My Succubus System (18+)


Chapter 219 : The Oracle (2)

“Well. I realize that the training I gave you was a bit...unorthodox, but you really should have a better grip on how to utilize your dolls. For..something other than running interference I mean.” Zero remarked, a worried expression overtaking his features.


“Well, if someone wasn’t so keen on beating their own brand of strength into these bones…” Dora countered as she knelt down. Her clothing was in tatters, largely due to the “unorthodox” training she’d endured at Zero’s hands during their time together.


“Relax. I know how it works I just…” Dora paused as she glanced around.


“I don’t see anything worthy of making a doll from. There’s just grass and dirt here.” She said as she reached into her bosom and pulled out a small, crimson colored orb. The orb was about the size of a large marble, shiny and deeply red like clotted blood.


“That’s a fine Doll core you have there. I’m impressed by someone who’s ‘only’ been in this world for three days.”


“Ha.” Dora laughed to herself. Technically his words ‘were’ true, but due to Zero’s powers and unusual techniques Dora was able to actually spend closer to three months in a compressed time space. It was this man’s way of joking, an intellectual sense of humor that she’d grown accustomed to. This was largely because he was the first person she’d actually carried on a conversation with since arriving in Adventia.


“I’ve been condensing this and feeding it mana ever since the first day.” She said before adding, “Although, if you ask me it’s pretty pointless since the real development didn’t begin until I reached rank one. What’s up with that anyway? Why does everyone start so weak?” Dora asked as she pressed her thumb into the ground, creating a space for the crimson orb.


“You can’t just give power away to people. Then they do reckless and irresponsible things.” Zero said as he too knelt down next to Dora.


“Well, that’s true. But it’s basically like being a baby all over again -- all things considered. It must be one of your weird, whimsical tests.” She muttered as she cut her eyes towards Zero. The man just chuckled to himself and watched intently while Dora placed the crimson colored orb into the hole and then covered it with dirt. She then stood up and took a few steps back, closing her eyes. Zero joined her, once again standing next to her.


A thin veil of mana ebbed forth from Dora as Zero stood nearby watching.


“Mhm. Passable mana control and efficiency. Good good.” He commented, shaking his head in affirmation.


“Shut up. I’m concentrating.” Dora replied without moving a muscle, save for her lips. Zero simply smirked accompanied by a shrug as he allowed the woman to go about her spell work.


As Zero suggested during their training sessions, the place he’d taken her to was ‘special’. She could now understand one of the benefits of training there. It was much harder to call forth and maintain mana in that place, training under those conditions caused her ability to shift and call mana to blossom. It only took a moment to prevent a wellspring of mana from bursting forth.


*Don’t want to break the doll core.* She thought to herself. She imagined the crimson orb buried beneath the dirt, pulsing like a beating heart as she began to feed her mana into it.


*I should start making another one right away. This one can’t even contain a third of the energy I want to imbue it with.* Her emotions turned sour at this thought, after all -- what’s the use of having a weak doll?


She dismissed the thought and continued to focus, filling the crimson red doll core with mana until it throbbed. When finally the magical tool was filled completely she opened her eyes and flourished her hand in the direction of the dirt mound. As if a living creature was buried beneath the surface, the ground bulged upwards causing pebbles to roll in various directions. Dora’s magical aura flared as she forced tendrils of mana and matter to shoot outwards from the core.


These tendrils quickly transformed into roots, taking on the shape of a starfish before the earth nearby began to resonate. The mana was so dense that it looked like steam, rising from the affected areas of the ground. And then something began to emerge. Weeds and errant tree roots began to snap as the dirt burst and popped.


The creature, Dora’s new ‘doll’ had now come into being. It lifted itself upwards, with the appearance of heaving in its first breath. In reality it had no such need for oxygen. The doll was at least twice as tall as it’s master and almost entirely of earth. Rock, dirt clumps, weeds and patches of grass covered the creature.


“A golem isn’t a bad first choice. But I would have gone with an animal type, personally..” Zero commented.


“....What? I can do that?” Dora asked.


“Why didn’t you say that before I started?” She asked, feeling somewhat annoyed.


“You told me to shut up so…” Zero offered, attempting to contain a stifled laugh.


“Ugh. Annoying. It’s no wonder people don’t pray to you.” Dora said as she shook her head in disapproval.


“People don’t pray to me because I don’t need them to.” Zero corrected, he then took a single step to create some distance between them. The movement, one Dora had seen many times over their time spent together, was something she dubbed a ‘flash-step’. She could even pull it off if she so desired although not as well as he.


“I don’t think this Doll will be able to withstand atma, I’m afraid.” Zero remarked as he inspected her handiwork.


“At least not until you level up your core work. For now I’d limit the atma use to yourself. All things considered, it’s probably the most powerful ‘first doll’ ever created.” Zero said. Dora realized it was his way of offering a compliment but she dismissed it entirely.


*I could have made something useful, like a bird or a wolf. I could have made both!* Her annoyance manifested in her face, causing her brow to furrow.


*Now I can’t do anything until this one gets destroyed. And then there’s the matter of remaking another core. Ugh.* She thought inwardly as she glanced towards the silent, lumbering human-shaped earth mass. It’s head, if it could even be called that, was circular shaped with no features save the same crimson orb which served as the golem’s eye. It’s shoulders were broad, giving it’s upper body more of a triangular shape. It’s arms were thick, with round knots at the shoulder joints and forearms which were thick and bulky. Each hand had three fingers, the bare minimum to grab and take hold of anything. By comparison it’s lower body was smaller and less sturdy. 


It made Dora wonder how the creature managed to stay standing if she was honest.


*Well, maybe it’s not all bad.* She thought.


“So are you ready? I’ve got a few other things to do and I’d rather not be late.” Zero asked as he folded his arms.


*He knows all the right things to say...when he wants to annoy someone.* Dora thought inwardly as she suppressed a throbbing vein in her temple.


“Fine. I’m ready.” She practically growled. The lavender haired woman sank down into a ready stance, she wasn’t a martial artist by any means but she’d picked up a few pointers from the man opposite her.


“Atma.” Zero said, a reminder of the exercise’s true purpose.


“Oh. Yea..” She replied. It was true, in her annoyance she’d completely forgotten to activate her divine energy. She thought back to how she struggled to keep her own mana in check just moments ago and she realized that Zero actually had a valid point.


*Energy that massive, overflowing wildly really would cause a catastrophe.* She pushed all extraneous thoughts from her mind, stifling even her petty annoyance until she could feel a modicum of nirvana. She had a feeling that this would be dozens of times more difficult than usual.


She then called forth all of her mana, using it to form a dense shroud of energy which covered Dora from head to toe. This was an important precursor to connecting with the atma, at least she was told as much.


*Now comes the hard part.* She thought inwardly. The truth was she’d only been privy to using this particular ability for the last couple of weeks. Zero said that her mastery of it was uncommonly good, but Dora had to disagree. She hated the feeling which came from using atma.


*It’s like standing in front of a giant wall waiting to be crushed.* She thought as she extended her mind and mana beyond herself. Immediately ‘something’ began to reach out as well. Dora felt a rush of energy overcome her, almost immediately as the mana particles around her began to react.  Suddenly it felt like she’d been displaced, standing before a massive wall as a great stream of rushing energy moved in her direction.


Dora struggled to remember the exact mental image that helped her direct this sort of power. According to Zero it was different for everyone. For Dora she imagined the ‘power’ flowing through a small opening that she could enlarge or shrink at will. She restricted the flow until the energy surrounding her was less ‘heavy’ and more manageable. When all was said and done Dora opened her eyes and was pleased to see that her mental imagery worked. Her body was now shrouded in a vibrant white aura which seemed alive of its own accord.


“Excellent. And you didn’t even blow anything up.” Zero said with a smile. “I knew you could do it.”


Dora couldn’t help but smile, despite the fact that she was still struggling against the pressure of restricting the flow of power within her. After the power settled all that she felt was pure energy, as if she’d never tire. This energy filled her, penetrating every atom and molecule of her body from her toenails to her hair and all between.


The feeling was indescribable. As a test of her power she lifted her foot and bought it downward with a gentle stamp. The earth easily gave way, causing her foot to sink several centimeters into the ground. It was both amazing and frightening.


*What could you possibly need this kind of power to fight?* She thought inwardly as she fixed her gaze upon the man across from her. He hadn’t even bothered to enter the same state as Dora, nevertheless he stood motionless and smiling.


“Come.” His expression was placid, yet the swirling energy within his gaze only served to excite the woman.


“Fine. It’s your funeral.” She said, offering some cocky bravado.


“I would only be so lucky.” Zero replied as he placed one hand behind his back, using the other to motion for her advance.


Hey folks. Sorry for the long absence. Change can be a difficult thing to deal with, whether physical, emotionally or mentally. I've been getting bombarded from many angles - lost a purpose and I'm on a journey to find a new one. In short, I'm striving to be a better person and live the life I have. A part of that is no longer neglecting myself, hence my distraction and absence here on Scribblehub. That being said, the fiction is actually at chapter 318 as of yesterday. My pace slowed, but I still worked behind the scenes where I could. Thanks for your interest - and patience, it means a lot.

- Ren

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