My Succubus System (18+)

238 & 239

Chapter 238 : Is This A Dungeon ? (1)
The process of “checking in” to the dungeon was surprisingly straightforward. Each party was informed of how the dungeon worked upon reaching the reception desk.

They essentially were given a small, leaf shaped token. Once their mana was infused into this item it would act as a tracker and emergency escape tool should the user desire it.

This was deemed necessary due to one simple fact, dying in a dungeon was almost as dangerous as dying inside a shard. Death in a dungeon would result in the immediate respawn of an adventurer in a random place within the dungeon.

Not only that, they would respawn in the weakened state of First Death. Thus they would be susceptible to a permanent detachment from life if they ran afoul of enemies in their weakened state. The receptionist explained it as the shard’s influence over the rebirth process causing this to happen (at least by their best guess).

This was also the reason that the token functioned as a tracker. It would give the general direction and distance between yourself and any party member greater than a distance of five meters (15 ft) or more. She further explained that the tokens were actually a part of a chapel’s blessing, the same chapel that managed the dungeon. By infusing mana into the token not only would it activate, but it would allow all who held them to activate a warp directly to a safe area should they be defeated.

This worked as long as the leaf token was in the possession of the user who infused it with mana. The receptionist finally explained that adventurers were free to go anywhere in the dungeon -- at their own peril. The lower floors of the dungeon were less crowded with Grimlock , filled with more adventurers and therefore safer. On the other hand, ascending upwards provided stronger Grimlock and along with that more risk.

In other words, it was left entirely to the adventurer to know their own limits and manage risk. Conversely, by “using” the leaf token as an item, a single person could be teleported to a safe point, consuming the token in the process. She made it a point to specify that the target of teleportation could be chosen by using this method, a useful fact to know.

That being said, apparently the Dungeon of Yggdrasil was known to be one of the world’s “safest” dungeons. After explaining all of these things she welcomed them to the Yggdrasil Dungeon with a smile and bid them to enjoy their time there. Along the way towards the meeting point, the grand gate where one could enter the dungeon, there were several smaller desks.

Anyone who directed their attention towards this row of desks were waved over. As it turns out, the desks provided a valuable service.

“Monster Pamphlets. Hmph.” Shula said as she floated over towards one such desk.

“Yes. As you may know there can often be a plethora of Grimlock in any given area. Because the World Tree is so large, no one has ever truly made it to the top.” The blond elven woman said as she lifted a paper pamphlet, showcasing it like a designer item.

“New variations on Grimlock, and occasionally new species of Grimlock are discovered. This pamphlet is an item that expands your Systema with the accumulated knowledge of this dungeon’s Grimlock. It’s an invaluable tool for any adventurer worth their salt.”

Shula couldn’t help but note that the woman’s pitch was both informative and personally appealing.

“I’ll take one.” Katrin said as she walked over to the desk.

“Indeed. A wise choice Miss Scribe. Here you go.” The elven woman said as she transferred the item to Katrin’s possession.

“250 Gols? That seems steep for a piece of paper.” Shula remarked as she looked at the price of the transaction.

“Knowledge is power, my winged friend. This is actually quite inexpensive when you consider the hundreds or even thousands of adventurers that contributed their knowledge to this item. Only through their sacrifice can something like this become possible.”

*S-she’s good.* Shula thought inwardly.
*She shut down my complaint and any attempt at haggling in a single strike*

Katrin bowed, beaming with happiness as she did so.

Agni couldn’t keep a strange thought from forming in her head.

*She’s a Scribe. She really seems to enjoy reading. I wonder if the two are related? Could that be another kink I’ve discovered?*

Along with pamphlet sales, some of the other desks sold last minute supply packs.

“This trio of potions are created from the leaves of the World Tree itself. The liquid within will lose its effectiveness outside of the city of Yggdrasil, but in the dungeon it’s highly effective. Just one potion can heal any injury, no matter how grievous, instantly. Effective for adventurers at rank three or below!”

“You don’t want to be caught unaware if misfortune calls! Be sure you’re prepared for any and all ailments you might be inflicted with.” An older elderly woman said as she held a small, clear vial aloft. Within it was a clear fluid, Agni recognized this as the same item Allyenne the Scholar used to clear up her -- uh, problem.

“How much?” Agni asked as she stepped over to the table.

“Oh, a succubus. How rare to see you. For you miss Succubus, I’ll make you a deal. I’ll give you five Clearwater Revival Potions for just 999 Gols.”

Agni couldn’t help but frown at the price, she was 100 percent sure she couldn’t afford it. Sensing her dismay the woman smiled and grabbed her by the hand.

“Here. On the house, I have a good feeling about you. Come and buy more when you have the coin.” She said as she pushed the item into Agni’s hand before closing it.

“R-really? Thank you so much.” Agni said, suddenly realizing that it was one of the few times anyone had ever given her anything. The very thought of it made her emotional. Agni bowed her head deeply, a huge smile visible. The older woman chuckled and waved to Agni as she and the others continued on.

[Clearwater Revival Potion:
Enchanted water, found only in the Dungeon of Yggdrasil. Remove any status ailment when used. Loses its power outside of the World Tree’s dominion.]

Agni sent the item to her inventory, her heart light with a content sensation as she and her group joined the rest of the chapel gathering at the dungeon entrance.

“Great. Everyone is here.” Oliver Pagnal said with a clap of his hands.

“From here on out, you need to treat this as a life or death exercise. Do not be lulled into a sense of false security due to the leaf tokens you now possess. Many an adventurer have died within these walls. This may be the world’s safest dungeon, but the line between life and death is razor thin. Respect death, and fight for your life at all times.”

“Now, we’ve already discussed which strata of the dungeon you are to visit. If you’re in the rank zero group and rank one groups you should stick to the first and second floors. Anything above that may be beyond your abilities.” Oliver said, directing his gaze towards Agni’s group.

“Rank two groups you can visit strata up to four. I would not recommend going any higher than that. The enemies are more numerous and viscous the higher you ascend. Use common sense. Our exercises a few days ago should have helped you better understand your own personal weaknesses. Use this outing to gain some real time battle experience and improve. We will return to this place in three days time. Naturally, if you’re defeated or forced to quit -- you will wait for us in the safe area.” Oliver said, before adding.

“But don’t get defeated. Oh, and don’t forget to try your Nox Arcana at least once. The result will be...enlightening.”

Chapter 239 : Is This A Dungeon? (2)

“The results will be...enlightening.” Shula said, it was clearly her attempt to mock Oliver Pagnal.

“He’s always trying to sound so important. Pointy eared weirdo.”

“I’m going to tell him you said that.” Agni responded, causing Shula’s haughty demeanor to shift.

“I-I don’t care. Do it!”

“Really? Realllllly? Hmmmmmm.” Agni taunted as the pair walked. It hadn’t been long since the group of adventurers made their way into the heart of the Yggdrasil Dungeon. What they found was breathtaking in a different sort of way.

Unlike the lobby area, used to “process” adventurers, the first floor of the Yggdrasil Strata was much darker and wild. The interior of the great tree stretched upwards and outwards for almost as far as the eye could see. It genuinely felt as if they’d entered a plains area in a sense. There were “smaller” trees sparsely dotting the landscape before them. It was clear to them that they had stepped into a smaller ecosystem.

They could both feel and hear the life clamouring around them from every direction. What they presumed to be animals at first were actually something more sinister. Grimlock, many more than they’d ever had the pleasure of seeing. It was apparent with a single gaze, for they could read the information of each creature -- along with its description.

This might have normally been cause for alarm, except for Katrin’s timely purchase of a Dungeon Atlas.

“It says here that many of the Grimlock on this level aren’t dangerous unless provoked or cornered. For the most part, they tend to avoid adventurers -- especially those stronger than themselves.” Katrin recited the information for all to hear as they walked.

Inside the dungeon the “sky” was like a normal afternoon sun. This was puzzling to everyone, considering that the skies of Adventia were currently painted in a semi-permanent twilight shade. The cause of which was the Twilight Festival, an Equinox event that caused the sky to switch to a state of perpetual twilight for just over a week’s time. An event that should be coming to an end.

“I wonder if the sky will still look this way once the Twilight Festival is over?” Agni wondered aloud.

“That isn’t the sky.” Kara Pembra, the Water Mage, said from her position behind the Succubus.

“It’s a collection of crystals that somehow grow on the inside of this tree. The ambient mana , light and anything else that isn’t used is trapped inside of them. This creates a “glow” that resembles the afternoon sky. It also makes it easy to lose track of time--”

Kara grew quiet as she realized that several pairs of eyes had fallen upon her.

“I’ve never heard you speak so much.” Agni said with a pleasant smile.

“Oh. Well..yea. I tend not to speak unless there’s something to say.” Kara said, her fair complexion turning reddish from the attention levied her way.

“You should talk more often. It’s nice to hear.” Agni said in response, offering up a wink towards the young woman, who’s complexion resembled that of an albino. Her white hair, red eyes and pale skin were something the others quickly got used to, yet it was a hassle for Kara herself who turned a shade or two redder from Agni’s words.

“Mhm.” She responded, moving closer towards Suina as she did. Suina, the Slimeoid chuckled nervously as well. It seemed Kara’s proximity had drawn a portion of the attention her way.

Agni wasn’t entirely sure why she was flirting with Kara , maybe it was her way of making the woman feel more comfortable, but it was an urge she decided to go along with. She could still remember her first meeting with Kara and Suina, both of whom were fleeing human traffickers at the time. This was a situation that Agni could identify with on a personal level due to her own experiences.

Since the pair joined Mystic Tower they had begun to acclimate to their new place of shelter. They still seemed a bit too reserved for Agni’s liking though. Thankfully the two women became fast friends and almost always stuck close to one another.

“So -- does anyone want to try their Nox Arcana?” Agni said as she called forth her own Nox Arcana item. She did so in an effort to shift the attention away from her two kouhai, and it worked.

“Seems dangerous.” Sypha , the Lightweaver and healer of the party, replied.

“Yea. That Arcana Daora seemed pretty strong. But, I don’t think Oliver would ask us to do something without good reason.” Agni responded as she examined the tarot card in her hand.

“Agreed. But let’s find a place away from other parties first.” Katrin said, offering up her input as the party leader. This was something decided by Oliver Pagnal back at Mystic Tower, and therefore was not up for discussion. A part of Katrin believed that this was a part of “training” as well, largely due to her somewhat shy nature at times.

Thus, she attempted to throw herself into the work dutifully and enthusiastically.

“Yes ma’am.” Agni responded as she gently brushed against Katrin as a sign of support.

The group of Agni, Katrin, Sypha, Suina, Kara and Shula made their way from the “plains” area of the first strata towards a wooded area. Thanks to their mini map it was easy to distinguish the lesser used areas of the floor. In all, the walk took about thirty minutes. Along the way they chatted about various things and took in the sights.

Occasionally they would happen upon a group of adventurers locked in battle with Grimlock. Agni began to notice a trend that she wasn’t exactly fond of. All of the first strata’s Grimlock resembled bug-like creatures.

When she thought about it logically, it all made sense. After all, they were inside a giant tree. It was their appearance that she found off putting. That and the sheer number of the creatures.

When battling Stag Grimlock it was common to find them alone. They were solitary creatures who enjoyed a wide berth on territory. This made them relatively easy to corner. And while Agni wouldn’t call them “easy” to defeat, once you spent a modicum of time battling a Fulger Stag -- you could defeat them simply.

Insects on the other hand looked to be an entirely different “beast”. Some flew, others scurried, and some even camouflaged. Agni was beginning to think that the creature’s policy of only attacking when aggroed was a saving grace.

“Let’s set up camp here.” Katrin said as she led them to a small clearing next to a large rock. It was easy to see in all directions and the rock would provide protection from behind, all in all a great spot to set up camp.

“Three days huh? This place makes me feel uneasy.” Sypha said as he took a seat next to Katrin and Agni. Agni couldn’t help but notice the tension in Katrin as the man made himself comfortable. Internally it made her chuckle.

“Really? I don’t think it’s too bad. Well, not as bad as some of the places I’ve been.” Agni responded, offering a gentle nudge to Katrin as she spoke.

“Right Katrin?” Agni added, hoping to help her friend relax a bit.

“R-right!” Katrin said, as if she’d been jolted out of a stupor.

“Really? There’s this sort of...oppressive weight to the air. I can’t really explain it.” Sypha said.It was obvious that Agni’s declaration was a bit shocking to him.

“Yea. Red shards are the worst.” Agni responded.

“Red..shard? You’ve been inside of a red shard?” Sypha asked, his light blue eyes shifting towards the succubus.

“Yea. A few times now. Come to think of it, you’re right -- this atmosphere reminds me a bit of a red shard.” Agni said as she placed her hand upon her chin in thought.

“Well, easy fix.” She said, allowing a thin cloak of mana to envelop her body. As she surmised, this was a less powerful version of a red shard’s “draining” qualities.

“Does I’ve never been inside a shard, much less a red one.” Sypha responded.

“Oh, yea. I guess Oliver hasn’t really mentioned much about that. Our first mentor was a bit of a battle nut. She sent Katrin and I both into shards pretty early on. Great experience, well -- you know, if you don’t kick the bucket.” Agni stated matter of factly.

“R-really? Both of you? That’s impressive. You’re both still below rank one.” Sypha said as he cast a glance towards Katrin as well. There seemed to be a newfound respect in his gaze.

“Mhm. Anyway, nature calls. Catch you two later.” Agni said, abruptly leaving Katrin alone with Sypha. The vermillion haired Succubus offered a “go get him” smirk to her friend as she left on her imaginary “bathroom break”.


Suina, the Slimeoid turned to face the voice to her rear. She looked surprised.

“W-what are you doing here?” She whispered, her voice taking on an air of alarm which bordered on dismay.

“What are *you* doing here? Do you know I’ve been looking all over for you? Do you know how worried I was?” The voice responded. The annoyance and concern was apparent in the person’s response.

“T-This doesn’t concern you.” Suina said as she averted her eyes. Her words faltered as she spoke but it was obvious that the Slimeoid was attempting to put up a brave front.

“Nonsense. If you’re in some kind of trouble, then you need to tell me.” The figure responded as a hand gripped Suina’s shoulder.


“Hey. What’s up you two? Why don’t you join the rest of us? We’re about to discuss our plans.” Agni said. Suina’s expression held a degree of emotion that Agni wasn’t able to read. Still, she felt as if she’d done something wrong by interrupting their conversation.

“ something wrong?” Agni asked.

“No.” Suina said as she lowered her gaze and walked past the succubus.

“Did I say something wrong?” Agni asked as she turned to face the other person.

“No. It’s nothing.” Kara Pembar responded as she moved to follow Suina towards the center of camp.

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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