of the villagers, but the villagers did not dare to look at each other. This was very impolite behavior, and they all lowered their heads to avoid it.

A flash of light flashed in Chen Gou's mind instantly.

It's sleep! The condition for demons to appear is not night, but sleep. Only those who are asleep will be attacked!

Thinking of this, a name that had left a terrifying memory in his childhood suddenly emerged.

He probably already guessed what this weird demon was.

But at this moment, a slightly immature scream sounded.

It turned out that there was a boy who couldn't hold on, and fell asleep sitting on the ground, and the evil spirit descended...

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