My Summoner Can Learn Skills

Chapter 132 Little Vampire Skill

Which heroes in the skill library are spiders?

There shouldn't be one in Warcraft, there's a spider queen in League of Legends, there's a broodmother spider in Dota...

These were the only two that Chen Gou could think of at the first time. As for the Crypt Weaver in the knife tower, its body should belong to ants, which is different from spiders.

Just smoke it.

Chen Gou put the spider essence's rosary into the storage space, and then directly sacrificed it to start the skill extraction.

It's useless for him to keep this string of bronze rosary beads in his hands.

Fahai didn't know all this, he was walking ahead alone with a Zen staff in his hand, without saying a word, obviously preoccupied.

Chen Gou naturally wouldn't bother him at this time.

Soon, the result of the system draw was announced, and a golden skill spar appeared directly in the storage space.

It is the ultimate move of the broodmother spider, extremely hungry, and the grade is gold.

[Skill: Extreme Hunger]

【Origin: Dota】

[Rank: Gold]

[Level: LV1]

[Introduction: The broodmother spider is extremely eager for the extremely nutritious flesh and blood of the heroes, which is the most delicious food for her and her cubs. 】

[Attribute: Active——When activated, it has a strong hunger for living body fluids, increases the attack power of the Broodmother Spider, and adds a blood-sucking effect to her attack. LV1 increases attack power by 100 points, blood sucking percentage is 50%]

[Note: The blood-sucking effect of this skill can be superimposed with other blood-sucking abilities. 】

[The duration is one minute, the mana consumption is 100 points, and the cooling time is 5 minutes. 】

[Comment: I long for your liquid! 】

Seeing this result, a smile flashed across Chen Gou's face.

This is definitely the best skill for him among the skills of the two spider heroes, Broodmother and Spider Queen.

The advantage is the extremely terrifying blood-sucking ability!

Level 1 is 50%, which means that if the ghost monk learns this skill, as long as he doesn't get caught in an instant, he can recover hundreds of points of life with a single blow.

Add a few basic attacks casually, and you can almost get back to full.

It can be said that within the duration of the skill, few people of the same level can just pass it.

What's more, it also increases the attack by 100 points, which directly doubles the basic attack of the ghost monk.

In League of Legends, Spider Queen's ultimate move, Spider Form, also has a similar effect of increasing attack and blood-sucking, but in these two aspects, it is not as extreme as extreme hunger and abnormality.

The stronger part of the spider form is that after it is turned on, it can change the form of several other skills.

But without those four small skills, it is naturally not comparable to extreme hunger.

Sure enough, the conservation of character is an objective law?

Chen Gou rubbed his chin. The luck of the draw this time can be said to be quite good.

Jealousy and Hunger combine output and recovery, and any melee master can make a profit without losing money.

And it's the kind that can save your life at a critical moment, or even turn the tables!

Compared with the data in the game, the skill lasts longer in reality, but the cooling time is also relatively extended, reaching five minutes.

But it is certain that as the skill level increases, the cooldown time will definitely be shortened.

However, Chen Gou didn't let the ghost monk learn this skill right away. When he was still considering whether to learn it, he used the Dan Yuan Huo Jing to promote the skill mutation.

It's a tough choice.

He also knew that being too greedy would lead to accidents sooner or later, and the temptation to mutate skills was too great.

Think about it, if extreme hunger and thirst are combined with the law of fire, and the mutation becomes an attack that makes the opponent's blood burn, then there are only four words...

Fuck, ruthless.

However, afraid of the law of conservation of character, Chen Gou didn't dare to bet right away.

The previous few times have been successful, even if considered from a metaphysical point of view, the probability of failure this time will be infinite.

Therefore, he wants to get an item that can increase the probability of success before starting.

Of course, this is under the premise of safety and security. If you encounter danger and must improve your strength, you will naturally not be greedy for mutation.

In addition, the extraction of skills from designated heroes this time also provided Chen Gou with another valuable idea.

Since it is possible to designate spider heroes to draw, naturally it can also be pigs, dogs, dragons, cows, elves, etc.

This is much more likely to obtain the desired skill than a completely random selection.

At the same time, when the two brothers and sisters left, there was a rustling sound from the woods, and then two white-skinned women leaned out from behind the big tree.

One of them looked a bit older, graceful and generous, and the beautiful woman in white said in a deep voice:

These two monks are masters!

The woman in Tsing Yi who looked more lively and charming next to her was surprised: The big one is fine. I don't think the young monk's hair has even grown yet. How can you tell that he is an expert?

How old is he, and a single spell can knock down a spider spirit that has been cultivated for two hundred years. Isn't he an expert? I'm afraid you were still a little snake when you were a teenager, right?

The beautiful eyes of the woman in white were shining, and she sighed: I think his senior brother Fa Hai will not be able to compare with him when he is at his age.

The woman in Tsing Yi pursed her lips and snorted: So, God is too unfair. Why are human beings so much better at cultivation than us?

Not all human beings have such good talents. The two we saw today are unique among human beings.

You put it this way... I suddenly became interested in these two monks. Sister, you said that if I let one of them fall in love with me and fall into the demon way, and then let their brothers and sisters fight against each other, would it be fun?

The woman in Tsing Yi felt that her idea was very funny, and couldn't help laughing loudly.

The woman in white quickly covered her mouth with her hand, reprimanding her with her eyes.

At this time, Chen Gou, who had walked hundreds of meters, seemed to have a feeling in his heart. He suddenly looked back, but he didn't find anything, so he continued to walk forward.

Sister, it's dangerous!

The woman in Tsing Yi patted her plump breasts, secretly rejoicing.

Then the two girls looked at each other and couldn't help laughing.

They didn't know that Fa Hai was preoccupied at the moment, otherwise no matter how careful he was in hiding, he wouldn't be able to hide.

Fa Hai never said a word. Obviously, the shock of the spider spirit incident to his world view has not stopped.

Before you know it, it's evening.

Fahai seems to be completely immersed in his own world, and keeps moving forward along the way.

In a trance, I came to a bamboo forest.


There was a thunderbolt, and the sky was darkened by the heavy rain. It seemed that a crack appeared in the already dark sky, and the rain splashed down.

It fell on the bamboo forest, bent the bamboo branches, and then showered on the two monks' bodies. The linen monk's robes were instantly wet by the rain, and they stuck to the skin.

Sticky, very uncomfortable.

At this moment, Fa Hai woke up suddenly, and looked up at the bamboo forest in front of him coldly.

Well, there are goblins again!

Fahai is like a sword out of its sheath, whisking the dust with his left hand and the Zen staff with his right, sweeping forward and chanting mantras at the same time.

Prajna Buddhas, Ksitigarbha Dharma Eye, Prajna Ba Makong! Show the Dharma!

Fingers merged into sword fingers, just a little between the eyebrows, Yintang suddenly shone with golden light, as if the eyes of the sky had been opened.

Looking up, at the top of the bamboo forest, two entangled figures immediately appeared in the eyes.

It turned out to be two snake demons, ready to accept the law!

Dawei Tianlong, Vajra Flame!

Fa Hai flicked the dust whisk, and the golden Buddha fire immediately ignited on it. Even if it was raining heavily, it could not extinguish it at all, but made it more blazing.

Just like the real fire of Samadhi, the rain in the world will add fuel to the fire.

Catch the monster!

Fahai Fuchen pointed, and the dust thread burning with the Buddha fire at the front immediately twisted and circled forward, like a fire dragon coming out of the abyss, and rushed straight at the two snake demons above.

But at this moment, a woman's painful cry attracted Fa Hai's attention.

He turned his head and saw that it was a village woman holding a newborn baby out of her body.

Only then did I realize that the two snakes were protecting the village woman from the rain!

Fa Hai raised his hand, retracted the fly whisk, extinguished the Buddha fire, and stood upright in front of his right palm: I miss your kindness, do good deeds and help others, and let you live. Good! Good!

The two snake demons didn't seem to dare to stay for long, and left straight away.

But in this way, there was no one above the village woman to protect her from the rain, and the torrential rain immediately poured down on her head.

Not only was she drenched, but even the newborn baby was beaten by the rain, crying and crying.

Fa Hai hurried forward two steps, wanting to protect the village woman from the rain, but when he caught sight of the village woman's smooth thighs, his complexion changed drastically and he stopped instantly.

Then turned around hastily.

Sins, don't look at evil...

But at this moment, Chen Gou walked over without thinking.

Come to the village woman and use mana to prop up an air curtain above her and the baby's head to help them shelter from the wind and rain.

This does not belong to the category of magical powers, it is just a simple way of using mana.

Fa Hai immediately sneered: Junior Brother, what are you doing? If you haven't come back yet, Buddhism puts the most important thing on keeping lust and precepts!

Facing Fa Hai's questioning, Chen Gou remained unmoved and stood firmly by the village woman.

Senior brother, the most important thing in Buddhism is to keep the precepts of lust, but we are saving lives at this time, why is there lust? There is no color in the heart, and there is no color in the eyes.

Chen Gou clasped his hands together, neither in a hurry nor in a hurry, and said without arrogance or rashness: Brother, saving a life is better than building a seven-level pagoda. You didn't put it down.

I didn't let go?

Fa Hai staggered, as if struck by lightning.

In the eyes of Buddhism, saving sentient beings is more important than anything else, and if one dies without saving one's life, it is tantamount to committing the precept of killing.

Such a simple truth, he will not understand.

However, just now, he ignored the fragile mother and child in order not to commit a crime of lust.

The highest state of keeping the precepts is not to avoid them like poisonous scorpions, but to pass through the intestines of wine and meat, and stay in the heart of the Buddha.

What's more, if it is to save people, as long as there is no color in the heart, it is enough to make the mind as calm as water.

Fa Hai, who was devoted to cultivating and becoming a Buddha, felt a great shock in his heart at this moment. He suddenly discovered... It turns out that his six senses are not clean, and his desires are not yet gone!

PS1: There is a place stuck in the third chapter, it may be very late.

PS2: Reply to book friends’ questions about Buddhism—Buddha and Taoism cannot be avoided. Fahai is a senior brother and not a master. In addition, the ultimate goal of the protagonist is to become stronger. At this stage, to put it bluntly, if you have milk, you are a mother. Only when the wings are hard can you have the capital to choose and fight.

It can be revealed in advance that Buddhism also has factions, and the big mushroom head will also have enemies...

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