My Succubus System (18+)


Chapter 223 : Atlas (1)
“True Sight.” Dora said as she activated the most basic of her Oracle abilities. The world turned into a void dotted with variants of purple color. She closed her eyes, which did little to enhance the skill, rather it helped her focus -- a mental quirk of her own design. Despite this she could still “sense” everything within her sphere of influence.

Her search did not last long.

“There.” She muttered to herself as she stood amongst the silence of the forest. A Grimlock, exactly what she sought. She had yet to experience battle with anything besides a humanoid, after all she had only been in Adventia for a few days officially. She figured now was the best time. She also had a very good reason for this.

Far Sight, her most advanced Oracle skill would be tricky to master, to say the least. She’d spent the last hour or two simply learning how to walk with it active, discovering a deeper nuance of the skill in the process. After spending a considerable amount of time, Dora realized that her skill allowed her to see multiple streams of time moving at various speeds. She could even move one or more streams backwards or forwards at will.

While moving she could, with considerable effort, use one stream and still function normally. Two would force her to a standstill while three, which was her current limit , required her utmost concentration. Furthermore, for each stream activated her mana costs would increase greatly. Compounded with her ability to “reel” through the concurrent streams of time, this could potentially eat away her mana in seconds.

The power was world shattering, but at great cost. Still, Dora realized how incredibly useful this might be in everyday life. Imagine being able to avoid disaster before it happened by simply taking another route, thereby circumventing a future altogether.

And what better way to test this than through combat. Dora took off, dashing directly towards the area where she’d seen a large, lumbering Grimlock just moments before. She quickly deactivated her True Sight and instead turned on her Far Sight ability.

Immediately it was as if one of her eyes had been replaced by a real time reel of the present. By pushing more of her mana into the ability she could see a point further into the future based on various factors like position. She would run into the creature in just a few seconds and it’s reaction would be to--

Dora burst through the woods into a small trail, she recognized it as the foretold place and lifted her right arm to guard. The creature’s blow was heavy, so heavy in fact that Dora had begun to regret her other decision -- to stop using atma so often.

Instead of using atma, she applied the same technique of full body dispersion to her own mana. This allowed her to shift her mana around in her body much like atma, however the result was underwhelming to say the least.

Due to its nature, atma moved rapidly and immediately. Mana on the other hand possessed a heft and weight to it, even density when enough of it gathered. The mana needed to travel through internal pathways to reach its desired destination.

Thus, when Dora lifted her arm and reinforced her guard with mana, she was a hair too slow in her response. She found her feet lifted off of the ground as a hulking creature gave her a heavy swatting slap.

The resulting blow forced her backwards through the air, but she easily corrected her own course and landed on her feet. She gazed across the way to her opponent and quickly took in the information regarding its type.

[Atlas Grizzly
Level 139
Element : Earth / Fire
Threat Level : Moderate
A bear-type Grimlock that can manipulate earth and flame elements freely.]

Without a word Dora readied herself for battle, the creature wasted no time as well. It was likely on the prowl for food, or perhaps even carnage as she encountered it.

*Zero said it’s my duty to get rid of Grimlock but to leave the normal animals alone. I shouldn’t feel too bad for getting rough, right?”* She thought as she walked towards the creature. She took in it’s visage as she moved. Dora was a woman of small stature, petite and short. When compared to the nearly 304 centimeter creature, Dora was nearly one third of it’s height. It towered on its hind legs with its arms hanging before it, several long black claws protruding from the creature’s paws.

It’s fur was deep brown like burnt sienna, made darker by streaks of black and densely matted fur. Along the side of its arms were large streaks of orange colored hair. Dora was instantly reminded of the creature’s description “earth and flame elements”. It was as if the creature’s appearance was a warning in and of itself.

Due to the creature’s heavy attack Dora’s mind was distracted and her Far Sight reeled back to the present. As she drew closer she pushed her powers towards the future once more. She could see it, a lightning fast blow, one that she wouldn’t have expected from a creature so heavy.

Less than a few seconds after witnessing the creature lash out, slashing her across the chest Dora hopped backwards. She wasn’t quick enough. The bear’s claws caught her forearms, the same arms she used as a shield when leaping backwards. She gritted her teeth, a taste of fresh pain filling her body as she made space.

The Atlas Grizzly moved so quickly initially, but it seemed that was the creature’s trick. Now that it exerted so much effort in a quick attack, the heft of it’s own body forced it to immobility as it regained it’s balance.

*It probably thought it would kill me with that last blow. This thing is used to fighting!* She thought as she pushed mana to all parts of her body at once and dashed forward. She kept her Far Sight active as she moved and saw the bear’s next unexpected blow.

“Shit!” She nearly yelped as she halted and side stepped almost in the same motion. The bear immediately lunged forward with it’s jaws wide open, bringing them closed with a loud, thunderous snap. Dora’s face was only a few centimeters from the same location, she’d literally avoided such fierce crushing power by a hair’s breadth!

For a moment Dora grew desperate to “see” the Atlas Grizzly, she was keenly aware that the creature was within range for a follow up attack--and she was as well. Due to her awkward position, she wouldn’t be able to react in time. Based on the bear’s movements, it made up for the slight stall between strikes by compensating with another body part. As the fear of being struck before she could react intensified, something unexpected happened.

Her ‘sight’ in the Far Sight ability shifted from herself to the place she wanted to focus most, that is her enemy the Atlas Grizzly. Not only this but Dora had begun to subconsciously reel time forward. These two actions saved her from what came next.

The Atlas Grizzly attempted to bring both of it’s claws upwards and pin her down the second Dora’s feet touched the ground, it’s next move would then be to crush her throat with it’s powerful jaws. Neither of these two things happened. Instead of being pinned Dora shifted her body and pushed off of the creature’s paws, allowing her to redirect herself.

She made more distance between them, this time by several meters.

“Crafty.” She grunted. She was sure of it now, this creature had most likely been in many battles with many adventurers and learned to use it’s weight to its advantage. Dora was also aware that she could end the fight in an instant if she wanted by using her atma abilities. She had to resist the urge to do so as she reconsidered her approach towards handling the Atlas Grizzly.

She wiped the dripping blood from her chest, her adventurer’s body had already begun to close the slashed flesh but it would be a while yet before it completely healed.

*I could use my Doll to fight at range, but I am not sure that would really help me get a feel for using Far Sight. I guess I’ll have to take a bit of risk.* Right as Dora had this thought, something unexpected began to occur.

The Atlas Grizzly shifted its weight, standing squarely on its hind legs instead of hunching over slightly. At the same time it’s arms spread outwards at it’s side and the creature’s fur began to glow sunset as embers of flames caught on it’s hide. The Grimlock seemed completely unbothered by the act of catching flame, even as its back and outer arms turned into a blaze of fire. This flame quickly moved upwards from it’s back and shoulders to it’s head, causing the two orange strips of fur to burn bright yellow as flame burst forth from the creature’s mouth.

Dora was so enraptured by the majestic sight that she forgot to use Far Sight altogether. In the end her own reflexes were her savior. She leapt to the side just moments before the large ball of flame whizzed by, but she did not escape unharmed. Her left forearm was caught in the blast, and regardless of being cloaked in mana the damage was enough to make her grimace in pain.

Her arm was blackened from the elbow down to her fingertips, her flesh almost completely charred by the creature’s attack. The burning pain as air came into contact with her dehydrated skin was enough to bring tears to Dora’s eyes.

*I - I know that I won't die even if this thing kills me but… dammit this really hurts!* She screamed internally while tears welled up in her eyes. One of the creature’s elemental attacks had literally burned through a quarter of her health and it’s claws had taken a bit more. With nearly thirty percent of her vitality gone Dora decided she should reconsider her approach.

She lifted her right hand, calling forth the muddy red doll core that was her golem. She doubted that it would be fully reformed just yet, but it would serve its purpose. At the same time she moved to call forth her sole weapon, a wooden staff which looked like a series of knots more than something crafted.

“That was just a warm up.” Dora said as she sharpened her senses towards the enemy ahead, her “doll” rapidly taking shape just a few steps away.

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